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メールでHow are you doing?と聞かれて今日はテストを受けに学校に行ってきたと言いたいです。
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2018/08/23 04:16
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  • I went to school to take a test today.

  • I took a test at school today

どっちでも大丈夫です。文法は違うけど、意味は同じです。日常的な言い方だし。それか、 I had to go to school and take a test today. これで、had toってなんか、ちょっと嫌な気持ちかな。別に行きたくなかったって意味〜
  • I had an exam at school.

  • I went to school to take/sit an exam.

We can use 'take' or 'sit' when referring to doing an exam= both of these are appropriate in this context. We can also use 'I had an exam at school'.
「試験を受ける」の「受ける」には 'take' または 'sit' が使えます。どちらも適切です。 また、'I had an exam at school'(今日学校で試験を受けた)と言うこともできます。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • I had an exam at school.

If someone has asked you what you've done today, and the answer is an exam at school, then this is the most direct way of conveying that.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I had a test today at school.

  • I had an exam at school today.

"I had a test today at school." is a statement explaining what your day consisted of. So this could answer someone's question if they asked what you did today. "I had an exam at school today" is another way to phrase to explain that you had a test. The word "exam" is short for "examination" which is another word you could use along with "test". Both "test" and "exam" are things that you participated in answering questions on a certain topic or subject.
"I had a test today at school."(今日は学校でテストを受けました)は、その日の出来事を説明しています。「今日は何をしたの」という質問の答えとしても使えます。 "I had an exam at school today"(今日は学校で試験を受けました)は、「テストを受けた」と伝える別の言い方です。"exam" は "examination" の短縮形です。"test" と同様、これも使えます。 "test" と "exam" はどちらも、特定のテーマに関する質問に答える場をいいます。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • I had to take an exam at school today.

  • Most of my day was taken up with an exam.

  • Today I went to school to take an exam.

In common usage, you can put the word "today" at the beginning or the end of a sentence. In my second answer, I used the phrase "most of my day was taken up with". This is not to be taken literally. Instead, this is meant to explain that the most important and noteworthy thing you did was to take an exam.
"today" という言葉は文頭でも文末でも使われます。 二つ目の例では、"most of my day was taken up with" というフレーズを使いました。これは文字通りの意味(一日のほとんどの時間は~に取られた)ではありません、その日にした最も重要で注目すべき出来事が試験を受けたことだったということです。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I took my English exam today

  • I had an exam today

When talking about tests as a student, it's not necessary to mention school as it is implied. You can be specific about which exam or just say that you had one.
学生としてテストを受ける場合、"school" と言う必要はありません。言わなくてもその意味は伝わります。何の試験だったのか具体的に伝えることもできますし、単に「試験を受けた」と言うこともできます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I had an exam

  • I took a test at school

  • Today I had a test/exam at school

You can either 'have' an exam or 'take' an exam/test. An exam is usually longer than a test, which is generally shorter and in class.
「テストを受ける」の「受ける」は 'have' または 'take' が使えます。 'exam' は普通 'test' よりも長いです。'test' はたいていより短く授業中に行われます。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I went to school to take an exam (today).

I went to school to take an exam (today). (今日は)学校に行って試験を受けてきました。 take an exam は「試験を受ける」という意味の英語表現です。 exam の代わりに test を使っても良いでしょう。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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