Since you're so sure of yourself, it would actually be a pleasant surprise if you were wrong.
自信満々を直訳すると、full of confidence/sure of oneselfになります。
would actually be a pleasant surpriseは、逆に清々しいという表現の気分を述べると思います。ちょっと意外なことで、ちょっと爽やかで気持ちいいという感じです。
pleasant surpriseという表現は、そういう気持ちを述べるためよく使います。
It would conversely be funny if you are wrong despite being that confident.
If you're wrong despite having so much confidence, it would be pretty amusing.
「It would conversely be funny if you are wrong」の直訳は「間違えてたら逆に面白い」で、「despite being that confident」は「あんなに自信あるくせに」。
「If you're wrong despite having so much confidence, it would be pretty amusing」はほぼ同じの意味です。