世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/15 07:37
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  • 1) I travel alone in safe areas, but I use a guide in dangerous ones

  • 2) I travel alone in safe areas, but I hire a guide in less safe areas.

1) "安全な地域は一人で旅行するけど、危険な地域はガイドを使う" という意味です. 2) "安全な地域は一人で旅行するけど、安全性が低い地域はガイドを雇う" という訳出です.
  • Don't worry, I will hire a guide when I travel to a dangerous area.

  • I only need a guide when the area I travel to is dangerous.

"Don't worry, I will hire a guide when I travel to a dangerous area" lets others know that they do not need to worry about this situation, as you have already thought about it, and planned a safe alternative to traveling alone. "I only need a guide when the area I travel to is dangerous" implies that you will travel alone when you know it is safe, but that you are also aware of the need for assistance in dangerous areas.
"Don't worry, I will hire a guide when I travel to a dangerous area" (心配要らないよ。危険な地域に行くときには、ガイドを雇うから) - 危険な地域では一人で旅行しないので、心配しなくていいと伝えています。 "I only need a guide when the area I travel to is dangerous" (行く所が危険な場所でなければ、ガイドは頼みません) - 安全と分かっている所では一人で旅をすることを示します。危険な地域ではガイドが必要であると考えていることも表しています。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Whilst it is safe I will be by myself. However if I feel that it is dangerous I will get a tour guide.

Whilst it is safe I will be by myself. However if I feel that it is dangerous I will get a tour guide. Is a phrase where someone is reassuring another person of their safety. It is used to show that the person is aware of the possible dangers of going on a trip.
Whilst it is safe I will be by myself. However if I feel that it is dangerous I will get a tour guide. (安全な限り1人でいますが、危険だと感じたらツアーガイドをつけます) これは、人を安心させたいときに使えます。旅行に危険が伴うことは承知していると伝えたいときに使えます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I travel by myself when I am going to safe places, and I will hire a guide when I travel to rough areas.

  • I will travel all by myself when I am going to non-volatile places, but when I go to some of the more dangerous areas, I would always hire me a guide to go with me.

Both answers established the fact that when going to relatively safe areas, I would venture out and go by myself without anyone else or any guide at all, but when going to some of the more dangerous areas, I would think twice before going alone and that I would typically hire somebody like a guide to go with me to ensure my safety. Volatile is another way of saying "dangerous", and is particularly used to describe traveling locations, especially if that area has some type of unrest going on.
上記二つの回答では、比較的安全な地域には一人でガイドも付けずに行くけど、危険な地域に行くときは、より慎重にガイドなどを雇うと伝えています。 "volatile"(危険な/不安定な)は"dangerous"(危険な)の別の言い方です。これは、旅行場所を表す時によく使われます。
Tim M DMM英会話講師
  • I travel independently in safe areas, but use a guide in dangerous ones.

Connectors used in order to contrast two different themes: but, however, on the other hand, conversely, yet. "John is very young yet he already has years of experience."
二つの異なるテーマを対比するのに使われる接続詞には: "but", "hoever", "on the other hand", "conversely", "yet" などがあります。 【例文】 "Jon is very young yet he already has years of experience." [訳]ジョンはとても若いですが、すでに何年も経験を積んでいます
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In areas where it's safe, I travel alone but in unsafe areas, I go with a guide.

"Unsafe" is the opposite of safe. Another way to say "safe areas" is "areas where it's safe." I hope that this helps. :)
"unsafe" は "safe"(安全)の対義語です。 "safe areas"(安全な場所)は "areas where it's safe" と言うこともできます。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I travel alone in the safe areas, But in the dangerous areas I will take a guide with me.

" I travel alone in the safe areas, But in dangerous areas I will take a guide with me" This lets people know that you travel by yourself in places that are safe which means not dangerous, But you also take a guide with you in the places that are dangerous.
"I travel alone in the safe areas, But in dangerous areas I will take a guide with me" (安全な地域は一人で旅行するけど、危険な所ではガイドをつけます) は「安全な場所は一人で旅行するけど、危険な場所ではガイドをつけます」という意味です。 'safe' は 'not dangerous'(危険でない)の意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I travel alone in safe areas but go with a guide in dangerous areas

When you feel happy and not at any risk you say that you feel 'safe' so by saying 'I travel alone in safe areas' means you have noonw with you as you are in a place you feel safe 'but go with a guide in dangerous areas' this means you take someone with you as you feel in danger or as if you might get hurt
不安や危険を感じていない時は、'safe' で表すことができます。 ですから、 'I travel alone in safe areas' は「危険を感じない場所は一人で旅行する」という意味です。 'but go with a guide in dangerous areas'(危険な場所にはガイドを連れて行く) は「危険な場所には一人では行かない」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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