車出せる人いるかな?って英語でなんて言うの? (スキーに行く話を、友達数人で話していて)「車出せる人いるかな? まあ、レンタカーでも良いけど。」というセリフ。Is there anyone have a car possible go ski? well, it's ok to rent a car.
Is there anyone who can take the car out?
「車出せる人いるかな? まあ、レンタカーでも良いけど。」
"Is there anyone who can take the car out for going skiing? Well, guess rental car's fine *if there isn't." など
Is there anyone who can offer a ride for us?
Is there anyone who can give us a ride to ski?
Give us a ride = 自分たちを車に乗せてくれる
Offer a ride = 車に乗っても良い などの表現は日常的によく使いますので覚えておくと便利ですよ。ご参考までに。
Can anyone get their car?
Is there anyone who can get their car along to (~location)?
1)「車出せる」を直接英語に訳すと"get the car out"になりますが、