To find out the purpose of, or reason for something, you may use the question word 'Why'.
Eg. A: "Why are you standing up?"
B: "Because there aren't any chairs."
A: "Why are you standing up?"
B: "Because there aren't any chairs."
You can use any of these if you want to ask someone why they are studying English.
People study English for many different reasons like for travel, for work etc. You can also ask:
Why are you studying English? Are you planning to travel overseas?
When did you start studying English? Was there any particular reason for it?
Do you have a reason for studying English or do you just like the language?
Why are you studying English? Are you planning to travel overseas?
When did you start studying English? Was there any particular reason for it?
Do you have a reason for studying English or do you just like the language?
When you do something then there is usually always a reason for doing it - so by studying English it might help you with work or to go travelling
Motivation is when you want to complete a goal to do something
Sometimes when we are talking to someone who is learning English, we might be curious about their reasons for learning English.
Some different polite ways that we can ask them about this are:
1) What is your motivation for studying English?
2) What motivated you to start studying English?
3) What inspired you to start learning English?
1) What is your motivation for studying English?(英語を勉強するモチベーションになっているのは何ですか)
2) What motivated you to start studying English?(どうして英語を勉強しようと思ったのですか)
3) What inspired you to start learning English?(どうして英語を勉強しようと思ったのですか)
What are some of the reasons why you are studying English?
This is a way to get right to the heart of things. If you ask "Why are you..." this allows the responder to ponder and come up with some thoughts, which may not be very clear, like: "I thought it would be interesting." However, if you ask directly for reasons, then you should obtain a clear list of why they are studying.
"Why are you..." と尋ねると、相手はこれについて考えて、浮かんだ考えを話してくれますが、あまり明確ではないかもしれません。例えば:
"I thought it would be interesting."(面白いだろうと思った)
1.What is your motivation for studying English?
2.Why did you choose to learn English?
しかし、「Why are you studying English?」でもぜんぜん大丈夫と思います!
1. "How come" is a more advanced way of saying "why are you?". "Currently" puts an emphasis on the time you are referring to.
2. Asking for the "drive" to learn a language is like asking for the motivation.
"For what purpose do you learn and study English?" this is a formal and polite what of phrasing this particular sentence, 'purpose' is defined by the reason why you do something.
"Why is it that you study English?" again a very easy and formal phrase commonly used by natives
"For what purpose do you learn and study English?"(どのような目的で英語を勉強されているんですか)
= これはフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。'purpose' は、何かをする理由をいいます。
"Why is it that you study English?"(どうして英語を勉強されるのですか)
= シンプルでフォーマルなフレーズです、ネイティブがよく使います。