世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/14 23:19
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  • I'm sorry, I have to cancel tomorrow's meeting.

  • I'm sorry, I can't make it tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I have to cancel tomorrow's meeting. I'm sorry, I can't make it tomorrow. 大変申し訳ありませんが、明日の打ち合わせをキャンセルしたいです。 大変申し訳ありませんが、明日は行けなくなりました。 I'm sorry, I have to cancel tomorrow's meeting. Something has come up. 大変申し訳ありませんが、急な用事が入ってきて、明日の打ち合わせをキャンセルしたいです。 <ボキャブラリー> I'm sorry = ごめんなさい、申し訳ございません cancel = キャンセルする meeting = 打ち合わせ、会議 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I'm going to have to postpone our meeting tomorrow.

  • I'm going to need a rain check.

I'm going to have to postpone our meeting tomorrow. - this response implies that the meeting can be rescheduled. I'm going to need a rain check. - This is a common phrase used in English to express how you're not going to be able to make it, and need to reschedule the outing.
I'm going to have to postpone our meeting tomorrow.(明日のミーティングは延期しないといけません) - これは「別の日なら会うことができる」というニュアンスです。 I'm going to need a rain check.(延期してもらわないといけません) - これは英語でよく使われるフレーズです。人の誘いを「また今度にさせてください」と断る言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I can't make it tomorrow.

  • I need to ask you to reschedule our plan because of a meeting.

I can't make it tomorrow.  (訳:明日行けそうにありません) I need to ask you to reschedule our plan because of a meeting. (訳:会議がはいったので、予定を変更できるかお伺いしたいです。) I was really looking forward to meeting you. ( あなたに会うのをとても楽しみにしていたんです。)などと付け加えるとよりいいかと思います。 また、理由をはっきり言いたくないときなどは Something has come up. という言い方もあります。直訳すると何かが近づいた,上がってきたという意味ですが、日本語でいう ちょっと用事ができちゃって、ちょっとやることができてというニュアンスです。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Can I take a rain check?

  • I'm sorry! I have to cancel tomorrow because something came up.

  • Something came up, so can we cancel tomorrow?

A rain check is used to tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time. You can also use it if you have already accepted the invitation, you can still use the phrase. When you have to cancel a meeting, appointment or date, and something that takes precedent, then you can say "something came up", then provide a response as to why you must cancel.
"rain check" は、「今回は行けないけどまた今度誘ってくれる?」と伝えるときに使われます。これは既に誘いを受けてしまっているときにも使えます。 会合・予約・デートなどの予定をキャンセルしないといけないときには、"something came up"(用事ができた)と言えます。その後、キャンセルしなければならない理由を説明します。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I am afraid I won't be able to attend tomorrow's meeting.

  • Unfortunately, I can not make the meeting tomorrow.

I am afraid I won't be able to attend tomorrow's meeting. Here you are explaining that you are sorry that you will not be able to go to the meeting Attend- to go to or be present at a meeting, event... Unfortunately, I can not make the meeting tomorrow. 'Unfortunately'- unluckily, sadly, regrettably, unhappily- you are sad that you can not go to the meeting 'Can not make'- you can not go to, you can not attend
I am afraid I won't be able to attend tomorrow's meeting.(申し訳ございませんが、明日の会合には行けません) ここでは「申し訳ないがミーティングには行けない」と伝えています。 Attend-〔会合・イベントなどに〕行く、出席する Unfortunately, I can not make the meeting tomorrow.(申し訳ございませんが、明日の会合には行けません) 'Unfortunately'- 不運なことに、悲しいことに、残念ながら。会合に行けず残念だということです。 'Can not make'- 行けない、出席できない
Sophiee DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid I won't be able to meet you tomorrow.

  • I'm sorry to say I cannot make it to our scheduled meeting tomorrow.

  • Something has come up. I cannot make it to our meeting.

It is important to consider the relationship that you have with the person you are supposed to meet. If they are a good friend, you could use more casual language. 'Something has come up' is an informal way of saying that you cannot meet them because you need to do something else. This would not be appropriate with a business associate. 'I'm sorry to say I cannot make it to our scheduled meeting tomorrow' would be a polite way to say you need to cancel, but if you value the relationship, it would be good to ask to 'reschedule' the meeting for a different date. Otherwise the other person may get the feeling that meeting them was not important to you. For example: 'I'm sorry to say I cannot make it to our scheduled meeting tomorrow. Is there any possibility that we could reschedule to another day later this week?'
会う予定になっている人との関係を考えることが重要です。相手が友達なら、よりカジュアルな言い方ができます。'Something has come up' は「用事ができて会えなくなった」と伝えるインフォーマルな言い方です。これは仕事関係者に使うには適切でないでしょう。 'I'm sorry to say I cannot make it to our scheduled meeting tomorrow'(申し訳ありません、明日のミーティングに行けなくなりました) これはキャンセルを申し出る丁寧な言い方です。ただ、その関係を重視しているなら、ミーティングを別の日に変更させて欲しいとお願いした方が良いでしょう。でないと、相手は自分と会うことは重要ではなかったのだと感じるかもしれません。 例えば: 'I'm sorry to say I cannot make it to our scheduled meeting tomorrow. Is there any possibility that we could reschedule to another day later this week?' (申し訳ありません、明日のミーティングに行けなくなりました。今週別の日に予定を組み直すことは可能でしょうか)
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • I am so sorry but I have to attend to something urgently and am unable to meet with you tomorrow as planned.

  • I'm afraid that I am no longer able to meet with you as scheduled as something urgent has just popped into my diary.

  • Oh shoot! I can no longer meet with you tomorrow as something has just come up.

I am so sorry but I have to attend to something and am unable to meet with you tomorrow as planned. First apologise to the person and then explain why you are no longer able to meet. You do not have to go into detail and therefore it is perfectly acceptable to simply say that you have to attend to something urgently. I'm afraid that I am no longer able to meet with you as scheduled as something urgent has just popped into my diary. Afraid usually means scared but in this instance it's more a term which indicates regret. A similar expression is "I'm sorry." If something has popped into your diary it means that you have just been notified of another meeting or errand. An errand is a task or an assignment. Oh shoot! I can no longer meet with you tomorrow as something has just come up. Oh shoot is a very casual term which is a polite way of saying something like "damn." This is not to be used when speaking to business acquaintances. If something has come up then it means that you have just been made aware of the fact that you have to be someplace else or do something that cannot wait.
I am so sorry but I have to attend to something and am unable to meet with you tomorrow as planned.(ごめんなさい、用事ができて明日予定通りに会えなくなりました) まず、相手に謝罪して、それからなぜ会えなくなったのか説明します。詳しく説明する必要はありません。ですから、シンプルに「急用ができた」だけでも全く問題ありません。 I'm afraid that I am no longer able to meet with you as scheduled as something urgent has just popped into my diary.(申し訳ないのですが、急用ができて予定通りに会えなくなってしまいました) 'Afraid' は普通「怖がる」という意味ですが、この場合は残念な気持ちを表します。 "I'm sorry" はこれと似た表現です。"Something has popped into your diary" は、別のミーティングや用事(=errand)をしないといけなくなったという意味です。 Oh shoot! I can no longer meet with you tomorrow as something has just come up. (しまった!急用ができて、明日会えなくなりました) "Oh shoot" はとてもカジュアルな表現です。これは "Damn" の丁寧な言い方です。これは仕事上の知り合いに使うような言い方ではありません。"Something has come up" は「別の所に行かないといけなくなった」「別のことをしないといけなくなった」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I have to cancel tomorrow's meeting.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I have to cancel tomorrow's meeting.」 (意味)明日のミーティングをキャンセルしないといけません。 <例文>I'm so sorry but I have to cancel tomorrow's meeting. Can we have the meeting next Monday instead? <訳> 大変申し訳ないんですけど明日のミーティングをキャンセルしないといけません。代わりに来週の月曜日にできますか? 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I'm sorry, I can't make it tomorrow.

  • I'm sorry, I can't meet you tomorrow. Something urgent came up.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__)m I'm sorry, I can't make it tomorrow. 「ごめんなさい。明日は都合がつかないです」 I'm sorry, I can't meet you tomorrow. Something urgent came up. 「ごめんなさい。明日は会えないんだ。急用が入ってしまって」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I'm sorry I have to cancel our meeting tomorrow.

  • I'm sorry I have to postpone our meeting tomorrow.

  • I'm sorry I need to cancel our meeting tomorrow.

Here are three example sentences to express that we need to cancel plans that we had made with someone. Notice that the verbs, to cancel and to postpone, can be used interchangeably here. Postpone can imply that you want to reschedule the meeting rather than just cancelling it. The auxiliary verbs, to have to and to need to, can be used interchangeably here as well to express that there is an obligation to you are asking for.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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