世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/26 01:19
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  • What are your bank holiday opening hours?

  • What are your weekend opening hours?

  • What are your holiday opening hours?

*What are your bank holiday opening hours?* *What are your weekend opening hours?* *What are your holiday opening hours? * Bank Holiday- this is a national holiday in the UK You can also say... *Are you open as usual on...(name of holiday?) *Are you open New Year's Day? *What hours are you opening over the holidays? *Do you have special openings hours over the holidays? Hope this helps! ^ ^
“What are your bank holiday opening hours? “ (祭日の営業時間はいつですか?) “What are your weekend opening hours?” (週末の営業時間はいつですか?) “What are your holiday opening hours?” (休日の営業時間はいつですか?) “Bank holiday” とはイギリスでの国民の祭日のことです。 また ”Are you open as usual on...(name of holiday?) ((休日の名前)ではいつも通り営業していますか?) ”Are you open New Year's Day? (お正月は営業していますか?) ”What hours are you opening over the holidays? (休暇中の営業時間はどのくらいですか?) ”Do you have special openings hours over the holidays? (休暇中特別な営業時間はありますか?) 役に立ちますように!◡̈
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Are your operating hours the same on weekends and holidays as they are during the week?

Asking a store for their operating hours, you are asking when they are open from and what time they close. I hope this helps :)
例:Are your operating hours the same on weekends and holidays as they are during the week? 「営業時間は土日祝日と平日では同じですか?」 お店の営業時間を聞く時は、開店時間と閉店時間を聞くことですよね。 何か役にたてば嬉しいです。
Kirst English teacher
  • Are you open the same time on Saturday and Sunday? Does that include public holidays?

How to ask if a business is open the same hours all year round.
Samm H DMM英会話講師
  • Are your trading hours for weekends and public holidays the same?

  • Are you open during the same hours on weekends and holidays?

When you want to ask whether a shop opens for the same hours on weekends and holidays; then you may ask in the following ways: -Are your trading hours for weekends and public holidays the same? -Are you open during the same hours on weekends and holidays?
週末や祝日の営業時間を確認したい時は、次のように聞くことが出来ます: -Are your trading hours for weekends and public holidays the same? [訳]営業時間は週末も祝日も同じですか? -Are you open during the same hours on weekends and holidays? [訳]営業時間は週末も祝日も同じですか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What are your weekend / holiday opening hours?

Weekend refers to Saturday and Sunday. Holiday may refer to a Bank Holiday in the UK. 'Do you have different opening hours weekends and holidays?' 'When are you open over the weekend?' Being open, or open for business, could also be described as 'trading' 'We'll be trading 8-6 on Bank Holiday Monday!'
"Weekend"は土曜日と日曜日のことです。 "Holiday"とはイギリスだと"Bank Holiday"(祝日)をいいます。 【例文】 'Do you have different opening hours weekends and holidays?' [訳]週末と祝日は営業時間は違いますか? 'When are you open over the weekend?' [訳]週末はいつ開いていますか? 「営業している」は'trading'と言うこともできます。 【例文】 'We'll be trading 8-6 on Bank Holiday Monday!' [訳]祝日の月曜日は8時から6時まで営業しています
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • What are your opening hours on weekends?

  • Do you open the same hours on weekends as during the week?

You can ask a store about their opening hours using the above two questions. Some stores have the same opening hours on weekdays and weekends, others have different hours for weekends.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Are you open the same hours on weekends and public holidays

  • What are your opening hours on weekends/public holidays

  • Do you open the same hours on weekends/public holidays?

If you want to ask if a shop is open the same hours on the weekends/public holidays then you could simply say 'Are you open the same hours on weekends/public holidays?' You could also ask 'What are your opening hours on weekends/public holidays?' you would get a more detailed answer when asking this
お店の営業時間が土日・祝日も同じか確認したいときは、 'Are you open the same hours on weekends/public holidays?'(週末/祝日も営業時間は同じですか?) と聞けます。 ほかに、 'What are your opening hours on weekends/public holidays?'(週末/祝日の営業時間はどうなっていますか?) と聞くこともできます。こちらの方が詳細な答えが返ってくると思います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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