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バスの運行状況を聞きたいです。 1日に何本、何時にバスが走ってるか、と言いたいです。
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2018/10/08 20:20
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  • How many buses are there daily?

  • How many buses run everyday?

  • What time do the buses run / come?

「1日何本バスが走っていますか?」という聞き方は、 1) How many buses are there daily? 2) How many buses run everyday? と言えます。 「何時にバスが走ってますか?」は 3) What time do the buses run? や What time do the buses come? と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • How many buses run each day?

  • How many times does the bus run this route each day?

"How many buses run each day?" Each day - another way of saying every day. "How many times does the bus run this route each day?" You would use this expression to ask about the number of times the bus drives the route every day. Does it go by 5 times or 25 times?
"How many buses run each day?" (一日にバスは何本走りますか) Each day -「every day」の別の言い方。 "How many times does the bus run this route each day?" (バスは一日に何本このルートを走りますか) - そのルートを毎日何回バスが走るのかを尋ねています。5回かもしれませんし、25回かもしれません。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • How many buses are there daily?

  • How many buses run everyday?

If you would like to find out how many buses run every day, you can do so in the following ways: "How many buses are there daily?" "How many buses run everyday?"
一日の何本バスが走っているか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "How many buses are there daily?" "How many buses run everyday?" (バスは一日何本走っていますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • How many buses run each day?

Buses and trains are said to 'run' when speaking about either their physical movement or the regularity of their journeys. Eg. "This bus runs from london to Manchester." "Buses don't run after midnight."
電車やバスの物理的な動きや運行状況について言う場合、「run」という動詞が使われます。 例 This bus runs from london to Manchester. (このバスはロンドンからマンチェスターまで行きます。) Buses don't run after midnight. (バスは0時以降は運行しません。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many buses are there daily?

  • How many buses run daily?

When wanting to catch a bus you might want to make sure you don't miss one or can get on it so would ask 'how many buses run daily?' you can also ask 'how many buses are there daily?'
バスに乗るなら、乗り遅れることがないようにしたいですね。 ですから、'how many buses run daily?'(バスは一日何本走っていますか)と言えます。 他に、'how many buses are there daily?'(バスは一日何本走っていますか)という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do the buses run daily and how many?

  • How many buses are there running each day?

When you want to ask about certain buses and how many there are that run every day, then you can ask in the following ways: -Do the buses run daily and how many? -How many buses are there running each day?
特定のバスについて、毎日どのくらいの本数走るのか尋ねたいなら、以下のように言えます: -Do the buses run daily and how many? (バスは毎日走るのですか。何本くらいですか) -How many buses are there running each day? (バスは一日何本は知りますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "How many buses make this route daily?"

  • "How many trips are there each day for this bus route?"

  • "Do you have a timetable for this bus route?"

"How many buses make this route daily?" is a very simple and direct way to ask the question you are interested in. It refers to the specific bus or "route" you need more information on and you are asking the "daily" timetable. "How many trips are there each day for this bus route?" is another way to ask the aforementioned question. Be mindful that you are asking about the quantity though, not the frequency. If you wanted to know the frequency, you could ask "how often does the bus come?" "Do you have a timetable for this bus route?" You could ask this question if you want specific times and/or a physical copy of the daily schedule.
"How many buses make this route daily?" (一日に何本バスがここを走っていますか?) これは、とてもシンプルでダイレクトな表現です。特定のバスやルートのスケジュールを聞いています。  "How many trips are there each day for this bus route?" (このバスのルートは一日何本ですか?) これは上の例の別の言い方です。頻度ではなく本数を聞いているのを忘れないでください。どれくらいの間隔で走っているのか聞きたいなら、"how often does the bus come"(どのくらいの頻度でバスが来ますか?)と聞くといいでしょう。 "Do you have a timetable for this bus route?" (このバスルートの時刻表はありますか?) これは、ある特定の時間を知りたいときや、時刻表が欲しいときに使うフレーズです。
Rada DMM英会話講師
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