世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/12 15:58
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  • I would like to apply for an internship, may I talk to a person in charge?

A person in charge: 担当の方 上記はインタビューの予約が既に為されている状況ですが、日時が決まっていない場合、または対面で担当の方がいらっしゃらない時など I would like to make an appointment. とアポをとって欲しい旨を伝えましょう。
  • Can I speak to the person in charge of internships? I would like to apply.

If you would like to speak to the person in charge of an internship that you would like to apply for, you can say: Can I speak to the person in charge of internships? I would like to apply. 'The person in charge' - This is the person who is responsible for something. I would like to apply - This means that you would like to begin an application for the internship. I hope that helps!
応募したいインターンシップの担当の人と話したいなら、このように言うことができます。 Can I speak to the person in charge of internships? I would like to apply. the person in charge - 責任者のことです。 I would like to apply - そのインターンシップに応募したいと考えているという意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • May I speak with the person in charge of the company's internship placements?

  • Could you please direct me to the contact person with regards to internship placements.

  • i understand that I may apply for an internship with your company. Is that correct?

Human resources would normally be the department in a company that appoints employees. I suggest checking with Human Resources to determine if the company does have any internships available.
human resource は、一般的に会社で従業員を任命する部署のことです。 私だったら、その会社がインターンを雇っているかを確認するのにHuman resources に尋ねるでしょう。
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please make an appointment with the person responsible for company employment?

  • Could I speak to someone from the HR department please?

It is critical that you speak to the correct person able to make decisions about internships. In a large company there is usually a designated HR department...or possible the HR function is contracted out to a specialist company and that company would need to be identified and approached. Requesting to speak to people immediately and without an appointment is probably not the best strategy, although it does show a level of determination! Alongside anything you do, another approach could be to write first, requesting an appointment to discuss internships. If there is no response to your mail, you could then follow up with a phone call. In that case the above requests may be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Who do I speak to about an internship, please?

This is being very direct in asking to speak to the person that is in charge of interviewing and hiring the interns. "Who do I speak to about an internship, please?"
これはインターンの面接や雇用の担当者に話しかけたいとお願いする、とても直接的な表現です。 "Who do I speak to about an internship, please?" (どなたにインターンのことについてお話すればよろしいでしょうか?)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Inquiring about internships....

  • Hi...I am inquiring about internships.... which department deals with that?

Inquiring about...? IE Wanting to know something:-) In this case we need a sentence in order to get through to the right department....Something like this: "Hi...I am inquiring about internships.... which department deals with that? "
‘Inquiring about~’ は何かについて知りたいとき( wanting to know something )に使います。 インターンシップの担当部署に電話を繋げて欲しいので回答2のように文章で聞くといいでしょう。 "Hi...I am inquiring about internships.... which department deals with that? "(もしもし、インターンシップについてお聞きしたいのですが、担当の部署はどちらになりますか?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to apply for an internship, may I please speak to the person in charge?

You can say : "I would like to apply for an internship, may I please speak to the person in charge?" apply (application) internship (a student or trainee who works at a company) person in charge (manager, supervisor etc.) I am an intern and I would like to speak to the manager please.
"I would like to apply for an internship, may I please speak to the person in charge?" 「インターンシップに応募したいのですが、担当者の方とお 話しできますか?」 apply (application)=応募する(申し込み) internship (a student or trainee who works at a company)= インターンシップ(企業で働く学生や見習い) person in charge (manager, supervisor etc.)=担当者(マネー ジャーや上司等) I am an intern and I would like to speak to the manager please. インターンなのですが上司の方とお話しをさせて 下さい。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to speak with who's in charge.

  • May I speak with who's in charge?

  • Who do I speak to about the internship?

We can mention that we'd like to speak with, "who's in charge," to in control of the program. We can also ask as a question using, "may I speak with.." We can also ask who we need to speak with, "about the internship."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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