This is good.
The stake at the restaurant was so delicious.
This bread is tasty.
Example of Delicious, Yummy, Mouthwatering
Delicious - Something savory or sweet that tastes really good!
"That was a delicious meal! Thank you for inviting me."
"My Mom makes a delicious chicken soup."
Yummy - very informal, but a way of expressing delight in what you are eating.
"That was a yummy meal!"
"Are those chocolate chip cookies? The ones you make are so yummy!"
Mouthwatering - When you smell a dish or someone mentions a food and your mouth starts to water just at the smell or thought.
"That pizza was mouthwatering good!"
"My mom makes a mouthwatering pasta sauce!"
Delicious, Yummy, Mouthwateringの例
Delicious - ピリッとしたり、[甘い](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/38423/)ものの味がとてもおいしいこと
"That was a delicious meal! Thank you for inviting me."
"My Mom makes a delicious chicken soup."
Yummy - カジュアルな表現だけれど、食べているものがおいしいときの表現
"That was a yummy meal!"
"Are those chocolate chip cookies? The ones you make are so yummy!"
Mouthwatering - [料理](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/4548/)の匂いをかいだり、誰かが食べ物の話をすると、匂いや考えただけで、口からよだれがでそうになります。
"That pizza was mouthwatering good!"
"My mom makes a mouthwatering pasta sauce!"
There are so many fun ways to talk about delicious food in English! And of course many of these words can also be used if you are talking about someone you think is very handsome or beautiful, although they may be too idiomatic for the first or second date. Save words like "scrumptious" and "luscious" until you know the person better, or if you are sure they won't overhear you.
"finger-lickin' good" was made famous in the US by the fast-food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken, now know as KFC. The idea is that the chicken was so good that you would want to lick your fingers when you are finished.
I love the taste. Where has this been all my life.
When describing food you can use words that are specifically about taste like tasty, delicious, yummy, or scrumptious.
But you can also use positive words to describe delicious food. After the word 'tastes' you can say:
This tastes amazing!
This tastes wonderful!
This tastes so good!
You can also use sentences that imply that the food is delicious.
"Where has this been all my life? " This means the food is so good that you feel like your life is better now because you tasted this new food.
"My compliments to the chef." You are so amazed by the taste.
動詞の 'tastes' を使って:
This tastes amazing!
This tastes wonderful!
This tastes so good!
"Where has this been all my life? "
"My compliments to the chef."
I have always loved chicken wings. They are a great finger food and come in so many yummy varieties. But one day, I went to my Chinese friend’s house, and his mom also makes chicken wings, except she fries them in oil twice instead of baking them.
This was life changing for me. I always loved the way wings tasted baked, but the fried meat was so juicy. The skin had the perfect crunch to it. The overall taste was so incredible it brought tears to my eyes. I took small bites so I could savor every greasy drop.
Never again will I eat a chicken wing as good. Maybe you have had a similar experience.
when you want to talk about something that you like tasting, then you can use the following phrases:
-to my taste
-tastes great
For example, you can say:
-The wine is much to my taste, even though most people don't like it.
-This ice-cream flavor tastes great
-I had the most delicious stew for supper last night
-to my taste
-tastes great
-The wine is much to my taste, even though most people don't like it.
-This ice-cream flavor tastes great
-I had the most delicious stew for supper last night
一番使われている言葉はおそらく “good”です。少しつまらないですが、みんなさんが使っています。
“This sushi is so good!”
The lobster here is delicious, you should try some.
This cookie is yummy!
One of the most common words to describe something that is really tasty is delicious. "That cheesecake was (absolutely) delicious!"
Scrumptious is a great word, it is great for kids & pronunciation practice, especially if you can roll the "r" sound. It is higher than delicious but means the same. I always ask my child: "How's din-dins, is it scrumptious?"
Amazeballs is a relatively new term coined by the Linkster Generation. It means really good or extremely impressive. "The sweet & sour pork was amazeballs!" or "The trip to the zoo was amazeballs!"
- Yummy
- Delicious
- Tasty
- Good
- Tastes good
- Amazing
Taste - 味
This pasta is amazing
This pasta is so delicious
This pasta is super tasty
you can use any of the above phrases to express your liking for the taste of the food.
example sentences :
this food is delicious
this food tastes so good.
i love the taste of this food, it is the best.
If you are looking for a word to express how good something tastes, you can simply use the words "delicious" or "yummy" or "tasty". These are some common words to describe something that tastes good. You can use this word in a sentence by saying something like "This cake is so delicious/tasty/yummy.".
このアイスが美味しいです ー This ice cream is delicious!
その食べ物はとてもおいしそうなにおいがする ー The food smells delicious
日本料理が美味しいです! ー Japanese food is delicious!
このレストランの料理が美味しいです! ー This restaurant serves delicious food
If you taste or have a delicious meal, you can use the following expressions to show how much you enjoyed the meal.
I tried the fried rice it was finger-licking good.
Tom's mum cooks delicious Asian dishes.
Hmmm, this is a yummy pecan nut pie.
The melon pan I ate this morning was very delicious.
I told the cook his ramen was the best I ever ate, it was very delicious.
I know I shouldn't eat candy, but its so delicious!
美味しい delicious, tasty
The melon pan I ate this morning was very delicious.
I told the cook his ramen was the best I ever ate,
it was very delicious.
I know I shouldn't eat candy, but its so delicious!
- This cake is very tasty!
美味しいことは「Tastes 〇〇」と言います。
この〇〇にGreat, wonderful, good, amazing, fantasticなどを当てはめると、とっても美味しいとか凄く美味しいという意味になります
逆も然りで、Tastes horrible, bad, okなどを使うと、美味しくないとかまあまあという意味になります
- This cake tastes great! What are the ingredients?.