世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/11 17:25
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  • You can change some things with hard work, but somethings are just out of your control.

  • Some things are not possible to change, but with hard work and persistence other things can be changed.

Both of these answers are general answers that could apply to many things. For example - "If you work hard you might be able to turn the company around, but sometimes you just can't." When something is 'out of your control' it means that you cannot have an effect on it to alter an outcome.
どちらの回答も、一般的な言い方をしているので、いろいろなことについて使えます。 例えば: "If you work hard you might be able to turn the company around, but sometimes you just can't." (努力すれば、会社を建て直せるかもしれないが、できないこともある) 「out of your control」は、結果を変えられないことを表します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Accept what you cannot change. Change what you cannot accept.

  • There are some things that you can change by working hard, and some things that you can't.

The first sentence is a well-known proverb. This indicates that we should accept or come to terms with the fact that there are some things that are beyond our ability to control and therefore all we can do is accept those things for what they are. The second sentence, however, refers to things that we are capable of changing because of our intolerance of them. We can change those things by controlling certain aspects of our lives, namely by working harder with regards to a goal or task, for example, in order to improve our quality of life.
最初の文は有名なことわざです。世の中には私たちにはコントロールできないことがあって、そのまま受け入れるしかない場合があるという意味です。 二つ目の文では、変えられることについて言っています。努力をすることで、例えば生活の質を高めたりすることはできるということです。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Not everything can be changed by working hard, some things can, others can't

  • Sometimes our best efforts can't change a situation.

1. Not everything can be changed by working hard, some things can, others can't 2. Sometimes our best efforts can't change a situation. Both these statements indicate that not every thing or every situation in our lives can change becasue of our efforts, whether our efforts be in the form of work or something else. Sometimes we can try our best to change a situation or make it better but it doesn't work.
1. Not everything can be changed by working hard, some things can, others can't(努力で変えられないものもあります。変えられるものもありますが、変えられないものもあります) 2. Sometimes our best efforts can't change a situation.(時には、どんなに努力をしても状況を変えられないことがあります) どちらの文も、どんなに努力をしても変えることのできない事・状況もあるという意味です。 時には全力を尽くしても状況を変えたり改善できないこともあります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes you can change your circumstances if you work hard enough, but there are some things you can't change.

  • If you work hard enough you can change some things, but some things you can't change no matter how hard you work.

  • There are many things you can change in life but there are also many things you cannot change.

Sometimes you can change your circumstances if you work hard enough, but there are some things you can't change. If you work hard enough you can change some things, but some things you can't change no matter how hard you work. There are many things you can change in life but there are also many things you cannot change. I work at changing the things I can and accepting the things I cant change. You can change your circumstances but you can't change your stripes. (This means like a zebra can't change their stripes so neither can you). The harder you work the more things you can change but some things you just have to accept because you cant change them.
Sometimes you can change your circumstances if you work hard enough, but there are some things you can't change.(努力すれば状況を変えられることもあるけど変えられないものもあります) If you work hard enough you can change some things, but some things you can't change no matter how hard you work.(努力すれば変えられるものもあるけど変えられないものもあります) There are many things you can change in life but there are also many things you cannot change.(人生には変えられるものがたくさんあるけど変えられないものもたくさんあります) I work at changing the things I can and accepting the things I cant change.(変えられることは変えて、変えられないことは受け入れるよう努力しています) You can change your circumstances but you can't change your stripes.(環境は変えられるけども持って生まれたものは変えられない) ※ シマウマがしま模様(stripes)を変えられないように、持って生まれたものは変えられないという意味です。 The harder you work the more things you can change but some things you just have to accept because you cant change them.(努力すればするほど多くのものが変えられますが、変えることができず受け入れるしかないこともあります)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Hard work can change a lot of things, but not everything.

Hard work can change a lot of things, but not everything. - This sentence can be used to express the idea that it's possible to change many things with hard work but hard work cannot change everything.
Hard work can change a lot of things, but not everything.(努力によって変えられるものはたくさんあるけど、変えられないものもある) この文では「努力によって変えられるものはたくさんあるけど、変えられないものもある」と伝えています。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Hard work may have an effect on some things but perhaps not all

  • Working hard may inflence some things, but not all

There are some things that you can change by working hard, and some things that you can't change. you can explain this point by using one of the above suggested comments.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Some you win, some you lose

  • Some things change, some remain the same

  • Sometimes you can make a difference, other times you can't

Often in life there are times when you can work hard and this will make a difference, whether it is in your professional life or in your private life. The first sentence 'some you win, some you lose', is a way of expressing, very simply this idea that sometimes you can change things with hard work and sometimes you can't. It is also an expression of accepting a situation as it is. Hard work may help you change some situations but not always.
人生では、それが仕事であれ私生活であれ、努力によって物事を変えられるときが多いです。 一つ目の文の 'Some you win, some you lose' は「努力で変えられるものと変えられないものがある」のシンプルな言い方です。「現実を受け入れなさい」という意味でも使われます。 Hard work may help you change some situations but not always. (努力で変えられるものもあれば、変えられないものもあります)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • There are some things you can change by working hard, and some things you can't

  • Sometimes even hard work can't change our situation

In life we all have problems and things that happen beyond our control and no matter how hard we work or try they just don't go the way we want them to 'sometimes even hard work can't change our situation' is a simple way to explain this
人生では自分の力ではどうにもならないことが起こります。どれだけ頑張っても、思い通りにならないこともあります。 'sometimes even hard work can't change our situation'(どれだけ頑張っても変えられないこともある)は、これについて説明するシンプルな言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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