「前もって」は英語で in advance 又は beforehand と言います。両方ともニュアンスが同じですが、beforehand は主に口語です。
Please let me know in advance
Please let me know beforehand
In the case of a popular restaurant, it's best to make a reservation in advance
In the case of a popular restaurant, it's best to make a reservation beforehand
I should have made a reservation beforehand because it's so popular.
I should have booked a table at this restaurant ahead of time since it's such a hot spot.
1) I should have made a reservation beforehand because it's so popular.
「予約する」は make a reservation
「前もって」は beforehand
2) I should have booked a table at this restaurant ahead of time since it's such a hot spot.
「予約する」は book を使って言うこともできます。
「前もって」は ahead of time とも言えます。
「Beforehand」は「前もって」に相当します。例えば、「I should have made a reservation before hand」は「前もって予約すべきでした」です。
「Ahead of time」と「in advance」は同じ使い方です。
例文:「I should have made a reservation ahead of time」
例文 : 「I should have made a reservation in advance」