If you chill it in the fridge for a while it tastes better.
It's better if you cook it in the oven.
It tastes good if you eat it just the way it is.
1) If you chill it in the fridge for a while it tastes better.
「冷蔵庫で冷やす」は chill XX in the fridge (XXには食べ物が入ります)
2) It's better if you cook it in the oven.
toast it in the toaster 「トースターでトーストする」
bake it in the oven「オーブンで焼く」
cook it on the grill「グリルで焼く」
3) It tastes good if you eat it just the way it is.
eat it just the way it is で「そのままで食べる」
It tastes better with this sauce.
また、次のようにgo well withという表現も「~に合う」の意味で食事の文脈でよく使われます。
Tamari soy sauce really goes well with sashimi.
It goes well with alcohol.