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2018/09/08 20:26
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  • I haven't gone on vacation at all this year.

  • I haven't traveled at all this year.

  • This year, I haven't been able to go on a trip yet.

There are many different ways you could say this. When you want to tell someone that you haven't gotten to travel yet, you could say that you haven't taken a "vacation" or a "trip". If you went to a foreign country, you can say that you traveled "abroad". If you traveled by boat or ship through a body of water, you can say that you went on a "voyage".
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 「まだ旅行に行けていない」の「旅行」には、"vacation" や "trip" が使えます。 「外国」に行ったなら、"abroad" が使えます。 ボートや船で旅行したなら、"voyage"(船旅)が使えます。
Bryn N DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been able to get away for a vacation yet this year.

  • I haven't been away on holidays at all this year.

1) I haven't been able to get away for a vacation yet this year. 「今年はまだ休暇に出かけれていない。」 get away for a vacation で「休暇に出かける」 2) I haven't gone away on holidays at all this year. 「今年は全然旅行に行けていない。」 go away on holidays で「旅行に行く」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • It has been impossible for me to get away this year

  • Time has not permitted me to travel very far this year so far

  • I haven't travelled anywhere this year because I am up to my eyeballs with work

We can use this in a situation where we have had absolutely no time to travel outside of our homes. Maybe we have been so busy that we haven't been able to take time off work or because we have been so busy studying for important exams. We sometimes get so carried away with our jobs, that we have very little time to ourselves, unfortunately. In a situation like this, we are "swamped" with work
これは、忙しくて旅行に行く時間が全くないときに使えます。仕事が忙しくて休みが取れないということかもしれませんし、あるいは大切な試験に向けて勉強していて時間がないということかもしれません。 仕事に没頭するあまり、自分の時間がなくなってしまうということはありますね、残念ながら。このような状況は、"swamped with work"(仕事に追われている)と表せます。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been able to go anywhere this year

  • I have not been able to get away this year

  • I've been so busy this year I have not been on holiday

When talking about going away we can call this a 'vacation' or 'holiday' other terms we can use are 'to go anywere' or 'to get away' by adding 'I've been so busy' this explains why you have been unable to do it
「旅行」は、'vacation' や 'holiday' といいます。他に、'to go anywere' や 'to get away' などのフレーズも使えます。 'I've been so busy'(忙しい)は、旅行に行けない理由を説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I haven't been able to go anywhere this year"

  • "I have been so busy this year that I haven't been on holiday, the year before I went on many"

  • "Unfortunately, I have not been on holiday at all this year"

If you wanted to explain that last year you went on a multiple holidays, but have been too busy this year to do this again, you could say any of the following: "I haven't been able to go anywhere this year", "I have been so busy this year that I haven't been on holiday, the year before I went on many" or "Unfortunately, I have not been on holiday at all this year".
去年は何回か旅行に行ったけれど、今年は忙しすぎて行けていないことを表すフレーズです。 "I haven't been able to go anywhere this year" (今年どこにも行けていない。) "I have been so busy this year that I haven't been on holiday, the year before I went on many" (今年は忙しすぎて、旅行に行けていない。去年はたくさん行ったのに。)  "Unfortunately, I have not been on holiday at all this year" (残念ながら、今年は全然旅行に行っていない。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I've been unable to travel at all this year.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I've been unable to travel at all this year. 「今年は全く旅行することができていない」 be unable to V「Vすることができない」 at all「全く」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I have been so busy this year that I have not been able to travel

  • I haven't been able to go on holiday this year because I have been so busy

When you want to explain that you have not been able to take any trips this year because you have been busy; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I have been so busy this year that I have not been able to travel -I haven't been able to go on holiday this year because I have been so busy
「今年は忙しくて旅行に行けていない」は次のように言えます。 -I have been so busy this year that I have not been able to travel(今年は忙しくて旅行に行けていません) -I haven't been able to go on holiday this year because I have been so busy(忙しくて今年は旅行に行けていません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been able to travel at all this year.

  • I haven't been able to travel yet this year.

  • I haven't been able to take any vacations this year.

Both of the above examples are correct, although by saying "yet" you imply that you hope to travel soon or at some point in this year. If you say "I haven't been able to travel at all this year." it sounds like the year is almost over, as "at all" implies no trips in what sounds like a long amount of time. Another way to say travel is to say "take a vacation." So another way to say the same idea is "I haven't been able to take any vacations this year." Again, "yet" could be added after vacations to imply that you hope to travel soon, or "at all" could be added to add intensity and make it sound even more disappointing that you haven't traveled in quite awhile. (Perhaps this could be helpful for asking your boss for some time off, since you haven't taken a vacation "AT ALL this year." ;)
上記の例はどちらも正しいですが、"yet" を使うと「すぐにあるいは年内に行きたい」というニュアンスになります。 "I haven't been able to travel at all this year." には、「1年がもうすぐ終わる」という響きがあります。"at all" は「長い期間旅行に行っていない」というニュアンスです。 "travel"(旅行する)は "take a vacation" とも言えます。 ですから、 "I haven't been able to take any vacations this year."(今年は一度も旅行に行っていない) と言うこともできます。 ここでも、"vacation" の後に "yet" を加えれば「早く行きたい気持ち」を、"at all" を加えれば、しばらく旅行に行けていないことについて「残念な気持ち」を表せます。(これは、「今年は旅行に全然(AT ALL this year)行けていないから」と上司に休暇を求めるときに使えるかもしれません)
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been able to go on vacation this year.

  • This year I haven't been able to go on vacation.

  • I haven't had time to go on vacation this year.

The first two phrases are using the same words to make the phrase but are meant to show that the phrase, "this year," can be moved to either the front or the back of the sentence. The third phrase shows that we can use the phrase, "to have (the) time," to describe that we have been busy and unable to take a vacation or go anywhere this year.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't gone on a vacation this year.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I haven't gone on a vacation this year.」 (意味) 今年はまだ旅行に行けていません。 <例文>I haven't gone on a vacation this year. I've been so busy. <訳>今年はまだ旅行に行けていません。 最近とても忙しいです。 参考になれば幸いです。
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