世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/23 12:15
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  • You have reached us during non-business hours.

anさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 電話だと、営業時間外は、英語では「You have reached us during non-business hours.」と言います。 営業時間外 = non-business hours ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • We are currently closed.

  • We are currently unavailable to take your call.

留守電メッセージの内容を想像して回答します。 We are currently closed. (現在営業時間外で閉まっています。) We are currently unable to take your call. (現在お電話に出ることができかねます。) もちろん、We’re sorry を文頭につけるとより丁寧です。 そのあと、 Please leave a message after the beep and we will respond to you as soon as possible. (ピーという発信音の後にメッセージを残していただければ、できるだけすぐにご連絡いたします。) のようなメッセージが流れることが多いイメージです。 参考になれば幸いです。
yui 英会話講師
  • I'm afraid we are currently closed. Please try again later.

  • We are open between & Please call back at your convenience.

When someone calls outside of business hours it is still important to be polite so that they do ring back. Either of these answers are a good way of letting someone know you are closed. "We are open between & Please call back at your convenience." - This answer is good because it informs the customer when they will be able to contact you and then a polite sentence to say that they can call back anytime that they want between your opening hours.
営業時間外であっても電話を受けたときには、またかけ直してくれるように、丁寧に言いましょう。例文はどちらも、営業時間外であることを伝える言い方です。 "We are open between & Please call back at your convenience." 〔訳〕営業時間は午前...時から午後...までです。ご都合のいいときにおかけ直しください。 - この例のいい所は、相手に何時なら連絡ができるかを伝えている所です。その後、営業時間内のいつでも都合のいいときにかけ直してくださいと丁寧に伝えています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid we are not open for business

  • I'm afraid you have called outside business hours

  • I'm afriad we are closed please call back between and

If you want to explain that the business is not open at that time then you could simply say 'I'm afraid we are not open for business ' another way of saying this is 'I'm afraid you have called outside business hours' meaning you are not open By adding please call back between to you are telling when it is best for them to call back
営業時間外に電話があった際は、”I'm afraid we are not open for business"とお断りします。また、”I'm afraid you have called outside business hours"とも表すことも出来ます。いづれも「営業時間外なので、申し訳ありません。」というニュアンスです。 ”Please call back between xx to xx”(○○から○○の間に掛けなおして下さい)「どの時間帯に電話をすれば良いのか」について付け足すと良いでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • You have reached us outside office hours.

  • Our office is currently closed, please leave a message and we will call you back when we reopen

Rather than saying, non business hours, which may sound negative , the message should indicate that the office will reopen soon. Often after the message "You have reached us outside office hours" You will hear the list of opening hours, this will let your customer or client know when they may call. If it is a longer period than overnight or lunchtime, for example holiday periods or over the weekend , this may be included in the message.
"non business hours" と言うとネガティブに聞こえることがありますが、このメッセージですと、オフィスがまたすぐに再開するというニュアンスになります。 "You have reached us outside office hours"(営業時間外です)というメッセージの後には、営業時間のリストを伝えることが多いです。それによって、お客さんはいつ電話をすれば良いかが分かります。 もしそれが夜間やランチタイムよりも長い、例えば休暇期間だったり週末ですと、それについてメッセージに含まれることもあります。
Lossie DMM英会話講師
  • Outside of normal working hours

  • We are available to take your calls....

  • We are closed at the moment...

Providing information for customers can be dealt with in 3 ways 1.You can directly inform customers you are closed and then tell them when you are open. We are closed at the moment. Our opening hours are 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday. 2. You can give them a message telling them when to call. You have reached ABC trading. We are available to take your calls between 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, please call back and we will be happy to help you. 3. You can tell them in a less direct way that you are closed and to call again. You have reached us outside of our normal working hours which are 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
三つの方法でお客さんに情報を伝えることが出来ます。 1. 営業時間外であると単刀直入に伝え、営業時間がいつなのか知らせます。 We are closed at the moment. Our opening hours are 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday. (現在営業時間外です。当店の営業時間は、月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後6時までです。) 2. いつ電話をすれば良いのかメッセージで伝えます。 You have reached ABC trading. We are available to take your calls between 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, please call back and we will be happy to help you. (こちらはABCトレーディングです。当社の営業時間は、月曜日から土曜日の午前9時から午後5時までですので、この時間内におかけ直し下さい。またのご連絡をお待ちしています) 3. 営業時間外なので電話をかけ直すように遠回しに伝えます。 You have reached us outside of our normal working hours which are 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday. (現在営業時間外です、当社の営業時間は月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後6時までです。)
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • It isn't office hours

  • during closing hours

  • outside business hours

Terribly sorry, you have reached us outside our business hours. This is a very polite way to communicate that it is not business time. You can also say please call back during business hours or please call back during office hours or during opening hours. When we have a store or a business it is customary to have opening hours and closing hours. If you have a company, you can say office hours or business hours. You can also say our business hours are..... Or our opening hours are.... OR our office hours are...
"Terribly sorry, you have reached us outside our business hours." (大変申し訳ありません、只今営業時間外です) これは営業時間外であることを伝えるとても丁寧な言い方です。 また他に、 Please call back during business hours(営業時間中におかけ直し下さい) 又は、 Please call back during office hours/during opening hours.(営業時間中におかけ直し下さい) と言うこともできます。 お店や会社には普通営業している時間と営業していない時間があります。会社であれば、"office hours"(営業時間)または"business hours"(同)と言うことができます。 また、 our business hours are..... または、 our opening hours are.... または、 our office hours are...(私どもの営業時間は.....です) と言うこともできます。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • You have called the office outside of normal business hours

  • The office is closed at the moment

In a business situation, on the phone, when it is outside of business hours, you want to say that it is outside business hours. In that case either of the above suggestions is fine.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You have reached us during non-business hours.

  • Unfortunately, we are closed! Our business hours are ..

Within the first example is how to say that the person is calling outside of the regular working hours and therefore it is implied that you are closed and they need to call back at a different time. The second written example explains that you are closed in a more direct way, but also sets up the second phrase to explain when they can call and get serviced by the company.
一つ目の例では「営業時間外である」と伝えています。「営業を終了しているので、別の時間にかけ直してください」というニュアンスです。 二つ目の例では「営業を終了している」とはっきりと伝えています。その後、営業時間を伝えます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • You have called us during non-business hours.Please call us between 8.00 am and 17.00 pm during weekdays..

  • Sorry, we are closed currently.Please call us during our business hours from 8.00 am to 17.00 hours from Monday to Friday.

  • We appreciate your call but we are closed right now.Our operarting hours are from 8.00 am to 17.00 hours from Monday to Friday.

Most companies leave a permanent voice message on their switchboard to inform prospective customers about their operating hours should he/she call during non-business hours.The voice message should state when it is ideal for the prospective customer to call.It should state the time and the days of the week when the company is operating..It would also be ideal to appreciate the prospective customer's call and encourage them to call again during business hours. So you may say: You have called us during non-business hours.Please call us between 8.00 am and 17.00 pm during weekdays. or Sorry, we are closed currently.Please call us during our business hours from 8.00 am to 17.00 hours from Monday to Friday. or We appreciate your call but we are closed right now.Our operarting hours are from 8.00 am to 17.00 hours from Monday to Friday.
ほとんどの会社では、営業時間外に電話をすると録音されたメッセージが流れます。ここでは会社の営業時間を伝えなければなりません。また、営業日も伝える必要があります。電話をかけてくれたことに感謝し、営業時間内にかけ直すようお願いしたら、完璧です。 次のように言えます。 You have called us during non-business hours. Please call us between 8.00 am and 17.00 pm during weekdays. (ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております。平日の午前8時から午後5時までの間にお掛け直しください) Sorry, we are closed currently. Please call us during our business hours from 8.00 am to 17.00 hours from Monday to Friday. (申し訳ありません、ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております。営業時間内にお掛け直しください。営業時間は月曜日から金曜日までの午前8時から午後5時までです) We appreciate your call but we are closed right now. Our operarting hours are from 8.00 am to 17.00 hours from Monday to Friday. (お電話ありがとうございます、ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております。営業時間は月曜日から金曜日までの午前8時から午後5時までです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You have reached us outside normal business hours.

  • [Business Name] is currently closed.

  • Standard operating hours

If you are creating a default recording for your business voicemail, it could sound something like this: Hello and thank you for calling [Business Name]. The office is currently closed. Feel free to leave a detailed message or call back during normal business hours. We are open [List business hours]. Thank you and have a nice day. Note that "Standard operating hours" sounds more technical. Therefore, might be better for a business that is a factory, manufacturing plant, or similar. Hope this helps ;o)
会社の留守電メッセージを作成するなら、次のように言えます。 Hello and thank you for calling [Business Name]. The office is currently closed. Feel free to leave a detailed message or call back during normal business hours. We are open [List business hours]. Thank you and have a nice day. ↓ お電話ありがとうございます、[商号]でございます。ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております。発信音の後にメッセージを残すか、または営業時間内にお掛け直しください。営業時間は、[営業時間]でございます。お電話ありがとうございました。 "Standard operating hours" は「営業時間」の専門的な言い方です。ですから、工場や製造工場のようなところではこちらの方がいいかもしれません。 参考になれば幸いです。
Emma D DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid everyone has left for the day - our office hours are from 8am to 5pm.

  • You've called outside office hours.Please call between 8am and 5pm.

1.I'm afraid everyone has left for the day - our office hours are from 8am to 5pm. Some callers tend to call for someone quite late in the day. If you say that everyone has left for the day then the caller will understand that you are possibly working overtime and that everyone else has left the the building already.Providing the office hours is a subtle (polite) hint that the caller should call during those times only. 2.You've called outside office hours.Please call between 8am and 5pm. This response is also very direct.The caller will realize that the person that he'she is looking for has knocked off (left for the day) already.
1. I'm afraid everyone has left for the day - our office hours are from 8am to 5pm.(すみません、今会社には私以外誰もおりません。営業時間は午前8時から午後8時です) "Everyone has left for the day" と言うと、「自分は(残業で)会社に残っているが、あとの人はもうみんな退社した」という意味になります。 この後、営業時間を伝えていますが、これは「電話はこの時間にかけてください」というニュアンスです。 2. You've called outside office hours. Please call between 8am and 5pm.(ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております。午前8時から午後5時までの間にお掛け直しください) これも直接的な言い方です。これで、話したい相手がもうそこにいないということが電話の相手に伝わります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • We am out of hours right now.

  • We am currently out of hours right now.

  • We am currently not closed at the minute, you can try us again tomorrow.

We are out of hours right now. We are currently out of hours right now. We are currently not closed at the minute, you can try us again tomorrow. One of these should help you out and make sure that the client knows that you are not working at the minute since it is passed working hours. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
We are out of hours right now.(ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております) We are currently out of hours right now.(ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております) We are currently closed at the minute, you can try us again tomorrow. (ただ今の時間は営業時間外となっております。明日もう一度お掛け直しください) 上の例のどれか一つを使ってみてください。「現在は営業時間外である」と伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry, but you will have to call us back during our business hours.

  • You have called us outside our business hours, so I will need you to call us back.

If you want to tell someone that they have reached you outside business hours, you can say something like "I am sorry, but you will have to call us back during our business hours." or "You have called us outside our business hours, so I will need you to call us back.".
「今の時間は営業時間外」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I am sorry, but you will have to call us back during our business hours."(申し訳ございませんが、営業時間内にお掛け直しください) "You have called us outside our business hours, so I will need you to call us back."(ただ今の時間は営業時間外です。営業時間内にお掛け直しください)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "You have reached us during non-business hours"

  • "We are currently not operating the business"

  • "At the time of your call, we are in non-business hours"

If in a business situation, someone phones you during non-business hours and you want to express that it is outside business hours, you could say any of the following: "You have reached us during non-business hours", "We are currently not operating the business" or "At the time of your call, we are in non-business hours".
ビジネスシーンで、営業時間外に電話をかけてきた相手に「営業時間外です」と伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "You have reached us during non-business hours"(ただ今の時間は営業時間外です) "We are currently not operating the business"(ただ今の時間は営業時間外です) "At the time of your call, we are in non-business hours"(ただ今の時間は営業時間外です)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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