世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/04 14:56
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  • It is hard to go on a (big) trip with small children.

"hard"はこの場合、「大変さ」というニュアンスで使えます。 小さなお子様との旅行は費用、体力、精神面、全てにおいて大変なので、なかなか簡単には行きづらいというニュアンスを出せると思います。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • It is tiresome traveling with small children.

  • It is hard to go on a trip with small kids.

「いろいろ大変だから難しい」ということを伝えたいのであれば、上記二つの英訳文が挙げられます。 "It is tiresome ..."も"it is hard to..."も「〜しづらい」という意味です。 なお、「旅行する」は、"travel"か"go on a trip"が適当です。 "go to trip"とは言いませんので、ご注意ください。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • It can be challenging traveling with small children.

  • It's difficult traveling with small children.

When we are traveling and have younger children who need to accompany us on the trip, things can be difficult and very challenging at times. If we would like to express this thought, we could use a couple of expressions such as: 1) It can be challenging traveling with small children. 2) It's difficult traveling with small children.
小さい子供と一緒に旅行に行くと、大変なことがありますね。 この気持ちを表す場合、次のような表現が使えます。 【例文】 1) It can be challenging traveling with small children. (小さい子供と旅をするのは難しいことがあります) 2) It's difficult traveling with small children. (小さい子供と旅をするのは大変です)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • It is exhausting travelling with small children.

The word exhausting is the same thing as draining, tiring, taxing, demanding, hard and difficult. You can expand this sentence by saying why it is difficult such as the example below. It is exhausting travelling with small children because they are always crying and complaining about the journey.
"exhausting"(クタクタに疲れさせる)は: "draining", "tiring", "taxing", "demanding", "hard", "difficult" これらと同じ意味です。 なぜ難しいのかの理由を加えて、この文を広げることもできます。 例えば: It is exhausting travelling with small children because they are always crying and complaining about the journey. 泣いたり文句ばかり言うので、小さい子どもと旅行をするとヘトヘトになる。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Small kids are not good travel companions.

  • Traveling with kids can be a hassle.

  • It is not advisable to travel with small kids/Traveling with small kids is not advisable.

Traveling can be a lot of work, traveling with kids can be a hassle! They are a lot of work and can bring many challenges to the trip. To expess this use the sentences above. "Are you bringing the kids on holiday this year?" "No way, last year I had a troublesome holiday because I took them along." Hassle: something difficult and distracting
旅行は体力が必要ですね、子どもと旅行をするのは大変です! 子どもは手がかかりますし、旅行中いろいろな騒動を巻き起こすかもしれません。 これについて伝えるなら、上記の文が使えます。 "Are you bringing the kids on holiday this year?"(今年は子どもを旅行に連れていくの) "No way, last year I had a troublesome holiday because I took them along."(いかないよ。去年は子どもたちのおかげで大変な旅行になったからね) Hassle: 面倒なこと、厄介なこと
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It's taxing traveling with small children.

  • It's challenging traveling with young ones.

It's a challenge traveling with young children because kids usually have a short attention span. This could make it very difficult for parents to keep their children occupied for a long time, especially a long flight. Children also become 'crabby', a common term for children who are irritable. This leads to crying and screaming which could be taxing (meaning exhausting) and embarrassing for parents.
子どもは集中力がないので、一緒に旅行するのは大変です。子どもを長時間、特に長時間のフライトの間集中させておくことはとても難しいかもしれません。 子どもは'crabby'(気難しく)になることもあります('crabby'はイライラした子どもを表す一般的な言葉です)。この結果、子どもは泣いたりさけんだりして、親にとっては'taxing'(疲れさせる)で、バツが悪いかもしれません。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Travelling with children is a pain in the ass!

  • It's rather tiresome travelling with children

If something is 'tiresome' it may be mentally or physically draining. Pain in the ass = an infomal expression denoting something that is difficult, tedious, boring or stressful.
「tiresome」は、精神的・肉体的に人を疲れさせることを表します。 Pain in the ass = 難しい、つまらない、または人を精神的に疲れさせることを表すインフォーマルな表現。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Traveling with kids is a challenge.

  • It's a real challenge traveling with small children.

A 'challenge' is a situation that confronts us and begs to be surmounted. Using the word 'real' as an adjective is a way to emphasize an increased degree of something.
「challenge」は「課題」「難題」という意味です。 形容詞の「real」は物事の程度を強調します。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • It can be really difficult to travel with young children.

  • Traveling with little ones can be a challenge.

“Really difficult” or “a challenge” is referring to something being hard to do. “Little ones” or “young children” is referring to little kids. Ex: -I find it really challenging to travel with little ones. -
“Really difficult” または “A challenge” は「やるのが難しいこと」を指します。 “Little ones” または “Young children” は「小さな子ども」を指します。 例: -I find it really challenging to travel with little ones. (小さな子を連れて旅行をするのは大変)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
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