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2018/09/27 19:57
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  • I sneaked out of the house to go to a party without my parents realising.

  • I slipped out of the house to a party without my parents realising.

「親」→「Parents」 「(親)に気づかれない」→「Without (my parents) realising」 「抜け出す」→「To sneak out, To slip out」 まとめて言いますと、 「I sneaked out of the house to go to a party without my parents realising.」 「I slipped out of the house to a party without my parents realising.」 になります。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • I snuck out of my parents house to go to a party.

  • My parents didn't notice when I snuck out of the house to go to a party.

Both of these answers explain to someone that you left your parents home without them noticing so that you could go to a friends party. The past form of sneak is 'snuck', so as these sentences are talking about something that happened in the past 'snuck' is in the correct tense. If we were talking about something in the future I could say "I am going to sneak out of my parents house."
どちらの例も、親に気づかれずに家を抜け出して友達のパーティーに行ったことを伝えています。 'sneak'(コソコソする)の過去形は'snuck'です。これらの文は過去に起こったことについて言っているので、過去形の'snuck'が正しいです。 未来のことを話すなら、 "I am going to sneak out of my parents house." (家を抜け出すつもりです) と言うことができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I had to sneak out of my house to go to a party.

In this sentence, the word "had" means that you did not have any other option than to sneak out of your house to be able to go to the party. I hope that this helps! :)
この文では、「had」は、パーティーに行くには家をこっそり抜け出すしかなかったことを表しています。 参考になればと思います! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I went AWOL from home and went to a party

  • I escaped from home so as to attend a party

AWOL = a military expression meaning 'absent without leave.' This expression is very familiar in the UK. If you escape from somewhere it infers that you left that place without authority or permission.
「AWOL」は「absent without leave(無断で外出して)」の略です。これは軍事表現で、イギリスでよく使われます。 "to escape from ___"は、許可なくその場を離れるというニュアンスです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I sneaked out the house to go to a party so my parents wouldn't notice

  • I sneaked out the house so that my parents wouldn't see me, then I went to a party

When you want to explain that you slipped out the house to go to a party so that your parents couldn't see you, then you can say: -I sneaked out the house to go to a party so my parents wouldn't notice -I sneaked out the house so that my parents wouldn't see me, then I went to a party
親に気づかれないように家を抜け出して、パーティーに行ったと伝えたいなら、次のフレーズが使えます。 -I sneaked out the house to go to a party so my parents wouldn't notice 親に気づかれないようにこっそり家を抜け出してパーティーに行った。 -I sneaked out the house so that my parents wouldn't see me, then I went to a party 親に気づかれないようにこっそり家を抜け出してパーティーに行った。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Last night I snuck out the house to go to a party, my parents did not notice!

  • I did not want my parents to know I was going to a party so I snuck out of the house!

"Last night I snuck out the house to go to a party, my parents did not notice!"- By saying this you first state when you left the house, how you left the house and why you left the house. Then you show you did not get caught by saying your parents didn't notice! "I did not want my parents to know I was going to a party so I snuck out of the house!"- This is a very simple way of expressing that your parents weren't aware of the party and you wanted to attend therefore sneaking out the house.
"Last night I snuck out the house to go to a party, my parents did not notice!"(昨日の夜こっそり家を抜け出してパーティーに行きました。親には気付かれませんでした) →ここでは、いつ家を出たか、どのように家を出たか、そしてなぜ家を出たか伝えています。この後、「親には気付かれなかった」と加えています。 "I did not want my parents to know I was going to a party so I snuck out of the house!"(親にパーティーに行くのを知られたくなかったので、家をこっそり抜け出しました) →これは非常にシンプルな言い方です。「親はパーティーのことを知らず、自分はそこに行きたかった。だからこっそり抜け出した」と伝えています。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • I snuck out of my parents and went to a party.

  • I went to a party after sneaking out of my parents' home.

"I snuck out of my parents and went to a party." explains that you left your parents' home without them knowing, and then went to a party.
"I snuck out of my parents and went to a party." は「親に気付かれないように家を抜け出し、パーティーに行った」という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I crept out of my house so my parents wouldn't find out

  • I snuck out of my house so my parents wouldn't find out

"I crept out of my house so my parents wouldn't find out" 'crept out' is an expression used for 'sneaking out' to leave somewhere, in this example ones house, and not get caught leaving. to sneak out is to leave without anyone noticing. 'Snuck out' is also a term used for this, for past tense you would say "I snuck out" present tense "I am sneaking out" and future would be "I am going to sneak out".
"I crept out of my house so my parents wouldn't find out"(親に気付かれないようにこっそり家を抜け出した) 'crept out' は 'to sneak out'(気付かれないように抜け出す)の意味です。ここでは「気付かれないように家を抜け出した」と言っています。 'snuck out'(抜け出した)も使えます。 過去時制では "I snuck out"、現在時制では "I am sneaking out"、未来時制では "I am going to sneak out" となります。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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