"I'm not sure if it will actually happen, but in the future, I'd like to start an apparel-related business in Africa. "
I would like to start a clothing company in Africa.
My dream is to start a clothing company in Africa.
*I would like to start a clothing company in Africa.
This is more specific. You are clearly mentioning that you want to start a clothing company in Africa.
*My dream is to start a clothing company in Africa.
If someone has a dream it means that it is their wish to do something.
*I would like to start a clothing company in Africa.
*My dream is to start a clothing company in Africa.
もし誰かが'has a dream'と言ったら、それは彼らが何かをすることを望んでいるということです。
Sometime in the future, I'd like to start a business in Africa connected with clothing
It may be a little more informative if you can more clearly define the area of business that you are involved in. 'Connected with clothing' is not clear. Is it a farming, manuafacturing, financial, distribution, wholesale, transport or retail business? These are sectors of the economy and your intended business should fall into one of those categories. Otherwise you may like to say:
"Sometime in the future, I'd like to start a business in Africa connected with clothing."
あなたが関わっているビジネスの業界をもっと明らかに言えば、もう少し情報豊富な文になります。'Connected with clothing' は曖昧です。農業、製造業、金融業、流通業、商業、輸送業、小売業のうちのどれでしょうか? これらが、経済の区分ですので、あなたの目標としているビジネスも、これらのカテゴリーのうちのひとつのはずです。
"Sometime in the future, I'd like to start a business in Africa connected with clothing."
In future I would like to start a clothing business in Africa.
One day I would like to open a clothing business in Africa.
You can say :
"In future I would like to start a clothing business in Africa."
"One day I would like to open a clothing business in Africa."
In future (not now, in future)
start (open)
clothing business (clothing store)
One day (in future)
open (start)
The two examples are the most common to use.
"In future I would like to start a clothing business in Africa."
"One day I would like to open a clothing business in Africa."(いつか洋服関係のビジネスをアフリカで始めたい。)
In future (not now, in future):未来(今ではなく今後)
start (open):スタート、起業、同じ意味でopenも使えます。
clothing business (clothing store):洋服の仕事・洋服屋さん
One day (in future):いつか
Hi Miho!
したい= I want to
アフリカで= in africa
start a company
start a business
One day I hope to be an entrepreneur and have a garment start-up in Africa!
"A start-up"...is when you start from scratch and build a business...." from the ground up!" " One day " alludes to an unknown time in the future ;-D "Garment" alludes to clothing of some kind! So we end up with:
"One day I hope to be an entrepreneur and have a garment start-up in Africa!"
"A start-up"という言葉は、ビジネスを一から立ち上げる時に使われます。"from the ground up!"(土台から始める)
"one day"は未来の(決まっていない)いつかを表します。
"One day I hope to be an entrepreneur and have a garment start-up in Africa!"(いつかアフリカで、起業家として洋服関係の仕事を一からスタートしたい。)
I want to start a business in Africa.
I'm thinking of starting a business in Africa.
As you can see from these example sentences we can use the verb, "to want," or the conditional tense, "would like," to express the same meaning. In addition we can also use the phrase, "my dream is," to also express this same idea of wanting something in the future.