世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/25 21:20
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  • I would like to study English language at university.

  • I would like to study English literature at college.

Both of these answers tells someone that you would like to go to either college or university and study English. There are two main English study areas - English language and English literature. If you know what university or college you want to study at you could include that in the sentence and say "I would like to study English language at the university of Surrey."
どちらの例も、[大学](に行って英語を[勉強](したいと伝えています。 英語学習は主に二つの分野に分けられます、言語学と英文学です。 また、どこの大学で学びたいかを入れて: I would like to study English language at the university of Surrey. (サリー大学で英語の言語学を勉強したいです) ↑こんな言い方もできます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I want to do English at uni

We rarely use the word 'study' when referring to subjects we are undertaking at a learning institution. We prefer the verb 'to do' in the UK.
イギリス人は、[大学](などの教育機関で学ぶ[科目](を"study"(勉強する)という言葉を用いることは殆どありません。イギリスでは、"to do"(~する)という言い方を好みます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to go to college/university to study English.

  • I want to study English at college/university.

As we learn a new language, we may want to expand our language skills and take more courses in schools, colleges, and universities. If we want to mention that we would like to further our studies in this aspect, we could say some things such as: 1) I want to go to college/university to study English. 2) I want to study English at college/university.
新しい言葉を学んでいる時は、力を付けて、学校、大学でさらに勉強したいと思うかもしれません。この意味を表す場合、例えば以下のように言えます: 1) I want to go to college/university to study English. (英語を学ぶために、大学へ行きたいです ) 2) I want to study English at college/university. (大学で英語を学ぶたいです)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I want to study English at a college

  • I want to major in English at university

When you want to explain that you want to study English at university level, then you can say: -I want to study English at a college -I want to major in English at university
大学レベルで英語を学びたい事を説明したいなら、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -I want to study English at a college (大学で英語を学びたいです) -I want to major in English at university (大学で英語を専攻したいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to major in English.

  • I want to do my bachelor's course in English studies.

In the first phrase, the word major implies that you are going to university and will be studying English. It is very commonly used between people. A: What are you majoring in? B: I'm majoring in English with a minor in Women's Studies. This means that your main studies are English Studies while registering for a few courses in Women's Studies. It is another way of saying Bachelor's Degree. Hope this helps!
一つ目の例のmajorは、大学に行って英語を学ぶことを表しています。 これはすごくよく使われます。 A: What are you majoring in? (あなたの専攻は何?) B: I'm majoring in English with a minor in Women's Studies. (主専攻は英語で副専攻は女性学です) これは、女性学の授業もいくつか取っているが主に学んでいるのは英語、という意味です。 Bachelor's Degreeの別の言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I want to study English as a university student.

You probably already study English at your school so this is a way to specifically state that when you are in university that you would like to study English. I hope that this helps :)
多分にもうすでに学校で英語を勉強しているだと思います。例文では、大学に入ったら英語を学びたいと具体的に言っています。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I want to study English at university.

  • I'd like to continue studying English at university.

"I'd like to continue studying English at a university." You are currently studying English on your own so you can say, 'continue studying'. You can say college/ university for these examples. "I want to study English at university. " You can say this to be straightforward and say you want to study English during your time at university.
例: I'd like to continue studying English at a university. 大学で英語を学び続けたいです。 現在自分で英語を勉強しているので、'continue studying'と言えます。この2つの例文では、college、またはuniversityどちらも言うことができます。 例: I want to study English at university. 大学で英語を勉強したいです。 これは、単刀直入に、大学にいる間は英語の勉強をしたいと言っています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I am hoping to study English in college

  • I intend to study English in college

I am hoping to study English in college I intend to study English in college I will be studying English when I got to college. I have enrolled in an English course
I am hoping to study English in college 大学で英語を勉強したいと思っています。 I intend to study English in college 大学で英語を勉強するつもりです。 I will be studying English when I go to college. 大学に入ったら、英語を勉強するつもりです。 I have enrolled in an English course 英文科に入学しました。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to study English

  • Studying English at college is a strong desire of mine.

These two phrases are very different and they mean the same thing. They both express a desire to do something however they will be used at two different times. The first phrase will be used within a daily conversation. This will be for a friend, someone on your level or a family member. However if you are being interviewed or you have to show respect in a formal setting you would use the latter phrase.
この二つのフレーズは全然違いますが、意味は同じです。どちらも願望を表します。ただ、使う場面は異なります。 一つ目のフレーズは日常会話で使われます。友達や家族、対等な立場の人に対してです。 ただ、面接であったり丁寧さが求められるフォーマルな場面では、二つ目のフレーズが使えます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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