You will make it in time if you bring your baggage to us by 4pm.
If you can bring your luggage to us by 4 p.m., you'll be in time.
Four p.m. will be soon enough to get your luggage here.
NO NAMEさんの英訳でも大丈夫です!
You'll make it if you can...
... (time) will be soon enough.
It'll do if you can get it here by...
If you bring your luggage to us by 4 p.m. you'll have no problem making it on time
If you bring your luggage to us by 4 p.m. ( 4時までに荷物を 守って頂ければ)you'll have no problem( 問題ないだろう) making it on time( 間に合うこと)
if you bring は最初に入れたので もしこうだったらこうなるよということになります
you'll have no problem はもう文字通り問題ないよということを 強調したいですね。 それで of you bring you'llと have no problemはセットになりますね
You'll be fine as long as you bring your baggage/luggage to us by 4 PM.
You'll be fine as long as you bring your baggage/luggage to us by 4 PM.
you'll be fine はここでは「大丈夫です」のような意味です。
as long as で「〜すれば」「〜限り」といったイメージです。