世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/15 17:16
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  • You seem very grown up for your years

  • You look quite adult for your age

  • You are like a fine wine that has matured and blossomed with age!

Well, if you are speaking to a child or teenager, you may mention adjectives such as 'grown up' or 'adult' (stress on second syllable 'a DULT'). However, discussing someone's age is sometimes a more delicate challenge as people achieve more advanced years and due to sensitivity, directly discussing someone's age is quite rare in the UK. Especially, if you want to say that someone looks older than their real age, you had better be wearing protective clothing and head gear! If you say to someone 'You look older than you are,' this would be taken as (at worst) a personal insult, and (at best) that you are a really indelicate and uneducated individual who has no concept of social demeanour. Either option puts YOU in a bad light and should be avoided!
You seem very grown up for your years. [年齢](よりも大人っぽく見えます。 You look quite adult for your age. 年齢よりも大人っぽく見えます。 子供や10代の若者についていう場合、"grown up"([成長した](や"adult”(大人の)のような形容詞を使って表すことが出来ます。(adultのアクセントはDULTの音節に有り。) しかし、年齢について触れることはとてもデリケートな問題であり、誰かの年齢について直接触れることはイギリスではめったにしません。特に、もし誰かが実際の年齢より上に見えると言いたいなら、あなたは防護服とヘルメットを身に着けて自分の身を守るべきですよ! もしあなたが" You look older than you are"(あなたは実際の年齢より上に見えるね)と言えば、これは最悪の場合、個人を侮辱していることに捉えられかねませんし、せいぜい、あなたに思いやりがなくて、無学でマナーを知らない人であるという印象を残すだけでしょう。どちらにしてもあなたを窮地へと追い込むことになりますので、お気を付けください!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You look mature for your age.

  • You look older than you really are.

1.You look mature for your age. 年の割に大人びて見えるね matureは「[発達した](」、「[成熟している](」 という意味を表します。 for one's ageは「年齢の割に」という 意味の決まり文句ですので、この機会に 是非覚えて下さい。 2.You look older than you really are. 実際の年齢より年上に見える こちらの文は、「大人っぽい」を 「実際の年齢より年上に見える」と 考えて、表現しました。 もちろんYou look older for your age. とも言えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • You are so wise for your age.

  • You are very mature for your age.

"You are so wise for your age." and "You are very mature for your age." are both polite ways of saying the person acts or seems older than they are. Often saying someone looks older than they are is viewed as not polite, so these phrases can be a gentle way of saying it. These sentences can be used to describe both how a person acts as well as how they may look without being rude.
"You are so wise for your age."(年齢の割に賢い) と、 "You are very mature for your age."(年齢の割にとても大人っぽい) はどちらも、その人が年齢の割に大人っぽく感じられることを伝える丁寧な言い方です。 "someone looks older than they are"(~は実際よりも古く見える)という言い方は、失礼と取られることが多いです。ですから、上記のフレーズは親切な言い方です。これらの文は相手の行動と見た目を失礼になることなく表します。
Fields DMM英会話講師
  • You look quite older than your age.

  • You look very mature for your age.

Native speakers will say like this: “You look quite older than your age”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. It's rarely a compliment, so be careful. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: You look quite older than your age. Which is not a bad thing at all! B: Well, thank you, I suppose.
ネイティブスピーカーなら、こう言います: “You look quite older than your age”. (年齢より年上に見えますね) その他にも多くの言い方がありますが、これが一番正確で、最もよく使われる表現です。 会話で使うと次のようになります: A: You look quite older than your age. Which is not a bad thing at all! [訳]あなた年齢より年上に見えますね、これは悪い事ではないですよ B: Well, thank you, I suppose. [訳]あら、ありがとう、でいいですよね
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • You seem quite mature for your age.

In western culture most people are quite sensitive about their age especially as they get older. SO most people, especially women, don't want to be told that they look older than they really are. If you want to tell someone that they lok older than they are, you have to be very careful about the way you say it, so that it sounds like a compliment, instead of being offensive. This is one suggested sentence that can be used:- "You seem quite mature for your age."
欧米の文化では、特に年齢を重ねると、自分の年について敏感になる人が多いです。ですから、特に女性だと実際よりも年齢が高く見えると言われて喜ぶ人は少ないです。 もし人に実際よりも年を取って見えると言いたいなら、侮辱でなく褒め言葉に聞こえるよう言い方に細心の注意を払う必要があります。 以下はおすすめの表現です。 "You seem quite mature for your age." あなたは年齢の割に大人っぽく見えます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • You are grounded for your age.

  • Your level of maturity is amazing.

"A grounded person makes good and wise decisions as an older person would. "Your level of maturity is amazing." Is used to compliment how a young person behaves in a reasonable way and does not say or do stupid or childish things.
"grounded person"とは、年配の人がするような賢明な判断ができる人をいいます。 "Your level of maturity is amazing."(あなたの大人っぽさは素晴らしい)は、愚かなこと、子どもっぽいことをせず、分別ある振る舞いをする若者を褒める時に使われます。
Essa DMM英会話講師
  • You look mature for your age

  • You look older than you are

  • You look older than your years

The simply way to say this is 'you look mature for your age'  Mature means grown up and sensible you could also say 'You look older than your years' this is more of an informal saying
シンプルな言い方は、'You look mature for your age'(年齢の割に落ち着いている)です。 'Mature'とは、成熟していて分別があるという意味です。 また、 'You look older than your years' (年齢よりも上に見える) と言うこともできます。これはどちらかというと砕けた言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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