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 「(何か書きたくて)今、ペン持ってる?、あ~(ポケットの中に)やっぱ、有ったからいいわ。」という、ありがちな表現です。Do you have a pen? Ah,actually mine is in my pocket, so never mind. で可?
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2018/09/01 20:52
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  • Do you have a pen I could borrow?

  • Do you think you could lend me a pen?

Ootchanさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈だと、下記の会話が考えられます。 A. Do you have a pen I could borrow? B: Sure, gimme a sec. (=give me a second) A. Oh, it's okay actually... I had one in my pocket all this time myself. ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Could I borrow a pen please?

This question is a little more formal, especially with the "please" added on the end. The person will answer either yes or no to your request. I hope that this helps! :)
特に最後に "please" が付いているので、この質問は少しフォーマルです。相手はこれに対してイエスかノーで答えます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have an extra pen that I could borrow?

  • May I borrow a pen, please?

"Do you have an extra pen that I could borrow?" If you are in a class or at a meeting where everyone needs a pen, it is polite to ask if someone has an extra pen you could use. "May I borrow a pen, please." Using the word "May" you are seeking permission to borrow a pen and being polite by asking "please" at the end of your request.
"Do you have an extra pen that I could borrow?" 全員がペンを必要とするクラスまたは会議にいるなら、あなたが使える余ったペンがあるか聞くと丁寧です。 "May I borrow a pen, please." "May"を使って、ペンを借りることの許可を求めています。また、最後に"please"を付けて丁寧にお願いしています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a pen I can borrow?

  • Do you have a pen I can use?

If you want a pen for a few minutes you can ask, "Do you have a pen I can use, please?" If you need it for a class you can ask, "Do you have a pen I can borrow during the class, please?"
ペンを数分、借りたいなら: "Do you have a pen I can use, please?" 「ペンを貸してもらえますか」 と聞けます。 授業に必要なら: "Do you have a pen I can borrow during the class, please?" 「授業の間ペンを貸してもらえますか」 と聞けます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a pen?

  • Could I borrow a pen please?

"Do you have a pen?" Often you don't need to add the additional explanation phrase of asking to borrow it, as the other person can realise from the context of the conversation why you are asking the question. "Could I borrow a pen please?" This is an informal way of asking if you can borrow a pen, and adding "please" at the end makes it more polite.
"Do you have a pen?"(ペンを持っていますか) →たいていの場合文脈で「貸して」を加えなくても、これだけで、なぜこの質問をしているのかが伝わります。 "Could I borrow a pen please?"(ペンを貸してもらえますか) →これは「ペンを貸してもらえますか」のインフォーマルな言い方です。最後に "please" を加えるとより丁寧になります。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • Can I borrow a pen?

  • Do you have a pen you can lend me?

"Can I borrow a pen?" This question, directed at someone who may have a pen or pencil you are able to borrow, to borrow something is to temporary use someone else item, in this case a pen. "Do you have a pen you can lend me?" To 'lend' something to someone is another term used for 'borrow'.
"Can I borrow a pen?"(ペンを貸してもらえますか) これは、ペンや鉛筆を持っているであろう人に対して使います。 'borrow' は「他の人の物(この場合は「ペン」)を一時的に使う」という意味です。 "Do you have a pen you can lend me?"(ペンを貸してもらえますか) 'lend'(貸す)は 'borrow'(借りる)の別の言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a Pen i can borrow?

  • Can i borrow your pen please?

Can I borrow your pen please? This is a polite way to ask someone if you can use their pen. By adding please on the end makes it more likely that someone will be happy to give you their pen. The Listener will understand what you have requested meaning the listener will provide you with a answer such as yes or no.
Can I borrow your pen please?(ペンを貸してもらえますか) これは「ペンを貸してもらえますか」の丁寧な言い方です。 文末に "please" を加えると、相手は気持ちよくペンを貸してくれると思います。 相手は "Yes"(はい、貸します)か "No"(いいえ、貸しません)で答えてくれます。
Lee Di DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have an extra pen that I can borrow please?

  • Could you lend me your pen?

Native speakers say "Do you have an extra pen that I can borrow?" Extra means more than one pen that you are not using at the moment. "Please" is a polite way to ask. You can use borrow or lend interchangeably but the difference is that when you borrow something you ask for and return it after using it and lend means to give something and ask for it back.
"Do you have an extra pen that I can borrow?"(予備のペンがあれば貸してもらえますか) "extra" は今使っていない予備のペンを指します。 "please" は頼み事をするときの丁寧な言い方です。 "borrow" と "lend" は置き換えて使えますが、"borrow" は人から何かを借りてその後返すことを言います。 "lend" は人に何かを貸してその後返してもらうことを言います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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