世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/09/07 12:58
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  • I didn't realize that my pronunciation was wrong.

  • I didn't realize I was using the incorrect pronunciation.

  • I wasn't aware that I was using the incorrect pronunciation.

I didn't realize that my pronunciation was wrong.

I didn't realize I was using the incorrect pronunciation.

気づく=realize, notice, be aware


Natsuka K 英語講師
  • I didn't know I was pronouncing it incorrectly.

  • I did not notice that I was pronouncing it wrong

When you want to explain that you were saying a word in a wrong way without noticing; you can say:
-I didn't know I was pronouncing it incorrectly.
-I did not notice that I was pronouncing it wrong


-I didn't know I was pronouncing it incorrectly.(間違って発音していたとは知らなかった)

-I did not notice that I was pronouncing it wrong(間違って発音していたとは気づかなかった)

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I was unaware that I had been saying it wrong.

"To be unaware" means that you were not aware or that you did not know something. "To say" is another way to say "pronounce."

I hope that this helps :)

to be unawareとは、気付かなかった、または知らなかったという意味です。 to sayとは、pronounce(発音する)の別の言い方です。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • No one told me I was saying the word wrong.

"No one told me I was saying the word wrong."
When this is the case, often times people don't hear the error or don't correct you about it. You can say this.

"No one told me I was saying the word wrong."


Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't notice i was pronouncing it wrong

  • I didn't realise i was pronouncing it wrong

We all make mistakes and sometimes we don't know you can also say you didn't 'realise' or 'notice'
So if pronuncing a word wrong you could say 'i didn't realise/i didn't notice i was pronouncing it wrong'

みんな間違いをするものであり、知らなかったという場合があります。知らなかったということを、 didn't 'realise' や 'notice'と言います。

ですので、発音が間違っていたことを、 'i didn't realise/i didn't notice i was pronouncing it wrong'(間違って発音していたのに気づかなかった。)と言うことができます。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I just noticed that I've been saying it wrong all along.

  • My pronunciation of the word has been inaccurate up until now.

To just notice something can imply that it was overlooked before or that someone may have just informed you. I good way to express indefinite time that has gone by until the present moment is to say, "all along."

"Up until now" also expresses an indefinite timeframe. It can be less harsh, as well, to use the word "inaccurate" in place of the word "wrong."

"To just notice something" は「今まで気付かなかった」あるいは「最近教わった」ことを表します。"All along" は「最初からずっと」という意味で、不特定の期間を表します。

"Up until now" も不特定の期間を表します。"Inaccurate" は "Wrong" よりも遠回しな言葉です。

Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I was unaware that my pronunciation was incorrect.

  • I had not realized that I was pronouncing the word incorrectly.

  • I had no idea that the way I was pronouncing it was wrong.

I was unaware that my pronunciation was incorrect.

"Incorrect" is just another word for "wrong" that Native speakers often use. If you are "unaware" of something, that means that you have no knowledge, or simply do not know about something. In this case the sentence means that the person did not know that the way they were pronouncing the word was wrong.

I had not realized that I was pronouncing the word incorrectly.
I had no idea that the way I was pronouncing it was wrong.

The above sentences basically mean the exact same. It all comes down to not knowing that the way you were previously pronouncing the word was wrong.

I was unaware that my pronunciation was incorrect.(自分の発音が間違っていることに気付かなかった)

"incorrect" は "wrong" の別の言い方です。ネイティブスピーカーがよく使います。
"unaware" は「知らない」という意味です。

I had not realized that I was pronouncing the word incorrectly.(自分が間違えて発音していることに気付かなかった)
I had no idea that the way I was pronouncing it was wrong.(自分の発音が間違っていることに気付かなかった)


Arne DMM英会話講師
  • I learned the pronunciation incorrectly but did not realise it for a some time

  • My pronunciation of that word was wrong - and it took me a considerable time to appreciate that

You had been pronouncing a certain word in a certain way. But the pronunciation was wrong. You had been saying the word in the wrong way for a while without noticing that it was wrong. You want to know how to eplain that. Either of the above suggestions is fine for this situation.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have only just realised that I have been saying this word wrong.

  • I have been pronouncing this word incorrectly and I have only just noticed.

  • I have become aware that my pronunciation of this word was wrong.

We can use the synonyms 'noticed' or 'realised' to express our awareness of a situation. In this scenario, we have become aware that we have been saying a word in the wrong way.

「気付いた」は 'noticed' または 'realised' で表すことができます。これらは同義語です。


Matt L DMM英会話講師
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