世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/14 19:49
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  • Do you still have time?

「まだ時間ありますか?」は英語ではこのようです。 Do you still have time? まだ → still 時間 → time 〜ありますか?→ Do you have〜? 例文 Do you still have time right now? 今時間ありますか? Do you still have time tomorrow? 明日まだ時間ありますか? Do you still have time this weekend? 今週末にまだ時間ありますか? Do you still have time that day? その日にまだ時間ありますか? I found a nice place recently. この前、良い所見つけたんですよ。 Do you want to meet up?/ Do you want to hang out? 遊びに行きませんか? 「遊ぶ」は英語では play に訳しますが、play と言うのは子供の遊びについて使います。大人に対して使わないです。大人と遊ぶ場合には to meet up や to hang out です。To hang out の方が砕けた会話の時に言います。 ご参考までに。
  • Are you still free?

  • Are you still available?

You can ask either "Are you still free?" Or "Are you still available?" Both questions are asking if someone can still meet you, talk to you, etc. The person was ready 20 minutes to an hour ago, and You are asking if they are at that time free or available..... "Are You Still Free To Meet For Lunch?" "Are You Still Available To Review The Reports?" Asking "Are You Still Free?" is More Casual And The Question You Would Ask A Friend. While "Are You Still Available?" Can be used for friends, but is also good to use in Business or formal occasions.
相手に「空いている?」と尋ねるときは、"Are you still free?"または"Are you still available?"のどちらでもOKです。 40分前までは予定がないと言っていた相手が未だ空いているかどうかについて尋ねるときに、上記例文を使います。 "Are you stil free to meet for lunch?" (まだランチに会えるかな?) "Are you still available to review the reports?" (報告書を見直すためにまだお会いできますか?) ”Are you still free?"の方がカジュアルです。”Are you still available?"は、カジュアルな場面でもビジネスやフォーマルな場面でも使えます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you need to go anywhere or do anything right now?

  • Do you have time to go for lunch with me?

  • Are you free to have lunch with me?

You can use the structure: "Do you have time to + VERB.....?" When asking someone to do something but are worried if they have time. What you really want to know, in this case, is if they want to come with you. Don't forget, they may have time but simply don't want to go anywhere or do anything with you. The third example sentence is more typical of a normal conversation, and gives the listener an easy opportunity to sidestep your invitation.
誰かに何かをお願いするとき、相手に時間があるかどうかわからない場合は、 "Do you have time to + 動詞.....?"(~する時間はありますか) の形が使えます。 この場合、一番知りたいのは、一緒に来たいかどうかです。時間はあるけど、一緒に行きたくないという場合もありますので。 三つ目の例は普通の会話で使われることが多いです。相手にとって断りやすい聞き方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you busy?

Are you busy? Asking this question allows you to see whether the person is free or not based on their response. Even if the answer is yes, you can ask what they are doing and again depending on the answer, you will be able to guess how much time it will take them and whether you can ask them to do what you had in mind.
Are you busy? (時間ありますか?) この質問で、相手に時間があるのかどうかが分かります。答えが「はい(忙しいです)」だったとしても、何をしているのか尋ねることができます。その答えに応じて、あとどのくらいの時間がかかって、考えていることを相手にお願いできるか判断できます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Will you have time after this?

Alternatively, if you want to know the specific amount of time the person has, you could ask 'How much time do you have after this?' These are both standard ways of speaking in American English.
別の言い方として、もしどのくらいの時間があるのか具体的に知りたいなら、 "How much time do you have after this? (この後、どのくらい時間がありますか?) と聞けます。 これらはどちらも、アメリカ英語ではスタンダードな言い方です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have anything planned?

  • What are you upto after (event)?

  • Do you fancy going somewhere after?

Do you have anything planned? - This is quite a nice expression & you can use it for the future also. It's basically asking if the person has anything in their schedule. As in; "Do you have anything planned after the conference?" or for the future "Do you have anything planned this Friday? I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cinema with me?". What are you upto after (event)? - Used to spark a conversation with the intent of planning something. As in; "What are you upto after work today? Do you want to grab a bite-to-eat?". Do you fancy going somewhere after? - This may carry a romantic inclination. Normally used if you attracted to someone. As in; "Do you fancy going out for dinner after work?" hopefully the response is something like, "Yea, I'm keen!".
"Do you have anything planned?" (何か予定入っていますか?)こちらは、お役立ち表現です。未来形としても使えます。要するに、相手のスケジュールが空いているか否かについて尋ねる文章です。 ●"Do you have anything planned after the conference?" (会議の後、何か予定入っていますか?) ●"Do you have anything planned this Friday? I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cinema with me?" (今週金曜日は何か予定ありますか?映画でも一緒に観に行きませんか?)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a few more hours to spare?

  • Are you still available?

  • I'd like to hang out some more, are you still free?

We can ask if the other person still has some spare time to hang out by using the above examples. If we would like to spend some extra time with someone we should ask them if they have more time to spend together or if they have other arrangements with their time. For example, after watching a movie together, you can ask if your friend has more time for lunch. "The movie was great! Do have some time for us to have some lunch together?" The person can respond by saying either "Yes, I have some time or "No, sorry, I have no time." Hang out: a casual way of saying 'spend time together'. Arrangements: plans Spare: extra
これらの例を使って、相手にまだ時間を過ごせるか聞くことができます。   誰かともう少し一緒に過ごしたいなら、時間があるか、他に予定があるのか聞くといいでしょう。  例えば、一緒に映画を見た後で、友達にランチをする時間があるか聞くことができます。   "The movie was great! Do have some time for us to have some lunch together?" (映画よかったね!一緒にランチする時間はある?) 相手は "Yes, I have some time"(うん、時間あるよ)と答えるか、 "No, sorry, I have no time."(ごめん、時間ないんだ)と答えてくれるでしょう。 Hang out: 時間を一緒に過ごすという意味のカジュアルなフレーズ Arrangements: plans Spare: extra
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you still have time?

・「Do you still have time?」 (意味)まだ時間ありますか? <例文>Do you still have time? I know a nice coffee shop nearby. <訳>まだ時間ありますか?近くにある結構良いカフェを知ってるんです。 ・vocabulary:nearby 近く ご参考になれば幸いです。
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