世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/27 23:41
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  • There are good transport links

  • It is easy to get around.

  • The public transport here is very good.

Transport link - a transport link covers all forms of transport (bus, train, plane etc). A: I'm concerned about my trip abroad. I think I will get lost. B: Don't worry, there are great transport links in and around the city. You can get around very easily.
There are good transport links 交通網が発達しています It is easy to get around. [移動](がとてもしやすいです The public transport here is very good. ここの[公共交通機関](はとても優れています 「Transport link(交通網)」にはあらゆる交通機関が含まれます(バス、電車、飛行機など) A: I'm concerned about my trip abroad. I think I will get lost.(旅行のことがちょっと不安で。迷子になるんじゃないかな) B: Don't worry, there are great transport links in and around the city. You can get around very easily.(心配いらないよ。交通機関がしっかりしているから、移動は楽だよ)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • The public transport is really good in my city

  • The transportation links are very advanced in my city

Both of these sentences are saying the same thing. "The public transport is really good in my city" is in more simple terms saying that it is easy to get anywhere because of the public transport. Whereas the second sentence, "The transportation links are very advanced in my city" is a better way to say this. "Transportation links" refers to public transport. And 'advanced' just means very developed. If a public transport system is advanced, then it reaches lots of places.
どちらの文も言っていることは同じです。 "The public transport is really good in my city"(私の[住んでいる](街は交通機関が整っている)は、よりシンプルな言葉で、[公共交通機関](が整っているのでどこに行くにも楽なことを表しています。 二つ目の "The transportation links are very advanced in my city"(私の住んでいる街は交通機関がすごく発達している)の方が良い言い方です。 "transportation links" は「公共交通機関」を指します。 'advanced' は「すごく発達している」という意味です。公共交通機関について 'advanced' と言うと、「多くの場所に行き届いている」という意味になります。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • The transportation system is very well advanced here. It makes going anywhere so easy!

  • The public transportation system is great in my city! I can easily get to any place I want!

  • I love the transportation system in my city! It takes me anywhere I want to be!

When describing the public transportation system you can use the word "public" with it or not. The meaning will be the same. Words like "advanced", "great", "super" and "the best" are all ways that you can describe a perfect public transportation system. It indicates that the system works well and can be easily used as well as taking you to your destination in a swift manner. Hope this helps!
公共交通機関について説明するとき、"public"という単語を付けても付けなくても意味は変わらないのでOKです。 形容詞の"advanced"、"great"、"super"、"the best"は、完璧な公共交通機関を表す単語です。交通機関のシステムが大変効率よく、迅速に目的地まで連れて行ってくれることを表します。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • The public transport in my city is really good.

  • It's easy to get around my city because the public transport is good.

  • You can get around my city easily because we have a good public transport system.

All of these sentences give the same message - that the public transport system is good! Public transport refers to all transportation, for example the bus, train, metro, underground. You could be more specific if one is better than the others, for example: 'it is easy to get around my city via train', or 'the buses here are really good!'. You could also substitute the word good for more expressive words such as, 'great', 'excellent', 'brilliant', 'fantastic', depending on how good the transport is. You could use specific words to describe why the transport is good: 'The public transport in my city is (really) fast' 'The public transport in my city is (really) quiet' 'The public transport in my city is (really) cheap' 'The public transport in my city is (really) clean'
これらの文はどれも伝えていることは同じです、「公共交通機関が良い」ということ。 'public transport' はあらゆる交通機関を指します、例えばバス・電車・地下鉄など。 特に優れたものがあるなら、それを具体的に伝えることもできます。 例えば: 'It is easy to get around my city via train' 「私の街は電車での移動が楽です」 'The buses here are really good!' 「ここのバスはすごく良いです」 また、どの程度優れているかによって、'good' の代わりにより感情豊かな言葉を使うこともできます。例えば: 'great', 'excellent', 'brilliant', 'fantastic' より具体的な言葉を使ってどうして良いのか説明することもできます。 'The public transport in my city is (really) fast' 「私の街の交通機関は(すごく)速い」 'The public transport in my city is (really) quiet' 「私の街の交通機関は(すごく)静か」 'The public transport in my city is (really) cheap' 「私の街の交通機関は(すごく)安い」 'The public transport in my city is (really) clean' 「私の街の交通機関は(すごく)きれい」
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • Its easy to get around the citty because of the different public transportations you can use

  • Living in the city there are many forms of transportation for the public

  • I am use to the city because it is easy to get around with all the transportation

Some people find that living in the city is what they like. One of the biggest benefits is that public transportation is available in many ways. There is the train or metro the public bus lines or taxis and car services. Its easy to get around the citty because of the different public transportations you can use Living in the city there are many forms of transportation for the public I am used to the city because it is easy to get around with all the transportation
都会に住むのが好きな人もいますね。最大のメリットの一つは交通機関が整っていることです。電車や地下鉄、バス、タクシーなどがあります。 It's easy to get around the city because of the different public transportations you can use (交通機関が整っているのでその街の移動は楽です) Living in the city there are many forms of transportation for the public (都会にはいろいろな交通機関が整っています) I am used to the city because it is easy to get around with all the transportation (都会の生活に慣れています、交通機関が整っていて移動が楽です)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • "It's easy to get anywhere because there we have good public transport"

  • "There are very good transport links in the city which I live in"

If you live in the city and you would like to explain to whomever you are talking to that it is easy to get anywhere because there is good public transport, you could say any of the following: "It's easy to get anywhere because there we have good public transport" or "There are very good transport links in the city which I live in". Both these sentences communicate this effectively.
都会に住んでいて、「交通機関が整っているのでどこに行くにも楽」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "It's easy to get anywhere because there we have good public transport"(交通機関が整っているのでどこに行くにも楽です) "There are very good transport links in the city which I live in"(私の住んでいる街では交通機関が整っています) どちらの文でも、これについて効果的に説明できます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • we have execllent public transport in our city

  • All routes in and around the city are excellently served by public transport

The first sentence is quite enough to convey that your city has a great transport system. From that sentence people would understand that the whole city is well-covered transport wise. The second example sentence adds more detail, although it is a bolder statement and the speaker should ensure there are no exceptions or blind areas of the city that are not 'excellently covered.'
最初の文で十分交通機関がしっかりしていることは伝わります。町全体に交通網が行き届いていることを表します。 二つ目の文はより詳細に表しています。踏みこんだ言い方ですから、交通網に穴や隙間がある場合には使わない方がいいです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's easy to move around because we have good public transport.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It's easy to move around because we have good public transport. 公共交通機関が発達しているのであちこち動き回りやすいです。 public transport で「公共交通機関」という意味になります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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