世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/03 19:12
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  • I met with a friend from High School.

  • I hung out with a friend from High School.

  • I went to see a movie with a friend from High School.

Mahoさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1.I met with a friend from High School. [高校](の時の[友達](と[遊んだ](。 2.I hung out with a friend from High School. 高校の時の友達と遊んだ。 3. I went to see a movie with a friend from High School. 高校の時の友達と映画を見にいった。 P.S. 2番のto hang outは話し言葉で、かなりカジュアルなことばです。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I went to see a movie with a friend from high school.

  • I went out with a friend from high school to go see a movie.

Sometimes when we are an adult, we find some of our old classmates and friends from our high school years. We might want to make plans to talk about the past or just to have fun together. A movie is a good way to relax and have fun with someone. If we want to talk about our experience of doing this with one of our high school classmates, we could use the expressions: 1) I went to see a movie with a friend from high school. 2) I went out with a friend from high school to go see a movie.
時々大人になった時、高校時代の友達や[同級生](に出くわすことがあります。 私たちは昔の事を話したり、ただ単に一緒に集まって楽しく過ごしたりする計画を立てたりします。 誰かと一緒に[楽しく過ごす](には、映画はとてもいいですね。 これを誰かにあなたが高校時代の友達の一人と行ったことを話すとすると、 次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例文】 1) I went to see a movie with a friend from high school. (高校の時の友達と[映画を見に](行きました) 2) I went out with a friend from high school to go see a movie. (高校の時の友達と映画を見に出かけました)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I went to see a movie with an old friend.

  • I went to see a movie with a friend from high school.

An 'old friend' is someone that you were friends with years ago. You are still friends but you do not see each other very often. (It doesn't have anything to do with the persons age.) Mate: Friend You could also say: I went to the movies with an old friend. I went to the cinema with an old mate from high school.
old friendとは、何年か前に友達だった人のことです。まだ友達ですが、とても頻繁にはお互い会いません。(年齢に関係なく) mateは、友達です。 下記のようにも言えます。 I went to the movies with an old friend. 古い友達と映画を観に行きました。 I went to the cinema with an old mate from high school. 高校からの友達と映画を観に行きました。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I went to the movies with an old friend.

  • I caught a movie with a friend from high school.

There are some easy ways to describe this. Depending on your age and how long ago you finished school. While you are a little younger it is easy to say that 'you caught a movie with an old friend.' Not having had many other experiences most friends are made during our school years. If you are slightly older and high school was some time ago - simply explaining that you 'went to the movies with an old friend' might not be enough for people to know that you saw an old high school friend. In this example, you could specify that the friend you went to the movies with was 'a friend from high school.'
いくつか簡単な言い方があります。年齢やどのくらい前に卒業したかによります。 まだ若いうちは「I caught a movie with an old friend(昔なじみと映画を見に行った)」が使いやすいです。学校以外での経験があまりないうちは、友達のほとんどは学生時代に知り合った人です。 もう少し年を取って、高校(high school)を卒業してからしばらく経っている場合、「I went to the movies with an old friend(昔なじみと映画を見に行った)」では、高校時代の友達と会ったと知っている人からすると、不十分に思えるかもしれません。この例では、「a friend from high school(高校時代の友達)」と具体的に言うといいです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • A friend and I went to see a movie.

  • I recently went to see a movie with a friend I have known since High School.

A friend and I went to see a movie. This statement is saying that you went with a friend to see a movie. Here you do not need to say a friend from High school as the assumption is that they are your friend which is good enough. I recently went to see a movie with a friend I have known since High School. This is telling the listener that you went out with a friend that you have known since High School and it was a very recent venture. It also implies that you are far above school age.
A friend and I went to see a movie.(友達と映画を見に行きました) 「友達と映画を見に行きました」という意味です。相手はあなたの友達(friend)でしょうから、'a friend from high school'(高校時代の友達)ではなく、'friend'だけでも大丈夫です。 I recently went to see a movie with a friend I have known since High School.(この間、高校時代の友達と映画を見に行きました) 「この間、高校時代の友達と映画を見に行きました」という意味です。これは、高校を卒業してから相当たっているというニュアンスです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I went to the cinema with a high school buddy

In the UK we favour the words 'the cinema' over 'the movies'. A 'buddy' is an alternative and informal word for 'friend' - like 'mate'. If you are well over high school age, you do not need to mention that it is a friend from when you attended high school, as it's obvious you are not still attending high school.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I went to the movies with an old school friend.

  • I caught a movie with an old schoolmate.

  • I saw a film with an old high school classmate.

I often refer to friends with whom I went to high school as "old school friends." We also call former classmates "schoolmates." In every instance, I would use the word, "old" to refer to someone from my past that I knew formerly. It doesn't mean that the person is old, but rather that I'm referring to a time period when things were different.
私は、高校時代の友達を「old school friends」と言うことが多いです。元クラスメートのことは「schoolmates」とも言います。私は、昔から知っている人について言うときは、どの場合でも、"old"を使います。これはその人が年寄りという意味ではありません。物事が今と違っていた時代を表します。
Amy H English teacher
  • I met up with on old high school friend to go see a movie

  • I went to see a movie with a friend from high school

When you want to explain that you went out to see a movie with an old friend from high school; then you can explain it in the following ways: -I met up with on old high school friend to go see a movie -I went to see a movie with a friend from high school
高校時代の友人と映画を見に行ったことを伝えるフレーズです: -I met up with an old high school friend to go see a movie (高校時代の友達と映画を見に行きました) -I went to see a movie with a friend from high school (高校時代の友達と映画を見に行きました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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