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ジュラシックパークの最新作を見たい と言いたいです。 宜しくお願いいたします。
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2018/08/04 11:37
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  • I'd love to see the latest Jurassic Park film

In the UK, if we have a real yearning to do something, we tend to use adjectives a little stronger than 'like' or 'want'. We all like and want millions of things, so it is hardly worth mentioning any one of them in that case. So you need to use 'love' or 'really want' or some stronger form which expresses how you really feel.
イギリスでは、私達が何かを本当に欲する場合は、「like」や「want」よりやや強い形容詞を使う傾向があります。私達はみな好き(like)で欲しい(want)ものは数え切れないくらいありますから、それについては言及する価値はほとんどありません。ですので、「love」「really want」または本当に好きだということ表すより強い形を使う必要があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I really want to go and see the newest Jurassic Park film at the cinema.

  • Lets go to the cinema to see the new Jurassic Park film.

Both of these answers explains to someone that you wold like to go and watch the new Jurassic Park film at a cinema. The top answer is telling someone that you wish to go and see the film at some point. The second answer is asking/inviting someone to go and watch the film with you.
これらのどちらの表現も、あなたが本当にジュラシックパークの最新作を映画館で見たい、と言う事を言い表しています。 最初の回答は、誰かにその時点であなたがその映画を観たいという事を伝えています。 二番目の回答は、あなたとその映画を一緒に見に行くことを誘っています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I really want to see the newest film in the Jurassic Park series!

  • I can't wait to see the newest film in the Jurassic Park series!

The newest movie in the Jurassic Park series has been released called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Many people have really enjoyed this movie! If you want to express the excitement that you have for seeing this movie, you can say some expressions such as: 1) I really want to see the newest film in the Jurassic Park series! 2) I can't wait to see the newest film in the Jurassic Park series!
ジュラシックパークの最新作は"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom"(ジュラシックワールド炎の王国)として公開されましたね。 多くの人がこの映画を楽しんだ事でしょう! この映画を観たい興奮した気持ちを表したい場合、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例文】 1) I really want to see the newest film in the Jurassic Park series! (ジュラシックパークの最新作が本当に観たい!) 2) I can't wait to see the newest film in the Jurassic Park series! (ジュラシックパークの最新作を見るのが待ちきれない!)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I really want to see the new Jurassic Park movie.

  • I'm excited about the new Jurassic Park film. I really want to see it.

When you want to explain that you'd like to see the new Jurassic Park movie, then you can say it in the following ways: -I really want to see the new Jurassic Park movie. -I'm excited about the new Jurassic Park film. I really want to see it. It would also help to elaborate by giving reasons why you want to see it. For example: -... because I really enjoyed the first one / ones before the new one.
映画、ジェラシック・パークの新作が見たいと言う場合、以下のように表せます: -I really want to see the new Jurassic Park movie. (ジェラシック・パークの最新作が本当に見たいです。) -I'm excited about the new Jurassic Park film. I really want to see it. (ジェラシック・パークの最新作を楽しみにしています。絶対に見たいです。) また、なぜ見たいのかを言ってもいいと思います。 例: ... because I really enjoyed the first one / ones before the new one. (... 第1作/最新作の前の作品が大好きだったので。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm dying to see the newest Jurassic Park movie!

  • I want to see the newest Jurassic Park movie so bad!

dying to see: is a figure of speech used commonly in American culture where it emphasizes your desire and need to do something. It can also be used in other situations like: "I'm dying to try out that new Chinese restaurant!" When adding "so bad" at the end of a sentence like the second phrase it is also another way to express how much you want to do something. "Bad" in this situation doesn't mean unpleasant. "I want to go to sleep so bad!" Hope this helps!
dying to see: 比喩的な言い方です。何かをする願望・必要を強調します。アメリカ文化では一般的に使われます。 以下のような状況でも使うことができます。 "I'm dying to try out that new Chinese restaurant!" (あの新しい中華料理店に行ってみたい!) 2つ目の例のように、文末に "so bad" を加えて、何かをしたい気持ちを強調することもできます。"Bad" はこの場合「悪い、不快な」という意味ではありません。 "I want to go to sleep so bad!" (ものすごく寝たい!) 参考になるといいです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I really want to see the newest Jurassic Park film

  • I'm dying to see the new Jurassic Park movie

In the UK as well as using the term 'movie' we also call this a 'film' a common phrase is 'i'm dying to see' which means you really can't wait to see it although you could also say ' i really want to see'
イギリスでは、「映画」は 'movie' に加えて 'film' ともいいます。 'I'm dying to see' は「見るのが待ちきれない」という意味の一般的なフレーズです。 'I really want to see'(すごく見たい)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I want to see the newest film of the Jurassic Park series"

  • "I would really love to see the new Jurassic Park movie, I think it'll be really good"

  • "I'm so excited to see the new Jurassic Park movie"

If you wanted to see the newest Jurassic Park movie, you could explain this by stating any of the following: "I want to see the newest film of the Jurassic Park series", "I would really love to see the new Jurassic Park movie, I think it'll be really good" or "I'm so excited to see the new Jurassic Park movie".
ジュラシックパークの最新作が見たいときのフレーズです。 "I want to see the newest film of the Jurassic Park series", (ジュラシックパークシリーズの最新作が見たい。) "I would really love to see the new Jurassic Park movie, I think it'll be really good" (新しいジュラシックパークの映画がすごくみたい。とても面白いと思うんだ。)  "I'm so excited to see the new Jurassic Park movie" (最新のジュラシックパークの映画を見るのをとても楽しみにしているんだ。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • i am broke i do not have any money right now.

  • I do not have money now, i can not afford it at the moment.

If you want to let someone know that you have no money you will use the term "broke", which is an informal way of telling them that you have no money. Example. I can not go to the movies with you I am broke. Meaning I can not go to the movies with you I have no money. I can not afford that jacket I am broke at the moment. Note: Being "broke" is not being poor. Broke is temporary situation.
質問が一つ前と一緒になっています。 お金がないこと、金欠であることを "broke"と言います。 例 I can not go to the movies with you I am broke. (あなたと映画に行けないよ。金欠なんだ。)  I can not afford that jacket I am broke at the moment. (今金欠だから、あのジャケットを買う余裕がないな。) 注意: Being "broke"は、貧しいこととは違います。 Brokeは、ちょっとした間の金欠を指します。
Ribar DMM英語講師
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