Drinking alcohol loosens my bowels and makes me need the bathroom more often.
When I drink alcohol, I need to go to the toilet more often.
When I drink alcohol, I get an upset stomach and need to go to the toilet more often.
「お酒飲むと、お腹が弛くなりトイレが近くなる」= Drinking alcohol loosens my bowels and makes me need the bathroom more often. / When I drink alcohol, I need to go to the toilet more often. / When I drink alcohol, I get an upset stomach and need to go to the toilet more often.
drinking alcohol = お酒を飲むと
loosen one's bowels / get an upset stomach= お腹が弛くなる
need to go to the toilet more often = トイレが近くなる
「お腹が弛くなる」は「loosen one's bowels」という言い方になりますが、「get an upset stomach」という言い方の方が丁寧で嫌なイメージを与えないと思います(笑)。「loose bowels」という表現は少し写実的すぎます!