世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




How have you been spending your free time recently?などの質問に対して、 冬休みに行きたいところがあるから、行き先について調べたり、計画を練ったり、航空券や宿泊先の手配なんかをしてるよ と言いたいです。
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2018/10/11 17:17
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  • I've been busy planning my next trip.

  • I've been planning my next vacation.

  • I've been setting up an itinerary for my next holiday.

It is important to note that in various parts of the world there are different terms relating to taking time off of work and enjoying recreational activities. Some parts of the world refer to it as 'on vacation,' while other parts of the world refer to it as 'going on holiday.' It is common to use the word 'trip' when traveling anywhere. It is essential to plan your itinerary for a trip since this includes booking flights and accommodation as well as the activities one would like to be involved in when reaching your destination. To set this up means that you have made arrangements for all these things to be booked and paid for as needed.
「休暇を取る」の言い方は、世界のどの地域かによって言い方が変わります。「on vacation」と言うところもありますし、「going on holiday」と言うところもあります。旅行に行く場合には、よく「trip」という言葉が使われます。 旅行には「itinerary」が絶対に必要です。これには、宿泊施設やフライトの予約、目的地での予定が含まれます。「set up an itinerary」は、これらの予約、支払いを済ませることを言います。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I've been planning a trip

  • I've been thinking about where I'd like to go this winter

  • I've been getting ready for vacation

If someone asks "How have you been spending your free time recently?" they're asking about activities outside of work, school, or your normal routine. Therefore, "I've been planning a trip" or either of the other answers would be fine. Whether you include "this winter" or the "booking tickets" details depends on the amount of information you feel the person needs. And unless the planning is taking all of your free time, you can leave out the "I've been busy..." part.
「How have you been spending your free time recently?(最近暇な時は何をしていますか)」これは、仕事や学校、普段の習慣以外の活動を尋ねる質問です。ですから、「I've been planning a trip(旅行を計画しています)」または、他の二つの回答で答えられます。 「this winter(この冬)」「booking tickets(チケットの予約)」を入れべきかどうかは、相手がどの程度の情報を必要としているかによります。 暇な時間すべてを計画を立てることに充てているなら別ですが、そうでないなら「I've been busy...(忙しい)」は入れなくてもいいです。
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • I will be busy planning my trip for this winter.

I will be busy planning my trip for this winter. This phrase speaks about someone who is going to be planning a trip in winter. The person has not started planning yet but they WILL be planning a trip for the winter.
I will be busy planning my trip for this winter. (この冬の旅行の計画で忙しいです。) 冬に旅行を計画している人について言っています。この人は今はまだ計画を立てていません。これから計画を立てます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I've been busy peparing for my trip this winter

  • I have been organising my trip this winter

When you plan a trip there are alot of things to do like booking transport hotels insurance etc to get all this ready is called 'preparing' or 'organising by saying 'this winter' this tells the person when you are going
旅行に行くときには、交通機関やホテルを予約したり保険に入るなどやらないといけないことがたくさんあります。こうした準備のことを 'preparing' または 'organising' といいます。 'this winter'(この冬に)は、いつ行くのかを伝えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I've been very busy recently planning my next adventure this winter

  • In my free time I have been researching where I'd like to go and what I'd like to do this winter break.

Often the reply you'd go into somewhat detailed explanation depending on who is asking the question, friend, relative or just an acquaintance. for a friend or relative its important to list the activities and how you've been spending your time (outside of the normal school, work ect..)
しばしばこの質問に対しては、相手が友達か親類かあるいは単なる知り合いかによって、少し詳しい説明をします。 友達や親類に対しては、(学校や仕事以外で)どのような活動をしてきたのか具体的に伝えることが大切です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I have been busy organizing my next vacation.

  • I have been busy considering how to spend my upcoming vacation.

  • I have been busy planning where to go during my upcoming vacation.

If you are going to go on a vacation soon, it is absolutely necessary to get very busy making preparations for this very important event in which you spend time away from work either with your family, friends or even alone. Getting organized is very important, taking everything into consideration because a vacation can be a nightmare if not well planned. You have to carefully consider where you will go and adequately budget for the trip. All the foregoing can keep you very busy. So, you may say: I have been busy organizing my next vacation. or I have been busy considering how to spend my upcoming vacation. or I have been busy planning where to go during my upcoming vacation.
もうすぐ家族や友達と、あるいは一人で旅行に行くつもりなら、しっかりと準備しないといけませんね。 あらゆることを想定して準備を進めることが重要です。計画性のない旅行というのは悪夢のような結果になることがあります。 どこに行くのかを慎重に検討し、予算も十分に確保しないといけません。 このようなことをしていると、非常に忙しく(busy)なります。 次のように言うことができます。 I have been busy organizing my next vacation. I have been busy considering how to spend my upcoming vacation. I have been busy planning where to go during my upcoming vacation. (次の休暇の計画を立てていて忙しいです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I have been preparing for my next holiday this winter

  • I have been planning my holiday

You could say that you have been doing research and checking reviews to find a decent hotel for your next holiday. You could continue the conversation by asking: Have you been there before? Can you recommend any hotels or things to do? Travel is a topic that everyone likes to talk about.
「次の休みに向けて情報収集したりレビューを確認して良いホテルを探している」と伝えることもできます。 この後、次のように続けることもできます。 Have you been there before? Can you recommend any hotels or things to do?(そこに行ったことはありますか。おすすめのホテルとか何かやった方がいいこととかはありますか) 旅行について話すのが嫌いな人はいませんね。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
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