世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/27 22:41
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  • The next station is usually packed with people attempting to get on the train.

Packed- is a synonym for the word crowded. It can also mean uncomfortably close.
Kiara C DMM英会話講師
  • The next station is always crowded with people trying to get on the train.

  • There are so many people in Shibuya trying to get on the train.

  • The train is about to get crowded from passengers in Shibuya.

Usually it is said as a warning for your friend to make some room for the people trying to get on the train. You can also say it to a passenger nearby who doesn't know and is standing close to the doors. Keep a good distance from the doors so the crowd hurrying inside don't push you out of the way while trying to get on. passengers: are people who ride transportation vehicles like cars, buses or trains. Hope this helps!
通常、電車に乗ろうとしている他の乗客のためにスペースを空けるための注意喚起として言います。知らずにドアの近くに立っている乗客に言う場合にも使えます。 大勢の乗客が電車に入り込むときに奥に追いやられないように、ドアから離れましょう。 "Passengers"は、車・バス・電車にのる人達のことです。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • It always gets busy here.

★ポイント:「いつもこの駅で混むんだよね」→ It always gets busy here. 「混でいる」という状態(is)ではなく、「混む」という変化/動き(get) であることがポイントですね。 英語職人☺
  • A lot of people get onto the train at Shibuya. It makes the journey uncomfortable.

There is nothing worse when on a journey than a crowded train. When trains are not crowded they are a very comfortable way to travel, but as soon as the trains become very busy they become 'uncomfortable' and it is hard to relax.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • It's always congested at this station.

  • This place is always packed.

"Packed" is another way of saying "crowded" as well as "congested". "The word "packed" is more common in American slang, and "crowded" is a more formal and less used word.
"packed" は "congested" と同様、"crowded"(混雑した)の別の言い方です。 アメリカのスラングでは "packed" の方が一般的です、"crowded" はフォーマルで "packed" ほど使われません。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • The train always totally fills up when we arrive at Shibuya

To fill up' means that the storage capacity of something (in this case, a train) is reached. "Please fill up my cup with coffee."
To fill up'とは、何かを貯える容量(この場合電車)にたどり着くという意味です。 "Please fill up my cup with coffee." コーヒーをカップに入れてください。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The train always gets crowded when we stop here

  • The train always gets busy when we stop at Shibuya

When a train is crowded with passengers you can also call the train 'busy' or 'alot of passengers' if you are talking about a particular stop then you can say 'when we stop here' although you could also mention that stop or location to explain where
電車が混雑している(crowded)ことは、'busy'や'a lot of passengers'でも表せます。 特定の駅について言っているなら、 'when we stop here'(ここで止まると) と言えます。また、その駅や場所の具体的な名前を挙げて説明することもできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Shibuya passengers always crowd the train.

  • The train always gets crowded when it stops at Shibuya.

If the train gets crowded the at the Shibuya station, then you can refer to the new, crowded passengers as 'Shibuya passengers' because that is the place they came from. This does not mean that all the people live in Shibuya. It just means they all boarded the train from the Shibuya station. You can say this for any other city's train station. If you do not want to refer to the passengers, then you can state that the train becomes crowded the moment the trains stops at Shibuya.
電車が渋谷駅で混雑するなら、渋谷駅で新しく乗ってくる乗客のことを'Shibuya passengers'と表せます。これは、その人たちが渋谷に住んでいるという意味ではありません。単に、渋谷駅で乗車したという意味です。これは、他のどんな町の駅にも使えます。 もし乗客について言及したくないなら、「渋谷に着くと電車が混雑する」という言い方ができます(→例2)。
Miranda DMM英語講師
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