I am so tired.
I'm sorry I am so sleepy.
I'm just so sleepy tonight.
Am I the only one that is tired?
Why am I so tired tonight?
Why am I so sleepy?
Am I the only one that is sleepy?
Are you as tired as I am?
Are you as sleepy as I am?
I am so tired.(めっちゃ眠い)
I'm sorry I am so sleepy.(ごめんなさい、本当に眠いです)
I'm just so sleepy tonight.(今夜は本当に眠い?)
Am I the only one that is tired?(眠いのって私だけ?)
Why am I so tired tonight?(何で今夜はこんなに眠いんだろう?)
Why am I so sleepy?(何でこんなに眠いんだろう?)
Am I the only one that is sleepy?(眠いのって私だけ?)
Are you as tired as I am?(あなたも私と同じくらい眠い?)
Are you as sleepy as I am?(あなたも私と同じくらい眠い?)
You seem to be expressing a lack of knowledge as to why you feel a certain way. In this case, you are wondering what the cause of your fatigue is. This is why you can say something like... I don't know why I'm so sleepy/tired. These expressions mean the same thing.
As a native speaker, we tend to speak freely and without regard for something being more or less formal. If you were saying this in a business setting, then yes it would be of more importance to note which is more or less formal.
You would most likely follow it with an explanation like, "I don't know why I'm so sleepy/tired, I got 8 hours of sleep last night."
"I don't know why I'm so sleepy/tired."(何でこんなに眠いのか分からない)
"I don't know why I'm so sleepy/tired, I got 8 hours of sleep last night."
Sleepy means wanting to sleep or being extremely tired. For example: The child wiped his eyes sleepily.
"I'm always sleepy and I'm not sure why." and "I always feel sleepy, and I don't know why." both express that you always feel sleepy, and your not sure why.
"Sleepy" は「眠い/すごく疲れている」という意味です。
The child wiped his eyes sleepily.(その子は眠たそうに目をこすった)
"I'm always sleepy and I'm not sure why."
"I always feel sleepy, and I don't know why."
1. Why do I feel so sleepy even though I sleep a lot?
2. Why does he feel so sleepy even though he sleeps a lot?
3a. Why am I still so tired even though I'm getting enough sleep?
3b. Why is he still so tired even though he's getting enough sleep?
4a. Why do I still feel so tired out even though I sleep a lot.
4b. Why does he still feel so tired out even though he sleeps a lot.
-- 「tired out」は「tired」の類義語となります。
No matter how much sleep I get, I still feel sleepy. What do you think to be wrong?
When you want to explain that no matter how much sleep you get, and want to ask why you are always still so sleepy; then you may ask in the following ways:
-Why am I so sleepy?
-No matter how much sleep I get, I still feel sleepy. What do you think to be wrong?
-Why am I so sleepy?(どうしてこんなに眠いんだろう)
-No matter how much sleep I get, I still feel sleepy. What do you think to be wrong?(寝ても寝てもまだ眠いです。何が悪いんだと思いますか)
I wake up dog-tired even though I get in a good couple of hours every night.
Despite sleeping for a couple of hours every night, I feel drained in the morning.
I wake up dog-tired even though I get in a good couple
of hours every night.
Dog-tired means being utterly and completely exhausted.
To get in a good couple of hours every night means that you
sleep between 6 to 8 hours every night.
Despite sleeping for a couple of hours every night, I feel
drained in the morning.
Despite means even though.So even though you sleep for
a few hours every night, you still feel fatigued and tired, i.e.
drained when you wake up.
I wake up dog-tired even though I get in a good couple of hours every night.
To get in a good couple of hours every nightは、毎晩6~8時間寝るという意味です。
Despite sleeping for a couple of hours every night, I feel drained in the morning.
・Why am I so sleepy?
sleepy で「眠い」を英語で表現することができます。
why は「なぜ」です。
so を使うと「こんなに」「とても」のニュアンスを表すことができます。
・「Why am I so sleepy?」
(例文)Why am I so sleepy? I slept at 11 last night.
(例文)Why am I so sleepy? Maybe I should take a nap.
sleepy 眠い