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2016/03/05 16:58
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  • Lately, I eat out every day

「外食する」はeat out と言います。 外で食べる、ということで日本語と発想は同じですね。 最近、このところ~しててね、と言いたいときは、latelyを使います。 また、ほとんど毎日外食しています、と言いたいときは、almostを付けるといいです。 I eat out almost every day.となります。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • ① I eat out every single day.

毎日外食とは良いですねー レストランでしょうか? いずれにしても、「① I eat out every single day.」で「毎日外食している」になります。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I eat out every day

  • I don't cook my own meals these days

I eat out every day =毎日外食してる 外食 =eat out 「外で食べる」と言う意味なのでそのままですね。 I don't cook my own meals these days =最近自炊をしていない 作ってくれる人が居るけど外食しているのであれば I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a whileでもいいでしょう。
  • I eat out everyday.

  • Lately, I don't eat home-cooked meals.

We can say "I eat out" to mean that we eat food that is prepared outside our home. You can also say "Lately, I don't eat home-cooked meals." if you don't eat home-cooked meals it may mean that you eat food prepared outside of your home.
"""I eat out""とは、家以外で料理された食事を頂くという意味です。 また、""Lately, I don't eat home-cooked meals.""を使って言い表すこともできます。お家で料理された料理を最近食べていないという意味になります。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Eating outside/out is a daily occurrence for me.

  • I have a daily habit of eating outside/out.

  • I habitually eat outside/out every day.

If you mean, 'Eating in the open air' as opposed to 'eating inside'. then use 'outside'. If you mean eating in a restaurant or cafe as opposed to eating at home, then use, 'out'.
屋外で食べるという意味でなら、eat outsideをeat insideの対義語として使います。 レストランやカフェなどで外食するという意味でなら、out を家で食事するのと対義語として使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I eat takeout every day.

  • I get takeaway every day.

  • I like to eat out almost every day.

I eat takeout every day. This is a casual and native expression used to express that you do not eat at home every day. Example: Person: Do you like to cook? You: I eat takeout every day. I get takeaway every day. This the British English way to say the previous expression. It is also casual. Example: Person: Do you like to cook? You: I get takeaway every day. I like to eat out almost every day. This is another casual native expression used to express that you do not eat at home every day. Example: Person: So, do you cook a lot? You: I like to eat out almost every day. Note: The expression "eat out" means to get food from a restaurant.
"I eat takeout every day. 毎日外食している。これはカジュアルな言い方です。 例 Person: Do you like to cook? 料理は好きですか? You: I eat takeout every day. 私はお持ち帰りをいつも食べているよ。 I get takeaway every day. これはイギリス英語の表現でカジュアルなものです、 例 Person: Do you like to cook? 料理は好きですか? You: I get takeaway everyday. 毎日お持ち帰りを食べているよ。 I like to eat out almost every day. ほぼ毎日外食いってる。 自炊をほとんどしないというカジュアルでネイティブのよく使う表現です。 例 Person: So, do you cook a lot? 料理はされるんですか? You: I like to eat out almost every day. 私は毎日外食をするのが好きです。 eat out はレストランで食事をするという意味です。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • I have been eating outside of late.

  • Lately I have been eating outside

Of late means recently or in the last couple of days. For example: "She'd been drinking too much of late"
"Of lateとは、最近や過去数日という意味です。 例えば: ""She'd been drinking too much of late."" 彼女はここ数日飲みすぎている。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I eat out every single day

  • I honestly prefer to eat outside every day. Don't like to cook at home

I honestly prefer to eat outside every day. Don't like to cook at home - this is the perfect way to explain what do you want to say. The first sentence is good too but has a lack of details.
I honestly prefer to eat outside every day. Don't like to cook at home(実は毎日外食しているんです、料理が苦手なので) これはあなたの言いたいことを完璧に伝えています。一つ目の文も決して悪くはありませんが、あまり具体的ではありません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I eat out every day.

  • I'm always eating outside of my house.

  • I don't have time to cook, so it's easier to eat out.

There are different types of ways you can say you eat outside, and depending on how you use them in a sentence it can have a different meaning. I eat out everyday. - You are informing the person that you do not eat at home, eating out can mean that you eat outside, it could be at a restaurant or a fast food place. I'm always eating outside of my house. - You do not eat at home, but it does not necessarily mean that you are eating at a restaurant or a fast food. It could just mean that you eat out in the open air, at a friends or work. I don't have time to cook, so it's easier to eat out. - You do not have time to cook at home, maybe you work a lot so it's easier to buy food. You can use these phrases differently, and switch them up. For example: Whenever I don't feel like eating at home, I go out to eat. - sometimes you are tired of cooking or your own food, it's easier to eat out and taste other food. This is a way to express that you would like to eat out, because you are no longer interested in the food at home.
「外食をする」はいろいろな言い方ができます。どのように言うかによって意味も変わってきます。 I eat out everyday.(毎日外食をします) →「家では食事をしない」と伝えています。"eat out" は「外食をする」という意味です、レストランやファストフード店で食事をすることを表します。 I'm always eating outside of my house.(家で食事をすることはありません) →これは「家では食事をしない」という意味ですが、必ずしもレストランやファストフード店で食事をすることを指すわけではありません。単に屋外で食事をすることや友達の家や職場で食事をすることを表すこともあります。 I don't have time to cook, so it's easier to eat out.(料理をする時間がないので、外食の方が楽です) →「(仕事が忙しいなどで)家で料理をする時間がないので、外食の方が楽だ」と伝えています。 これらのフレーズを置き換えて使うこともできます。 例えば: Whenever I don't feel like eating at home, I go out to eat.(家で食べたくないときは外食をします) →料理をするのが面倒なときや家の食事に飽きたときは、外食が便利です。ここでは「家の食事に飽きたときは外食をする」と伝えています。
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • I eat out everyday.

  • I eat at restaurants everyday.

I eat at restaurants everyday. ---> This is probably the most common way to describe that you don't cook at home and instead go outside of your home to eat. I eat out everyday. ---> the preposition, "out," can be used to replace the words, "at restaurants," to express the same idea that you leave home to eat.
I eat at restaurants everyday.(毎日レストランで食事をしています) ---> たぶんこれが最も一般的な言い方です。「家で料理はせず、外食をしている」と伝えます。 I eat out everyday.(毎日外食しています) ---> "at restaurants" の代わりに前置詞の "out" を使うこともできます。どちらを使っても「外食」を表せます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I eat out every day.

「外食する」はeat outと言います(^_^) 例) I eat out every day. 「私は毎日外食してます」 How often do you eat out? 「どのくらい外食しますか?」 I ate out yesterday. 「昨日外食しました」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(^_^)
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