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2018/09/11 18:38
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  • Normally, I respond within 24 hours

"Normally, I respond within 24 hours." If it is something you do usually you can use the word, 'normally'. So you can say normally for things you do most of the time. 'I respond within...' this is saying in a certain amount of time you respond.
"Normally, I respond within 24 hours." 「普通は、24時間以内に返答します」 普通することなら、「normally(普通は)」が使えます。「normally」は、大体の場合することを表します。 「I respond within...(...内に返答します)」は、ある時間内に返答することを表します。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I try my upmost to respond within 24 hours.

  • Response usually within 24 hours.

When someone tries their 'upmost' at something it means that they will do all they can, or do their best. For example "I will do my upmost to be at your house by 1330." 24 hours is a long time, and so most people will be able to respond within that timeframe. When something is 'usual' it means that this is normal, however sometimes things happen where it is just not possible to respond, such as, if your internet connection was down and you could to reply to an email.
「do one's upmost」は「できる限りのことをする、ベストを尽くす」という意味です。例えば: "I will do my upmost to be at your house by 1330." 〔訳〕13時半までにそちらに伺えるように努力します。 24時間は長いですから、大抵の人はそれだけの時間があれば返答できます。 「usual」は「通常は」という意味です。時に何かがあって返答できないこともある、ということを表します(例えば、インターネットがダウンしてメールができない、など)。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Normal response time is 24 hours.

  • I try to respond within 24 hours.

  • I do try to respond within 24 hours but don't get upset if it take me longer.

Normal response time is 24 hours. I try to respond within 24 hours. I do try to respond within 24 hours but don't get upset if it take me longer. My normal response time is 24 hours.
Normal response time is 24 hours. (通常返答時間は24時間です。) I try to respond within 24 hours. (24時間以内に返事するようにしています。) I do try to respond within 24 hours but don't get upset if it take me longer. (24時間以内に返事するようにしていますが、長くかかっても気を悪くしないでください。) My normal response time is 24 hours. (私の通常返答時間は、24時間です。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I usually respond within 24 hours.

  • I will get back to you within a day.

1) I usually respond within 24 hours. 「通常24時間以内に返答します。」 respond は「返答する」 within 24 hours で「24時間以内に」 2) I will get back to you within a day. 「24時間以内にお返事します。」 get back to 人 で「人に返事する・連絡する」 「24時間以内」は within a day とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I usually respond within 24 hours

  • I'll get back to you within 24 hours

"I usually respond within 24 hours" and I'll get back to you within 24 hours" Both of these are very widely used, often in emails, this decribes that you will 'reply'/message someone back within/in 24 hours time. To respond is another way to say/use reply.
"I usually respond within 24 hours"(通常は24時間以内に返答します) "I'll get back to you within 24 hours"(通常は24時間以内に返答します) どちらも一般的な表現です、Eメールでよく使われます。「24時間以内に返答します」と伝えています。 'respond' は 'reply'(返答する)の別の言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I normally get back to you within a day

  • I should respond within 24 hours

On your homepage, you want to write that you normally respond withing 24 hours. Above are some examples.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The response time is usually within 24 hours

  • My usual response time is usually within 24 hours

  • I usually respond within 24 hours

When you want to state on your homepage that you usually respond within 24 hours; then you may explain this in the following ways: -The response time is usually within 24 hours -My usual response time is usually within 24 hours -I usually respond within 24 hours
「通常は24時間以内に返答します」とホームページに記載したいなら、例えば次のような言い方ができます。 -The response time is usually within 24 hours -My usual response time is usually within 24 hours -I usually respond within 24 hours (通常は24時間以内に返答します)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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