I wasn't expecting such high quality from this place. The food is delicious!
I didn't expect such high quality from this place. The food tastes good!
"I wasn't expecting such high quality from this place."
"I didn't expect such high quality from this place."
は、「ここでこのクオリティーの高さは期待してなかった。」という意味です。"expect ~"は、「~を期待する」です。
"The food is delicious."/ "The food tastes good."と言ったりします。
- "The less I expected, the greater my joy was."
- "Because I wasn't expecting much, the joy was even greater."
- "Since my expectations were low, I was pleasantly surprised."
- expect: 期待する
- joy: 喜び
- pleasantly surprised: 思いがけなく驚いた
- low expectations: 低い期待