世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/19 19:49
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  • This PC fires up super quick!

  • This is the fastest booting pc you'll ever see!

"I need to replace my home computer. I've had it for almost 10 years and it still uses Windows XP. It takes about 10 minutes to get going." "Wow, that so bad! Life is too short to be waiting like that. If that was mine, it would drive me crazy!" "Well, how long does your pc take to get going?"" I reckon I have fastest booting pc you'll ever see! It takes about 15 seconds!" "Yes, you're right: I need a new one!"
「私は自宅のコンピュータを交換する必要があります。私は10年近く使っており、Windows XPを使用しています。起動するのに10分かかるんだ。」 「それはきついね、そんな待ってたら人生終わっちゃうよ。俺だったら気が狂っちゃうよ!」 「まあ、あなたのPCはどれくらい時間で起動します?」 「今まで見ている最も速い起動PCを持っていると思うよ!約15秒かな!」 「だよね、新しいの買おう!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The computer starts up very fast.

  • The computer starts up faster than the old one.

If you are comparing one computer we say : "The computer starts up very fast." If you are comparing more than one computer we say: "The computer starts up faster than the old one." If you are comparing more than two computers we say: "The computer starts up fastest as compared to all the computers I have ever owned.
一つのコンピュータであれば、 "The computer starts up very fast." このパソコンは立ち上げが非常に早い。 他のコンピュータと比べているのなら: "The computer starts up faster than the old one." 前のパソコンより立ち上げが早い。 何台ものパソコンと比べているのなら、 "The computer starts up fastest as compared to all the computers I have ever owned. 今まで持っていたパソコンに比べて、一番起動が早い。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • fast boot time

  • fast startup time

  • The computer has a fast boot time

立ち上がりの時間のことを"boot time" または "startup time"といいます。以下のように使えます: As expected, new computer models have fast boot times. やっぱり最新機種は立ち上がりが速い。 是非使ってみてください!
  • This new computer starts up much faster than the old one.

  • The booting time for this pc is so quick.

>This new computer starts up much faster than the old one. *This is saying that the new computer boots/restart very quick. >The booting time for this PC is so quick. *This is explaining that the starting time is very fast
This new computer starts up much faster than the old one. 新しいコンピューターは起動が早いということを意味する表現です。 The booting time for this PC is so quick. (PC)の起動が早いということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The PC/Laptop starts/boots up quickly

  • The computer fires up fast

When talking about a computer then you could have a pc (usually a monitor tower mouse and keyboard A laptop is a portable compter that you can carry with you When a computer starts up quickly then you can say 'starts', 'boots' or 'fires' these all mean when it starts up ready to be used
PC' とは個人用のコンピューターのことで、普通、モニター・タワー・マウス・キーボードを備えています。 'Laptop' は持ち運び可能なコンピューターをいいます。 コンピューターの立ち上がりが早いなら、それは 'starts' 'boots' あるいは 'fires' で表せます。これらは全て「起動する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The computer boots up really quick.

  • The computer boots up very quickly.

People often say really quick or very quickly to describe an action that takes place in a very fast manner. For example, they might say "I have to eat real quick and get ready for work" or "he ran very quickly." It's good to use an adverb when describing an action. Thanks!
動作を素早く行うことを表すときには、"really quick" や "very quickly" がよく使われます。 例えば: "I have to eat real quick and get ready for work"(早く食べて仕事に行く支度をしないと) "He ran very quickly"(彼はダッシュしました) 動作を説明するときには副詞を使うと良いです。ありがとうございました!
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • The computer starts up quickly.

  • It doesn't take long for the computer to come on.

  • The computer boots up really fast.

To talk about the computer starting quickly you can use any word that describes something happening quickly. For it to sound fluent in English use these sentence structures and endings: The computer starts up/boots up... Quickly Really fast Speedily Fast Rapidly Swiftly In no time ............the computer to start up/come on/boot up. It doesn't take long for There is no time before If you want to be less specific, you can simply say 'this computer is very fast' or 'this computer is really good'.
パソコンの立ち上がりが速いことを言う場合、「速い」を表すあらゆる言葉が使えます。以下の形で言うと自然な響きになります。 The computer starts up/boots up... Quickly Really fast Speedily Fast Rapidly Swiftly In no time (そのパソコンは立ち上がりが速い) ............the computer to start up/come on/boot up. It doesn't take long for There is no time before (そのパソコンは立ち上がりが速い) より漠然と次のように言うこともできます。 'This computer is very fast'(このパソコンはすごく速い) 'This computer is really good'(このパソコンはすごく良い)
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
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