I'd really appreciate it if in the future, you could maybe use the last 10 minutes of the lesson to play some kind of game or do some kind of game-like activity (so as to finish the lesson on a funny note).
I'd really appreciate it if in the future, you could maybe use the last 10 minutes of the lesson and integrate some kind of game or game-like activity (so as to finish the lesson on a funny note).
1.I'd really appreciate it if in the future, you could maybe use the last 10 minutes of the lesson to play some kind of game or do some kind of game-like activity (so as to finish the lesson on a funny note).
2. I'd really appreciate it if in the future, you could maybe use the last 10 minutes of the lesson and integrate some kind of game or game-like activity (so as to finish the lesson on a funny note).
--- appreciate = 感謝する
--- game-like activity = ゲームっぽい活動
--- integrate = 追加する、新しい要素をもう既に存在するものに統合する
--- finish the lesson on a funny note = レッスンを楽しく終わらせる
Could you let my children play a game in English in the last 10 minutes of their lesson?
Could you play a game in English with my children in the last 10 minutes of their lesson?
Could you let my children play a game in English in the last 10 minutes of their lesson?
let children 〜 子供たちに〜させて という意味になります。
Could you play a game in English with my children in the last 10 minutes of their lesson?
勝手に複数にしましたが、子どもが1人ならmy child/son/daughter、their →his/her になります。
Could you 〜 で「してもらうことはできますか?」というような丁寧な聞き方になります。
can よりも可能性が低い場合を指せるcouldなので、「できなくても構わないが、できるでしょうか?」というような、「〜できる?やって!」と強要しすぎない言い方になります。