世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




スポーツ選手にサインをもらいたいのですが、一緒に自分の名前も書いてほしいと思っています。To ~ みたいに。May I have your autograph?でサインくださいと言えますが、一緒に名前を書いてほしい場合はどう伝えたらよいですか?
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2018/10/08 21:40
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  • Could you please sign my____(book, paper, picture)? Could you write it out to____?

  • Could I have your autograph? Could you write it to me? My name is____

There may be times in our lives where we meet a celebrity in real life. When this happens, we may want to receive an autograph/signature from them. If this is the case, there are a couple ways we could request this of them: 1) Could you please sign my____(book, paper, picture)? Could you write it out to____? 2) Could I have your autograph? Could you write it to me? My name is____
現実にセレブに会うことが人生であるかもしれません。そうなると、サインがほしいものです。 お願いの仕方はいくつかあります。 1) Could you please sign my____(book, paper, picture)? Could you write it out to____?  (本、紙、写真)にサインをしてくれませんか?~あてに書いてくれませんか? 2) Could I have your autograph? Could you write it to me? My name is____  サインをもらってもいいですか?私あてに書いてもらえますか?私の名前は~です。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get your autograph? Can you write it to me? My name is John.

  • Can you make it out to me? My name is John.

1) Can I get your autograph? Can you write it to me? My name is John. 「サインもらえますか? 私宛に書いてもらえますか?名前はジョンです。」 サインをお願いする時は Can I get your autograph? とも言えます。 write it to me で「私宛に書く」 2) Can you make it out to me? My name is John. 「私宛に書いてもらえますか?名前はジョンです。」 make it out to me とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Could I have your autograph please? please write it to me, my name is ..........

  • Could you sign my book/paper, and make it out to ............

When asking someone to sign something for you in your name then you would say 'write it to me' or 'make it out to' When asking for an autograph you can ask for an autograph or just for them to sign something
自分の名前を入れてサインをしてもらいたいなら、'write it to me'(私宛に書く)や 'make it out to'(「~へ」と書く)と言えます。 サインを求めるときには、'an autograph'(サイン)か、もしくは 'to sign'(~にサインする)が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • May I have your autograph? Please address it to ["your name"]

  • Can I please have your autograph? Make it out to ["your name"]

  • Please sign this for me and make it out to ["your name"]

When you run into someone famous (like an athlete) and want to ask for their autograph, then you may ask in the following ways: -May I have your autograph? Please address it to ["your name"]. -Can I please have your autograph? Make it out to ["your name"]. -Please sign this for me and make it out to ["your name"].
有名人(スポーツ選手など)に出くわして、サインをもらいたいときは、以下のようにお願いできます: -May I have your autograph? Please address it to ["your name"]. 〔訳〕サインいただけますか。[名前]と書いてください。 -Can I please have your autograph? Make it out to ["your name"]. 〔訳〕サインいただけますか。[名前]と書いてください。 -Please sign this for me and make it out to ["your name"]. 〔訳〕サインいただけますか。[名前]と書いてください。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please sign this and add a message 'To Jane'?

If you would like a celebrity to sign their autograph and also add a message, then the above sentence is fine.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please may I have your autograph and my name signed?

  • Could you please sign my name together with your autograph for me?

  • Memorabilia: objects you keep or collect because they are associated with people you love or objects you hold dear.

We ask famous people or those who inspire us in big ways to sign autographs for us so that we can have a special memory of them and the moment in which we met them. An autograph serves as a souvenir. Something physical that proves you met the person in the physical. Asking for our name to be signed is even more memorable, now you have a personalized autograph from the person you look up to!
有名人や憧れている人に出会ったとき、その記念としてサイン(autograph)をもらうことがあります。 サインとは記念品です。 その人と会ったことの物理的な証です。 名前も書いてもらうと、尊敬する人が自分だけに宛ててくれたサインになるので、より一層特別なものになるでしょう。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • May I have your autograph, please? Could you make it out to ....?

  • Can I have your autograph, please? Make it out for ....

May I have your autograph, please? Could you make it out to ....? This is a very polite way of asking someone something. Whenever you use the word "May" in a question, it is more grammatically correct, and very polite. The second part "Could you make it out to ....?" means asking the athlete to write your name or someone else's name. For example: May I have your autograph, please? Could you make it out to Sara? Can I have your autograph, please? Make it out for .... This is also used but I would recommend the first one. Hope this helps!
"May I have your autograph, please? Could you make it out to ....?"(サインをいただけますか。....へと書いてください) これは何かを頼むときの丁寧な言い方です。 質問で使われる "May" は文法的に正しく、また丁寧です。 後半の "Could you make it out to ....?" は、自分あるいは他の誰かの名前をそこに書くようにお願いする言い方です。 例文: May I have your autograph, please? Could you make it out to Sara?(サインをいただけますか。サラへと書いてください) Can I have your autograph, please? Make it out for ....(サインをいただけますか。...へと書いてください) これも使われますが、私のおすすめは一つ目の例です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have your autograph and sign it to me?

  • Could you make it out to me

"Sign it to me" to sign something to is to write their name to something ex. "To Chris,..... Signed, 'celebrity'" "Could you make it out to me" Is questioning whether if the celebrity could write it out to your name.
"Sign it to me" = "To sign something to" は「~に名前を書く」という意味です。 例えば: "To Chris,..... Signed, 'celebrity'"(クリスへ「有名人のサイン」) "Could you make it out to me"(私宛に書いてもらえますか) = 有名人にサインを自分宛に書いて欲しいとお願いする言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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