Live music restaurantもしくはRestaurant with live music
Do you know a restaurant with live music near the hotel?
Restaurant that offer both tasty food and live music.
Restaurant with a live music band.
>Restaurant that offer both tasty food and live music band.
*offer=make available
This means that the restaurant has food and live music band.
>Restaurant with a live music band.
This explains that the restaurant has a music band that plays music live at the restaurant.
Restaurant that offer both tasty food and live music band.
Restaurant with a live music band.
It depends really what kind of music is being shown to the public. If it's a band you could say:
"We're going to dine in a restaurant place with a live band."
Or, if it is, for example, an open mic night, you may say:
"We will stop off at a place with live musicians," for example.
Or, if it's just any kind of band, disco, performance, you may say:
" A venue with live music."
"We're going to dine in a restaurant place with a live band."
"We will stop off at a place with live musicians,"
" A venue with live music."
A restaurant where they have live musical performances, well, you can use one of these sentences or phrases.
For example.
What to go to the new restaurant tonight?
The one with the live music?
Yeah, the entertainment restaurant.
Let's go.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
In the first line, you have described the restaurant as a restaurant with a live band. It actually means that the place offers food and also offers music played by a live band. It is not indicated as to whether this restaurant is open way into the night.
However, in the second line, you have called the place a 'nightclub', which means 'an establishment that stays open late at night and provides food, drink, entertainment, and mostly live music for dancing'. This is more appropriate because most normal food restaurants would not have the space for a live band.
最初の文で、あなたはそのレストランをa restaurant with a live bandとして表現しています。
しかし、2つ目の文では、場所を'nightclub'と呼び、それは'an establishment that stays open late at night and provides food, drink, entertainment, and mostly live music for dancing'(遅くまで開いていて、料理や飲み物やエンタメを提供し、生の音楽やダンスがあるところ)を意味します。
"I found a great restaurant, the food is great
and they have live bands".
"It's a restaurant and a music venue for live music"
"The restaurant also has live music on,
the foods great and you get to watch a band"
"I found a great restaurant, the food is great and they have live bands."
"It's a restaurant and a music venue for live music"
"The restaurant also has live music on, the foods great and you get to watch a band"
Live music is the term given to music that is played by performers with musical instruments, and not played through a stereo or radio. You could also use the term live bands. A band is a group of performers with instruments, that play songs for the audience, even if that audience is seated in a restaurant.
A piano bar is a name given for a restaurant or bar that has a piano that plays live music. This can also be extended to include other forms of instruments played live too.
Live musicとは、演奏者が楽器で演奏する音楽で、ステレオやラジオを通して演奏されるものではありません。
live bandsという言葉も使われます。 A bandとは、観客に向けて、例えその観客がレストランに座っているお客さんでも、楽器を使って音楽を演奏するグループのことを指します。
A piano barとは、生演奏するピアノのあるレストランやバーを指します。他の楽器演奏も含みます。
There are places to eat and listen to music. Restaurants with live music are very popular and can be a great place to visit. Dinner and dancing usually comes with live music. Live entertainment with dinner is a nice date night idea or to celebrate an anniversary or getting engaged.
these kinds of places are often called a "open mic night" or a "live music venue".
example sentences: " a new bar opened up down the street and it is a live music venue. would you like to go?"
These expressions here explain that a restaurant have and are playing a 'live band' rather than music off of a stereo or another device.
A Live music is a musician and/ or a band playing their music live with an audience, here they are playing at a restaurant.