世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/04 16:08
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  • Let's just do our own things and meet up later

「自分のやりたいことをする」という意味でよく"do my own thing"を使います。今回は相手のことも言ってるので複数形になります。 「お互い、自分のやりたいことをして後で合流しよう」という意味です。
  • Let's do things separately (today/ this afternoon etc.)!

  • Why don't we spend time apart (today/ this afternoon etc.)?

誰かと一緒に旅行しても、時々別行動を取るとまた違った街が見えるので、旅行がより充実しますよね。 私からは2つの文を紹介します。 Let's do things separately (today/ this afternoon etc.)!「(今日は/午後は)別々にやりたいことをしよう。」 Why don't we spend time apart (today/ this afternoon etc.)? 「(今日は/午後は)別れて時間を過ごそう。」 別行動する時間を限定するためにtoday, this afternoon,tomorrow morning.. など文末につけるといいと思います。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • I just need to do my solo thing for a while, sorry

  • Sorry, I'm not used to being with someone all day. I'll just stretch my legs for a few minutes.

Yes, this can be awkward - especially when you go on holiday with a buddy and you are used to living alone. Suddenly, it's like being married! They want to walk, you want to sleep; they want to go by taxi, you want to take the bus; they want to see a monastery, you want to buy some clothes. "Where are you going? It's dark outside." "I just need to do my solo thing for a while, sorry. I'll be back soon."
特に一人暮らしが慣れていたのに休暇で友達と出かけていている時なんか特に居心地が悪くなる時がありますよね。 彼らは歩きたい、けど自分は眠い。 彼らはタクシーで行きたがって、自分はバスで行きたい。 彼らは修道院に行きたいけど、自分は服を買いに行きたい。などなど "Where are you going? It's dark outside." どこに行くの?もう暗いよ? "I just need to do my solo thing for a while, sorry. I'll be back soon." ちょっと一人で行動したくなったんだ。ごめん、すぐ戻るよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Let's separate now and meet up later.

  • Why don't we do our own thing now, and just meet up later?

You could say:- 1. Let's separate now and meet up later. 今すぐ別れて、後で会いましょう。 2. Why don't we do our own thing now, and just meet up later? どうして今は自分のことをやって、ちょうど後で会うの? By asking a question and using the expression "why don't we' before the suggestion, is a very polite way of suggesting something to someone.
このように言うことが出来ます。 1. Let's separate now and meet up later. 今は別行動して、後で会いましょう。 2. Why don't we do our own thing now, and just meet up later? お互い別行動して、ちょっと後で会うのはどう? 質問の文頭に "why don't we"を付けることによって、丁寧な提案になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind if I go around by myself?

別行動とは、一人で行動するという意味があるので、以下の表現で伝えることができます。 Do you mind if I go around by myself? (私一人で色々見てきてもいいですか?) Do you mind if は 「~しても良いですか」という意味なので、冒頭におくと相手をあまり傷つけずに伝えることができると思います。 また、go aroundは「回ってみる」、by myselfは「自分で」という意味になります。
  • Hey guys, I am going to explore on my own today and catch up with you later.

  • Do you guys mind if I do my own things today?

  • I am going to split from the team today, I want to do a few things on my own today.

>Hey guys, I am going to explore on my own today and catch up with you later. >Do you guys mind if I do my own things today? >I am going to split from the team today, I want to do a few things on my own today. *Explore=travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it. *guys=people of either sex. Example 1 Friend: Yo dudes, what are we going to do today? You:Hey guys, I am going to explore on my own today and catch up with you later. Example 2 Friend: Yo dudes, what are we going to do today? You:Do you guys mind if I do my own things today? Example 3 Friend: Yo dudes, what are we going to do today? You:I am going to split from the team today, I want to do a few things on my own today.
Hey guys, I am going to explore on my own today and catch up with you later. Do you guys mind if I do my own things today? I am going to split from the team today, I want to do a few things on my own today. *Explore=学ぶために馴染みのないところにいくこと。 *guys=男女いずれか。 以下のように言うこともできます。 例文1 Friend: Yo dudes, what are we going to do today? 今日何をするの? You:Hey guys, I am going to explore on my own today and catch up with you later. 今日は一人で行動したいので、後で合流します。 例文2 Friend: Yo dudes, what are we going to do today? 今日何をするの? You:Do you guys mind if I do my own things today? 今日は別行動をしたいんだけどいいですか? 例文3 Friend: Yo dudes, what are we going to do today? 今日何をするの? You:I am going to split from the team today, I want to do a few things on my own today. 今日は一人で行動したいので、別行動をしましょう。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I have to run an errand, lets meet later

  • I have a few things to take care of today

An errand is a short trip that you make in order to do a job for someone, for example when you go to a shop to buy something for them. She went off on some errand. She had a more urgent errand. When you meet someone, either by chance or by arrangement, you can refer to this event as a meeting. Lets meet for coffee. I will meet you at the cafe. Take care of = things to do I have business to take care of.
An errand は、誰かのためにお使いに行くことを指します。 例えば、お買い物などお店で誰かのために何かを買ってくることですね。 She went off on some errand. 彼女ならおつかいに行ったよ。 She had a more urgent errand. 彼女なら急なお買い物に行ったよ。 When you meet someone, either by chance or by arrangement, you can refer to this event as a meeting. 誰かに会うとき、by chance by arrangementということで、その出会いを修飾することができます。 Lets meet for coffee. お茶でもしようよ。 I will meet you at the cafe. カフェで会おうよ。 Take care of = やるべきこと 例 I have business to take care of. やるべき仕事があるんだ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to go out by myself for a little, let's catch up later?

  • Do you mind if I have some time to myself for a little?

When you want to explain to someone that you would like some time to yourself, you can say: "I'm going to go out by myself for a little, let's catch up later?" "Do you mind if I have some time to myself for a little?"
「別行動したい」は、次のように言えます。 "I'm going to go out by myself for a little, let's catch up later?"(ちょっと一人で出掛けてきます、後で何があったか話しましょう) "Do you mind if I have some time to myself for a little?"(少し別行動してもいいですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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