世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/26 06:50
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  • The internet has opened up the world.

  • The internet allows us to see all of the latest news from around the world.

Opened up' means that something has become easier to access. In this case we are saying that information or any media from different parts of the world have become easier and quicker to access.
"Opened up"は、何かがより簡単に[アクセス](し易くなったことを意味します。この場合、世界中のあちこちで[発信される](情報またはその他のメディアに、より簡単に、より素早くアクセスできるようになった、という意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • With the internet you are able to have access to the latest information.

Instead of saying "you are able," you can also use "can.""Latest" means newest. I hope that this helps :)
"You are able"の代わりに "can" を使えます。"Latest"は[最新](という意味です。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • You can easily access the most recent information on the Internet.

  • It is convenient, because the latest information is available on the Internet.

  • The Internet keeps the most up-to-date information available at your fingertips.

Easily, it is convenient, and at your fingertips all are ways we state that something is easy to access. At your fingertips is a phrase that shows that something is easily within your reach. It is convenient and easily both make it is clear that it is something that is not difficult to access. Most recent, latest, most up-to-date all make clear that something is the most current available at this point in time.
"easily" と "it is convenient" "at your fingertips" これらはどれも、あるものが利用しやすいことを表す言い方です。 "at your fingertips" は、あるものがすぐに手の届くところにあることを表すフレーズです。 "it is convenient" と "easily" はどちらも、あるものが利用しやすいことを表します。 "most recent" と "latest" "most up-to-date" これらは全てそれが最新のことであることを伝えます。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • The internet is always bang up to date

  • The internet is constantly being updated

The latest information about anything is always available on the internet. If something is 'bang up to date' it means that it is the very latest version of something, be it fashion, a new development or news.
インターネット上では、あらゆることについての最新情報が常に手に入ります。「bang up to date」は、ファッションやニュース等、最新のものであることを表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You can find the latest information on the internet, regardless of where you are and when you want it.

  • Regardless of time or situation, the internet is a great option for finding the latest information.

  • The internet is really helpful for finding new information at any time or place.

There are various ways to express this. It is a sentence that contains two statements so the sentence will be a little bit longer. "Regardless" is a good word to use in this situation because it means that the speaker has considered other situations that could negatively affect or test the truth of the main statement and the speaker still believes the main statement is true. So basically, the internet is great to find new information and it doesn't even matter where you are or the current time that you need the information. "At any time or place" is an effective way to express the convenience of the internet and "helpful" means that something is beneficial or good for a specific purpose. Another word that can be used in place of "new" is "current." Hope that helps and thanks!
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 ここでは二つの事柄について扱っているので少し長い文になります。 "Regardless"(にかかわらず)はこの状況にピッタリの言葉です。これは、話し手が自らの主張に反する可能性のある事も考慮した上でそれについて伝えていることを表します。インターネットがあれば、いつどこにいるかにかかわらず最新の情報を入手できると伝えています。 "At any time or place" はインターネットの便利さを表す効果的な言い方です。"Helpful" は「役に立つ」「便利な」という意味です。 "New" の代わりに "Current" を使うこともできます。 参考になれば幸いです、ありがとうございました!
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • The internet allows us to see the latest news

  • The internet is updated constantly/regularly with the latest news

If you are talking about information that is new then you use the term 'latest' if something is changed so that better or more information is added it is called 'updated' constantly means all the time / regularly means very often
最新の情報について言う場合、'latest' という言葉が使えます。 'updated' は、より良いまたはより多くの情報を加えるために何かを変えることをいいます。 'constantly' は「常に」という意味です。 'regularly' は「頻繁に」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The internet is a fount of information.

  • One can access the internet for up-to-the-minute information on almost anything.

The internet is a fount of information. A fount refers to something /someone who is very knowledgeable and has a near-endless supply of information where and when you need it . One can access the internet for up-to-the-minute information on almost anything. Getting up-to-the-minute information means obtaining the latest information that is current, new, etc.
The internet is a fount of information.(インターネットは情報の泉です) "fount" とは、すごく知識が豊富で、必要なときに必要な場所であらゆる情報を提供してくれる人あるいは物をいいます。 ---- One can access the internet for up-to-the-minute information(インターネットがあれば最新の情報を得られる) "up-to-the-minute information" は「最新情報」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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