I would like a teacher to ask questions and answer, and then I would like to repeat them.
Could you please answer your own questions? I would like to repeat after you.
I would like a teacher (you) to ask questions and answer, and then I would like to repeat them.
ask questions and answer 質問して答える
repeat them それら (先生が言った質問と答えの文) を繰り返す
would likeで ~できればと思います と丁寧な表現になります。
Could you please ask questions and answer them yourself? I would like to repeat after you.
ask questions and answer them yourself 自分自身で質問しそれらに答える
repeat after you あなたの後に付いて
Could you ~ ? ~していただいてもいいですか?丁寧な表現です。
Could you ask a question, then answer it yourself? I want to repeat after you.
Could you 〜 は「〜してもらえますか?」で丁寧なお願いの仕方です。
I want to repeat after you で「あなたに続いて言いたい」です。
Teacher: What shall we do today?
Student: Could you ask a question, then answer it yourself? I want to repeat after you.