世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/14 13:48
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  • The train is empty.

  • There's hardly anyone on the train.

[空いている](「ガラガラ」にあたる英語表現の直訳はないので 英語で表現するとしたら "empty" "hardly anyone" を使うとうまく伝えられると思います。 empty は「空」、hardly anyone は「ほとんど誰も(いない)」となります。
  • Wow, the train is empty today.

  • This train is usually packed but for some reason today is not.

"Wow, the train is empty today." When you add the "Wow" to this expression you are showing your surprise to the fact that the train is empty. You are used to seeing it very full but that day is not. "This train is usually packed but for some reason today is not." This is another way of saying the same thing. But this is a more formal way of saying it. In the U.S. this is a more popular way of saying such thing.
"Wow, the train is empty today."(わあ、今日は[電車](ガラガラだ) "Wow"は、電車がガラガラなことへの驚きを表します。[満員の電車](を見慣れているけど、その日は違う、ということです。 "This train is usually packed but for some reason today is not."(この電車はいつもは満員だけど、どうしてか今日は違う) これも言っていることは同じです。ただ、こちらの方がフォーマルです。アメリカでは、この言い方の方が一般的です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • There are not a lot of passengers today.

  • The train seems almost empty today.

  • There's barely anyone riding the train today.

When we use the word "barely" we mean that there are few, a small amount or almost none of something. "There's barely anyone riding the train today."
"barely"は「ほとんどない」「少ない」という意味です。 "There's barely anyone riding the train today."(今日はほとんど電車に人が乗っていない)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • There's no one on this train.

  • There's not a soul in sight.

There's no one on this train. 直訳すると「電車に誰も乗っていない。」となりますが、「ほとんど誰も乗っていない。」という時にも言えます。 There's not a soul in sight. こちらは「人っ子一人いない。」という意味で、本当に一人も乗っていない時に言える言い方です。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • The train was practically deserted.

  • The train wasn't overcrowded like it normally is.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that the train is normally full but today it was almost empty. In the first sentence you will see the word deserted. This means empty. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、普段は満員の電車が今日はガラガラだったと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には"deserted"という単語が使われています。これは「空の」「ガラガラの」という意味です。この単語は日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • The train is empty today

  • There is hardly anyone on the train today

  • The train is not as busy as normal

If the train is normally busy/full then you could say 'the train is empty today' to expain that it is different you could also say 'there is hardly anyone on the train today' or 'the train is not as busy as normal'
電車がいつもは混雑しているなら、'the train is empty today'(今日は電車がガラガラです)と言えます。 次のように、いつもと異なることを表すこともできます。 'there is hardly anyone on the train today'(今日は電車にほとんど誰も乗っていません) または、 'the train is not as busy as normal'(電車がいつもほど混雑していません)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The train is very quiet today.

  • There aren't as many people as usual on the train today.

  • This train is quieter than usual.

If the train is usually very busy, with lots of people traveling on it, but today it is quiet, then any of the sentences above are correct. You are comparing today (a quiet day) with other days (busy). 'Usual' is a word that you use when talking about something that occurs frequently. For example: 'I usually brush my teeth after eating breakfast.' 'My son usually goes to bed at 8pm.' 'This train is usually busy, but not today.' 'This train is quieter than usual.' So you can use 'usual' to describe today's train as quiet, when usually it is busy/crowded.
普段はすごく混雑している電車が今日はすいているということなら、上記どの例も使えます。今日(すいている)と他の日(混雑している)を比較しています。 'usual'は、頻繁に起こることを表す言葉です。 例えば: 'I usually brush my teeth after eating breakfast.'(普段は朝食を食べた後、歯を磨きます) 'My son usually goes to bed at 8pm.'(息子は大抵8時に寝ます) 'This train is usually busy, but not today.'(この電車はいつもは込んでいるんですが今日は違います) 'This train is quieter than usual.'(この電車はいつもよりすいています) このように、'usual'を使って、普段は混雑している電車が今日はすいていること表すことができます。
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
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