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2018/07/27 08:04
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  • Because of the fact that the trains in Japan in punctual, people often get upset when the train is only 5 minutes late.

"Because of" talks about cause and effect. The cause in this case is that Japanese people are very punctual and the result is that they get upset when the train is a little late. I hope that this helps :)
"Because of"(○○のせいで、○○のおかげで)は因果関係を表すフレーズです。この場合、日本人の時間厳守な国民性が原因で、電車が少しでも遅れると苛立つというのが、その結果です。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Despite Japanese trains being famous for their punctuality, some commuters get irritated if there is just a short delay.

There are two elements to the explanation - the punctuality of trains in general, and some commuters' displeasure if they are barely late.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese trains are always on time despite people getting angry when the trains are five minutes late!

  • Trains in Japan are always on time. However, when when it is five minutes late, people get frustrated and angry.

Japanese trains are always on time despite people getting angry when the trains are five minutes late! 日本の電車はいつも時間通りにくる。しかし、電車が遅いと、みんな怒る! Trains in Japan are always on time. However, when it is five minutes late, people get frustrated and angry. 日本では、電車が時間通りにくる。しかし、5分遅れると、みんな怒ってイライラする。 on time=時間通り(使いやすい単語です) ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Public transport in Japan is very efficient, especially the trains. If a train is only a few minutes late people can get annoyed.

Efficient' means that something is well organised and run to a high standard. Often when a service is of such a high standard customers can become irritated or annoyed if on an occasion when they happen to be using the service it falters or in this case the train is late. Public transport refers to any transport system that the public can pay to use. This includes trains, subways and buses.
"Efficient"(効率良い)は、物事の流れがきちんと整理されていて高いレベルで実施されることを意味します。常にレベルの高いサービスに慣れてしまうと、ミスが起きたときに(この場合は、電車が遅れて来ること)お客さんは苛立ちを覚えることがあります。 "Public transport"は、電車・地下鉄・バスなどの有料公共交通機関のことです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The trains in Japan are very punctual, so Japanese people often get irritated even when it is only 5 minutes late

  • Japanese people get irritated when the train is late as it is always very punctual

When something runs on time it is called 'punctual' If someone gets annoyed or frustrated this is also called 'irritated' So a good way of saying this is 'Japanese people get irritated when the train is late, as it is always very punctual'
何かが時間に正確なことは、'punctual' と表せます。 イライラすることは、'annoyed' や 'frustrated' に加えて、'irritated' でも表せます。 ですから、例えば次のように言えます。 'Japanese people get irritated when the train is late, as it is always very punctual' (日本の電車はいつも時間に正確なので遅れると日本人はイライラします)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Because of Japan's famed punctuality in the public transport sector, even a short delay is irksome too many.

  • Many Japanese are intolerant of any delays on public transport,albeit rarely happens.

By saying "because" the reader is expecting the two statements to be directly linked. "Japan's public transport system is extremely punctual, so any delays caused, no matter what the reason is very annoying to most. As a result, many have not had to practice tolerance in this regard."
"because" は二つの発言が直接関連していること表します。 "Japan's public transport system is extremely punctual, so any delays caused, no matter what the reason is very annoying to most. As a result, many have not had to practice tolerance in this regard." ↓ 【訳】 日本の交通機関はとても時間に正確なので理由は何であれ少しでも遅れるとイライラする人が多いです。結果として、この点に関して寛容さが試されたことがないのです。
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • People aren't used to the trains being late.

"Used to" is a great way to say that something happens regularly and when the event doesn't occur, you feel strange about it. For example, "I'm not used to the new work schedule." Thanks!
"Used to" は、あることがいつも起こるので、それがないと不思議な気持ちになることを伝えるすごく良い言い方です。 例えば: "I'm not used to the new work schedule." (新しい仕事のスケジュールに慣れていません) ありがとうございました!
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan it isn't normal for trains to be late.

  • The train may be a little late, but this isn't typical.

  • Even if the train is only five minutes late, Japanese people can be very irritated.

"Normal" or "typical" are adjectives used to describe something common. "Even if" in this sentence means, despite the fact that-. "Only five minutes" means that the time is short.
"Normal" または "Typical" は、ありふれた事を表す形容詞です。 この文の "Even if" は「~という事実にもかかわらず」という意味です。 "Only five minutes"(たった5分)は、その時間が短いことを表します。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
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