世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英会話レッスン中に先生がチャットをしてくれるのですが、キーボードの音が結構カタカタと鳴ります。先生から「Can you hear my keyboard? Sorry about that」と言われてのですが、聞こえてるけど大丈夫だよ、と返したかったです。(うまく返答できませんでした)
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2018/09/25 00:08
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  • I can hear it but that's ok.

  • I can hear that but it's alright.

セミナーなどの時に発表者がよく聞きます。 「みなさん、聞こえますか?」 Can you hear me? 答えとして”I can hear you"と言います。 この場合も同じような答えになります。 聞こえてるけど大丈夫だよ I can hear it but that's ok. I can hear that but it's alright.
  • It's not a problem

  • no worries

"It's not a problem" Is a casual and widely used phrase, this is used when you'd like to express there is nothing wrong, everything is okay. "No worries" again another expression that references that everything is okay and not to worry.
"It's not a problem"(大丈夫です) は、カジュアルで一般的なフレーズです。「問題ありません、大丈夫です」というときに使われます。 "No worries"(大丈夫です) これも「問題ありません、大丈夫です」を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Its OK, Its not a problem for me.

This example would be a good way of expressing you can hear the keyboard but its fine its not a problem.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I can hear it but don't worry about it!

  • I can hear it but it's okay!

  • I can hear it but it's not bothering me!

I can hear it but don't worry about it! "don't worry" - used to make someone feel comfortable I can hear it but it's okay! "okay" - used to tell someone that something is all right to do and they can go ahead I can hear it but it's not bothering me! "bothering" - the typing is not a problem for me
I can hear it but don't worry about it!(聞こえますが、気にしないでください) "don't worry" - 相手を心配させないように言います。 I can hear it but it's okay!(聞こえますが、大丈夫です) "okay" - その行動を続けて問題ないことを伝えるときに使われます。 I can hear it but it's not bothering me!(聞こえますけど、気になりませんよ) "bothering" - タイピングの音は「気にならない」という意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I can hear it, but that's okay.

  • I can, but no worries!

To confirm that you hear the sound, you can say "Yes, I can hear it," or "I can hear it". To reassure someone that something doesn't bother you or disturb you, it's common for someone to say "That's okay." Okay is used in a variety of situations, but is commonly used to describe someone's condition. It's a common synonym for the word "fine". For example, "I'm fine" or "it's fine" is interchangeable with "I'm okay" or "it's okay". Another expression that's good to know is "No worries!" This phrase suggests that the other person should not worry that you were bothered/disturbed. In addition, you could say a variation such as "don't worry about it!"
「音は聞こえる」と肯定するなら、"Yes, I can hear it"(はい、聞こえます)または "I can hear it"(聞こえます)と言えます。 「気にならない[苦にならない]から大丈夫」というときには、"That's okay"(大丈夫です)がよく使われます。"okay" はさまざまな場面で使われますが、人の状態を表すときによく使われます。 "okay" は "fine" の同義語です。例えば、"I'm fine" または "It's fine" は、"I'm okay" または "It's okay" と同じ意味です。 "No worries!" も便利な表現です。これは「気にならない[苦にならない]ので心配しないで」のニュアンスです。他に、"Don't worry about it!"(気にしないで)という言い方もできます。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • I can hear the keypad but it isn't a problem.

  • Yes I can hear the typing sounds but I don't mind.

  • I don't mind the sounds.

During an online lesson, the teacher will make notes for you so you might hear the sound of the keypad while the teacher is typing. The keypad sounds are audible but aren't very distracting. audible: able to be heard distracting: makes concentrating hard "I don't mind the sound of the keypad teacher." "Yes I can hear the sound but don't worry about it."
オンラインレッスンでは、先生がメモを書いてくれるので、キーボードの音が聞こえるかもしれません。 ただ、聞こえても、気になるほどではないと思います。 audible: 聞こえる distracting: 気を散らす "I don't mind the sound of the keypad teacher."(キーボードの音は気になりません、先生) "Yes I can hear the sound but don't worry about it."(はい、音は聞こえます。でも、気にはなりません)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • No worries, the sound of your keyboard doesn't disturb me at all.

  • It's okay, I don't mind.

No worries, the sound of your keyboard doesn't disturb me at all. - This sentence can be used to express that you are comfortable, regardless of the noise coming from the keyboard and that the teacher shouldn't worry about the noise as well. It's okay, I don't mind. - This sentence can be used to express the lack of consideration or concern you have about the noise of the keyboard.
No worries, the sound of your keyboard doesn't disturb me at all.(大丈夫です、キーボードの音は全く気になりません) この文では「キーボードの音は気にならないので、心配しないでください」と伝えています。 It's okay, I don't mind.(大丈夫です、気になりません) この文は「キーボードの音は気にならない」と伝えます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • It's not a problem

  • It's fine. Don't worry

  • It's no problem at all

During an online English lesson, your teacher often uses the chat box to help you understand the lesson. When your teacher says "Can you hear my keyboard? Sorry about that", you want to say that you can hear it, but it's not a problem. There are a couple of example responses above.
オンライン英会話中に、先生が生徒の理解を促すためにチャットボックスをよく使います。 先生が"Can you hear my keyboard? Sorry about that"(キーボードの音が聞こえる?ごめんね。)と言ったら、例のように聞こえるけど大丈夫ですと伝えましょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Yes, I can hear it, but I don't mind.

  • It is audible, but it does not bother me.

  • I can hear it, but it is not an issue.

Audible' is an adjective to describe something that is able to be heard. When we can hear something/something makes noise, we can say it is audible. We can describe something as not being a problem by saying it is not an issue, we are not bothered by it or that we don't mind.
Audible' は「聞こえる」という意味の形容詞です。"something is audible" で「~が聞こえる」となります。 「問題ありません/気になりません」は "it is not an issue" "it does not bother me" "I don't mind" などと言えます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I can hear it but that's quite alright

  • I can hear it but it's not a problem

  • No problem

You could casually just tell your teacher 'It's not a problem." or "No problem" Simple phrases that have clear meaning.
先生に "It's not a problem" または "No problem" とカジュアルに伝えることができます。 分かりやすいシンプルなフレーズです。
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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