世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/26 20:43
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  • Anyways, like I was saying earlier~

  • Anywho~

If you forgot what you were saying you could say "So....Where was I?" or "Where were we?" or "What were we talking about earlier?" and so on. Many times people use a word like, "anyways" or "anywho" to start it off again. Sometimes people use "anyhow" also. But "anyways" is the most commonly heard phrase in America during this situation. So if you DO remember what you were saying and you're ready to continue then say: "So/anyways/anyhow, like I was saying earlier~"
- "Anyways, like I was saying earlier~"(ところで、先程話していたことの続きだけど~) - "Anywho~"(だけど~) 会話が中断され、その後再開するときには、「Anyways, like I was saying earlier~」や「Anywho~」といった表現が役立ちます。 特に、「Anyways, like I was saying earlier~」は、前の話題に戻るときによく使われます。以下のような形で使うことが多いでしょう。 - "Anyways, like I was saying earlier, this new project is..." (ところで、先程話していたように、この新しいプロジェクトは…) 対して、「Anywho」はもう少しカジュアルな語感を持つ表現で、会話を再始動するときによく使われます。 もし何を話していたか忘れてしまった場合は、「So....Where was I?」(それで…私どこまで話してたっけ?)、「Where were we?」(私たちはどこまで話してたっけ?)、「What were we talking about earlier?」(先ほど私たちは何について話していたんだっけ?)などと尋ねるのも一つの手段です。 他にも、「anyhow」などが使われることもありますが、「anyways」は特にアメリカでよく聞かれる表現だと覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Where were we?

英語だと「どこにいたっけ?」という意味のWhere were we?でどこまで話したっけ?という意味になり、話の続きを話そうとするときに言います。こう言いながら思い出し、Oh yes..と話しを続けたりします。
  • So, where were we?

  • To continue what we were discussing earlier...

So, where were we? = さて、どこだったっけ? 会話が中断されてまた同じ話題を探すようなイメージです。 I digress. So, where were we? Oh, that's right, we were talking about how it doesn't snow as much in December as it used to. (話が逸れてしまいましたが、さて、何の話でしたっけ?そうでした、今は昔と比べて12月に雪が降るのが珍しくなった、って話でしたよね。) To continue what we were discussing earlier = 先ほどの話題に戻りたいのですが。 後者の方はもう少しかっちりした表現なのでビジネスのシーンではこちらを使うのをお勧めします。
  • 1. Let's continue where we left off.....

  • 2. Where were we before we were interrupted.....?

  • 3. The rabbit had just jumped down from the table.......

1. You suggest continuing the story from the place where you stopped. 2. You ask to be prompted about where you were in the story. 3. you just recap with the listeners the last part you read before continuing. recap = recapitulate = summarize and state again the main points.
1.話を止めた場所からまた話を続けることを提案する言い方です。 2.物語のどこにいたのかを尋ねる言い方です。 3. 続ける前に先に読んでいた場所をまた読むパターンです。 recap = recapitulate =要約する、再び主なポイントを述べること
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • So, where were we before we got interrupted?

  • Let's start where we left off.

  • So, let's continue from where we stopped.

It does happen often that while you are telling a long story, someone just interrupts you with something he/she needs to be attended to immediately. This suddenly prompts you to temporarily suspend your story and come back to it later. When getting back to the story, you may need to be reminded as to the stage at which you were before you got interrupted. So, you may ask: So, where were we before we got interrupted? or Let's start where we left off. or So, let's continue from where we stopped.
これはあなたが長い話を伝えているとき、誰かがすぐに聞かなければならないことがあり邪魔をしたときによく起こります。 これは突然あなたの話を一時的に停止させ、後からその話に戻ることになります。 話に戻ったとき、あなたは邪魔が入る前にどの段階だったのかを思い出す必要があります。 例文: So, where were we before we got interrupted? または Let's start where we left off. または So, let's continue from where we stopped.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Before we were interrupted

  • Before I was interrupted

This is a phrase that is a little formal and so it's less common to hear, but in certain situations you could say, "Before we were interrupted by the waiter, I was telling you about my first time visiting Japan..." This is for a situation where the interruption comes from outside of the conversation. However, if the interruption came from inside of the group, this phrase can be used to express irritation at being interrupted, either playfully or sincerely. In a friendly debate you could say, "Before my friend here interrupted me, I was trying to explain that we actually agree on several important points. Let me explain..." When I was young, my father used this phrase often, usually playfully. When he wanted to re-start a story after being interrupted he would say, "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by my daughter..." But he meant it in a light-hearted and playful way. Have a great day!
これは少し丁寧なフレーズなので、あまり一般的に聞こえないかもしれませんがある状況では、「Before we were interrupted by the waiter, I was telling you about my first time visiting Japan...」ということができます。 これは、外部の会話のせいで中断された状況です。 しかし、グループ内部のせいで中断された場合は、中断によってイライラしたという表現をふざけた感じ、もしくは誠実に使うことができます。 友好的な議論では「Before my friend here interrupted me, I was trying to explain that we actually agree on several important points. Let me explain...」ということができます。 若い頃、私の父はよくこのフレーズをふざけた感じて使っていました。 会話の中断から話し始めたい時「As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by my daughter...」 と言っていました。 軽い気持ちで冗談ぽい意味です。 よい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • Ah, so I was saying..

  • So, as I was saying...

  • Umm, so to continue..

A. Yeah, my bank has some crappy hours as well. B. I know, I need to change banks. A. Yeah, actually I heard that-- C. Hey, you dropped something our wallet when you came out of the bank! A. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for returning it. C. You're welcome. A. Ah, ok, sorry bout that. I can't believe I dropped my wallet. B. Yeah no problem. Don't worry about it. A. So, as I was saying...
例文: A. Yeah, my bank has some crappy hours as well. そう、私の銀行も最悪な時間なのよ。 B. I know, I need to change banks. 知ってる。私は銀行を変えなきゃ。 A. Yeah, actually I heard that-- ええ、実はこんなことを聞いたんだけど・・・ C. Hey, you dropped something our wallet when you came out of the bank! あの、銀行から出た時に財布落としましたよ! A. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for returning it. まあ! 返してくれてありがとうございます。 C. You're welcome. どういたしまして。 A. Ah, ok, sorry bout that. I can't believe I dropped my wallet. あ、ごめん。 財布を落としたなんて信じられない。 B. Yeah no problem. Don't worry about it. 大丈夫よ、心配しないで。 A. So, as I was saying... それで、私が言ってたように・・・
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Now... where was I?

  • Now... where was I? ...before I was so rudely interrupted.

Now where was I is the go to phrase to cover this moment perfectly.... Its the smooth and eeasy way to bend th e ocnversation back to when you were starring;-D Works every time ;-)) Now... where was I? ...before I was so rudely interrupted.
"Now, where was I?" (さて何の話をしてたっけ?) これは、間を埋めるよい表現です。 あなたがしていた話に戻すスムーズで簡単な方法で、 いつでも効果的です。 Now... where was I? ...before I was so rudely interrupted. (失礼に話を遮られるまでは、何の話をしてましたっけ?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Where was I...

  • Anyway...

Usefull expressions for when you are in the middle of a conversation and you get interrupted and then want to resume the sentence. Where was I.. relating to where in the sentence where you before being stopped. Anyway is a causual way of going about it, often considered slightly rude in some cases as again it can be changing the subject away from why you had been interrupted in the first place.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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