世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/15 22:29
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  • always forget

  • keep forgetting

「いつも忘れる」は "always forget" でいいと思います。 他にも "keep forgetting" と言ったりします。 忘れないようにしているのにいつもつい忘れてしまう時に使います。 I keep forgetting her name! いつも彼女の名前を忘れちゃうんだよね! leave は…忘れ物のことでしょうか? 忘れ物をすることを "leave something behind" と言います。
  • I always forget

  • I keep forgetting

If you don't remember things then you are said to 'forget' them if you do it alot then you would say 'i always forget' or 'i keep forgetting'
物事を忘れることは 'forget'(忘れる)で表せます。 忘れ物をよくするなら、'I always forget'(いつも忘れ物をする)や 'I keep forgetting'(忘れ物ばかりする)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am very forgetful.

  • My short term memory is terrible.

When someone is forgetful it is usually a personality trait, in that they probably forget things often, but their friends or family will forgive them for this because they know them so well. When it comes to business being forgetful can often be a bad thing. Most of the time when we forget things it is information that is stored in our short term memory. These could be various things such as a persons name that you just met, a date of a meeting or even something like what time you had to pick up the kids from school. 'Terrible' is another word for 'bad'.
忘れやすいのは、たいていその人の特徴です。おそらくよく物を忘れるが、友達や家族は、その人のことをよく知っているので許してしまうことでしょう。 ビジネスとなると、忘れっぽいのは悪いこととされます。  ほとんどの場合、何かを忘れるとき、その情報が短期記憶に保存されるということです。これは、会ったばかりの人の名前だったり、会議の日、何時に子供を学校に迎えにいかないといけないかだったりします。   'Terrible' とは別の言葉で'bad'(ひどい)という意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so forgetful.

  • I have a bad memory.

  • I have a hard time remembering.

In the sentence "I'm so forgetful" we use the adjective "forgetful" to describe our inability to remember things. In the sentence "I have bad memory" we use "bad memory" to describe our inability to recall things that have happened to us. For example, Person A: Does John remember the last time we had dinner? Person B: No. he doesn't. He has a bad memory. In the sentence "I have a hard time remembering." The phrase "hard time" can be used as an adjective to describe a difficult task, the task which is difficult to do is the word/verb "remembering"
"I'm so forgetful"(私は忘れっぽいです)では、形容詞の "forgetful" を使って「物事を覚えていられない」ことを表しています。 "I have bad memory"(記憶力が良くありません)では、"bad memory" を使って「過去の出来事を思い出せない」ことを表しています。 例えば: Person A: Does John remember the last time we had dinner? Person B: No. he doesn't. He has a bad memory. ↓ 人物 A: ジョンは私たちが最後にいつディナーを一緒にしたか覚えている? 人物 B: いいえ、覚えていません。彼は記憶力が良くないから。 "I have a hard time remembering"(記憶力が良くありません) = "hard time" は難しい課題を表す形容詞として使うことができます。その「課題」というのは "remembering"(覚える)です。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • I always forget my lunch money on Mondays.

  • I'm always leaving my lunch money at home on Mondays.

  • I forgot my umbrella today.

I always forget my lunch money on Mondays. I'm always leaving my lunch money at home on Mondays. The words, "forget" and "leaving" are mostly interchangeable when used this way. However, you have to watch the rest of the wording in the sentence because it does change depending on which word you use. I forgot my umbrella today. I left my umbrella at home today. He forgot his wallet in the bathroom. He left his wallet in the bathroom. She keeps forgetting where she left her car keys. She keeps leaving her car keys in odd places.
I always forget my lunch money on Mondays.(月曜日はいつもランチのお金を忘れてしまう) I'm always leaving my lunch money at home on Mondays.(月曜日はいつも家にランチのお金を置いてきてしまう) この場合、"forget" と "leaving" はほぼ同じ意味です。ただ、文のそれ以外の部分には注意しないといけません、どちらの語を使うかによって変化があります。 I forgot my umbrella today.(今日は傘を忘れました) I left my umbrella at home today.(今日は傘を家に忘れてきました) He forgot his wallet in the bathroom.(彼はトイレに財布を忘れてきました) He left his wallet in the bathroom.(彼はトイレに財布を忘れてきました) She keeps forgetting where she left her car keys.(彼女はしょっちゅう車の鍵をどこに置いたか忘れます) She keeps leaving her car keys in odd places.(彼女はしょっちゅう車の鍵を変な所に置き忘れます)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I'm so forgetful.

  • I always forget my belongings.

  • I have a terrible short-term memory.

If you are 'forgetful', you are always forgetting your things, or forgetting information. For example, you might be the type of person who always leaves their coat or umbrella on a train or in a cafe. A forgetful person will forget to bring the items they need from their home, such as their wallet or their phone. Your 'belongings' are the things you own. Your "short-term memory" is your day-to-day memory, such as remembering the times and dates of appointments, or the tasks you have to fulfill. So if you are always forgetting things, you can explain "I have a terrible short-term memory".
forgetful' は情報や物をいつも忘れる人を表します。もしかしたらあなたはコートや傘を電車やカフェにいつも忘れるタイプの人かもしれませんね。'forgetful' な人は、財布や携帯など大切な物を家に忘れてきます。 'belongings' とは「持ち物」のことです。 "short-term memory" は「日々の記憶」をいいます。例えば、約束の日時や、やらないといけない仕事を覚えていることです。ですから、自分が忘れっぽい人であることは、"I have a terrible short-term memory"(私は短期記憶が弱い)と説明できます。
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • I need to write things down or else I will forget.

  • My memory is fuzzy most of the time.

  • Things easily slip my mind.

Forgetting something can happen to anyone, but someone who has a difficult time remembering wants to be sure to take note of important things. If something is written down, it can be used to refer back to for assistance in remembering. It helps to let the person informing you of the matter that you want to remember that you need to write down what they are telling you. For one, this will reflect that you take them seriously or value what he/she is saying. Secondly, the person won't wonder why you are taking notes in the middle of a conversation. A fuzzy memory is an illustration that indicates that when you try to refer back to something in your mind, it is not distinct; thus, making it difficult to recall. "Slip my mind" is an idiom used to express forgetting something. It gives the impression that the memory has slipped out and now is lost.
物忘れというのは誰にでもありますが、忘れっぽい人は大切なことはメモしておかないといけませんね。書いておけば、思い出すのに使えます。 相手に書き留めておかないといけないと伝えることにも意味があります。一つは、相手の言っていることを真剣に受け止めていることが伝わります。もう一つは、会話中になぜメモを取っているのかという疑問を解けます。 "Fuzzy" は、記憶が「不鮮明である」ことを表します。つまり、「なかなか思い出せない」ということ。 "Slip my mind" は、忘れることを表すイディオムです。記憶が滑り落ちてどこかに行ってしまうイメージです。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have a good memory.

  • I never remember anything!

By saying that i do not have a good memory is plainly saying that ones memory is not good. This is to say that ones memory is bad. To say that "I never remember anything!" Is not to be taken literally, it is a phrase that is often used when someone usually has difficulty in remembering things or that they often forget. It can be said in a jovial way or in a way that is slightly more serious.
"I do not have a good memory" では「記憶力がよくない」と伝えています。「記憶力が悪い」という意味です。 "I never remember anything!"(全て忘れてしまう)は文字通りの意味ではありません。これは忘れっぽい人がよく使うフレーズです。これは陽気な感じで言うことも、あるいは少し真面目な感じで伝えることもできます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I am forgetful

  • I'm always forgetting

"I am forgetful" This phrase is used to describe yourself, implying that you forget/can't remember things. "I'm always forgetting" This implies that you are forgetful/can't remember many things and that it happens on a frequent basis.
"I am forgetful"(私は忘れっぽいです) このフレーズは自分自身について言っています。「私は忘れっぽいです」という意味です。 "I'm always forgetting"(忘れ物ばかりしている) これは「私は忘れっぽい/よく忘れ物をする」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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