世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/09 22:46
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  • Which hand is it in?

  • Guess which hand?

  • Pick which hand.

こういうゲーム子供の時よく遊びました。 「どっちに手に入ってるか?」は ❶ Which hand is it in? 例えば: Which hand is the toy in?(おもちゃはどっちの手でしょう?) ❷ Guess which hand? (どっちの手だと思う?) ❸ Pick which hand.(どっちの手か選んで)。 〜と言えます。 「ない、ハズレー」は Nope、you’re wrong! または、Nope, sorry. (ない、ごめーん)。 または Nope, try again. (ない、もう一回)。 〜と言えます。 「あった、正解」は Yes, you got it. または、 Yes, you’re right! または、Yes, you guessed right! と言えます。
  • Which hand do you think it is in?

This is a complete way to ask someone in which hand the child thinks that the toy is in. I hope that this helps :)
こちらの例文は「どちらの手におもちゃ等の物があると思うか」について子供の考えを尋ねる文章です。 お役に立てれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Which hand's it in?

  • Pick a hand?

With a child you do not want to be too formal and if you are hiding something in your hand and asking the child to guess which hand it is in then you are having fun with the child. These two answers are good for asking the child to guess, and these can be enhanced by the tone in which you say them.
子供と接する時はフォーマルになり過ぎず、どちらの手に入っているのか、面白おかしく「当ててごらん」と言う風に聞いてみると良いでしょう。 上記例文は、子供に「当ててごらん」と聞くのに適切な文章です。子供に質問を投げ掛けるときは、声のトーンを調整することで面白みが増します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Can you guess which hand it is in?

  • Which and do you think it is in?

  • Right or left?

When you are playing the game to see which hand something is in, You can use these phrases: 1. Can you guess which hand it is in? 2. Which and do you think it is in? 3. Right or left? - This one is more of a simple way, you may change the rotation of the words to suit you.
何かがどちらの手に入っているのかを当てるゲームをするなら、次のフレーズが使えます。 1. Can you guess which hand it is in?(どっちの手に入っているか分かる) 2. Which hand do you think it is in?(どっちの手に入っていると思う) 3. Right or left?(右それとも左) - これはシンプルな言い方です。語順は状況に応じて変えることができます。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • Which hand's it in?

  • Which hand?

  • Which hand is the toy in?

Depending on the age of the child would depend how you would ask the question if it would an older child then you could say 'which hand is the toy in?' if it's a younger child then you might just say 'which hand's it in? or 'which hand?' it's best to keep it fun and informal with children it makes them more likely to want to learn
これは子どもの年齢によって言い方が変わります。 大きな子どもに対してなら、'which hand is the toy in?'(おもちゃはどっちに入っている)と言えます。 それがまだ幼い子どもなら、'which hand's it in?'(どっちの手に入っている)や 'which hand?'(同)と言うかもしれません。 子どもには楽しく形式張らないのがいいですね。その方が学ぶ意欲を引き出せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Guess which hand

  • What hand do you think

  • pick a hand

"guess which hand" "guess" is the term used when you are to make a choice at random. "Pick a hand" "to pick" is to choose something, in this case left or right hand. these phrases often used in a childish and fun manor.
"Guess which hand"(どっちの手だと思う?) = "guess" は、何かを当てずっぽうに選ぶことをいいます。 "Pick a hand"(どっちの手か選んで) = "to pick" は「選ぶ」の意味です。この場合は、「左手か右手か」を選びます。 これらのフレーズはしばしば、楽しく子どもっぽい感じで言われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Guess which hand it's in!

  • Which hand do you think it's in?

If you are playing with a child and would like the child to guess which hand you are holding something in, then either of the above exampled sentences should suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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