世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




買い物中に、パンがどれくらい家に残っているか(追加で買ったほうがいいか)を家族に聞くような状況を想定してます。 Q: How much bread do we have left?How many slices of bread do we have left? A: (We have) six slices. のような感じでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。
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2018/07/28 06:52
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  • How much bread do we have?

  • Do we need bread?

  • Is there any bread left?

I commonly have to call someone at home to see whether we need something from the shop or not. I would usually say: 'Do we need ***?'. Example: A: Do we need bread? B: Well there's half a loaf left, what do you think? A: I'll pick some up just in case.
私は普通、お店で何が必要か家の誰かに電話をしなければなりません。私はたいてい、 'Do we need ***?'.(~いる?)と聞きます。 例:  A: Do we need bread?  パンいる? B: Well there's half a loaf left, what do you think?  そうね、一斤の半分残っているけど、どう思う? A: I'll pick some up just in case.  念のため買ってくるよ。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Is there any bread left?

  • Do we still have bread?

  • Shall I get some bread?

When out shopping, you often need to check for any stock at home, I call my family member to ask 'Shall I get some ____' and this will encourage them to check if we have any of that item at home. You can also simply ask: 'Do we have any ____ at home?'
買い物に行くと、家にそれがあるかどうか確認しないといけないことがよくありますね。私は家族に電話して: 'Shall I get some ____?'(____買った方がいい?) と聞きます。こう言うと、家にそれがあるかどうか確認してくれます。 他に、シンプルに: 'Do we have any ____ at home?'(家に____ある?) と言うこともできます。
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Do we need any bread?

When calling home and asking if 'we need' anything we are asking the person at home to check to see how much bread is left. You could apply this to any food at home. "Do we need any milk?"
「Do we need(~要る?)」は、家にいる人にパンがどのくらい残っているのか確認する時に使えます。これはどんな食べ物でもオッケーです: "Do we need any milk?" (ミルク要る?)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Do we still have bread?

  • Is there any bread left?

When you are out food shopping you may sometimes need to call home and ask about the quantity that is still left. You can use this to ask about any item in the house, not only food. You may ask: 'Do we need any _____?' 'Do we still have any _____?'
食品の買い物をしていると、家に電話をしてどのくらい残っているか確認しないといけないことがありますね。これは、食品に限らず、家にあるものすべてに使えます。 例えば: 'Do we need any _____?'(_____要る?) 'Do we still have any _____?'(_____まだある?)
Kiara C DMM英会話講師
  • How much bread is left?

  • Do we still have bread?

  • Do we have bread at home or should I get some?

People generally ask this when calling their family or housemate when they're at the supermarket shopping. Any of the three phrases can be used but the last phrase shows that you are not in the supermarket but are on your way back home and have remembered to pick up some groceries. Hope this helps!
スーパーで買い物をしているときに、家族やハウスメイトに電話をしながらこう聞くのは一般的なことです。 3つのどのフレーズでも、使うことができますが、最後のフレーズは、あなたはスーパーにはいないが、家に帰る途中で食品を買いにいくことを思い出したことを表します。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any bread left?

  • Do I need to buy any bread?

  • Any idea how much bread we have left?

Well, if time is of the essence, it is always quicker to ask a closed question as in the first example, in order to get a rapid yes or no response. In a normal conversation, the listener would then elucidate with a follow up sentence such as: "There's only one slice left," or, "It's nearly all gone." In the second example sentence you simply ask if it's necessary to buy any bread. This may be appropriate when speaking to a partner or person able to make this decision. In the final sentence, it could be that the listener is not in the vicinity of the kitchen - perhaps taking a bath or in the garden. You may rely upon your joint recollection of how much bread is left in order to buy, or not buy, bread.
急いでいるときは、最初の例文のように、イエスまたはノー、どちらかを即答できる質問をするのが手っ取り早いですね。通常の会話では、聞き手が「あと一切れしかない」または「殆どない」などの明確なフォローをすると思います。 二つ目の例文は、パンを買った方がいいかどうか、単刀直入に聞いています。このような質問の仕方は、相手に決定権がある場合が適切かもしれませんね。 最後の例文は、相手がキッチンの近くに居ない(例えば、お風呂に入っている、或いは、お庭に居る)シチェーションです。相手と一緒に、あとどのくらいパンが残っているかの記憶を頼りに、買う買わないを決めてもいいかもしれませんね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How much bread is there at home?

  • How much bread do we have at home/the house?

"How much bread is there at home?" and "How much bread do we have at home/the house?" are both ways to check and see how much bread you still have at you house, so that you know how much to buy.
"How much bread is there at home?" "How much bread do we have at home/the house?" (家にパンはどのくらいありますか) どちらも、パンを買うとき、どのくらい家に残っているのか確認する言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • How much bread do we have left?

  • How much bread is left?

To ask how much bread you have left at home, you can say: "How much bread do we have left?" "How much bread is left?"
家にパンがどのくらい残っているかは、次のように確認できます。 "How much bread do we have left?" "How much bread is left?" (パンはどのくらい残っていますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • How much bread do we have left?

  • Do we still have bread?

  • Should I buy some more bread?

How much bread do we have left? あとどれくらいパン残ってる? Do we still have bread? まだパンある? Should I buy some more bread? もっとパン買った方がいい? 上記のような英語フレーズを使うことができます。 how much bread do we have で「どれくらいパンある」を表すことができます。
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