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What's your favorite TV show?だとall time favoriteになりますか? 今ハマってる、観てる番組の聴き方を知りたいです。
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2018/10/19 10:16
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  • What is your favorite tv show right now?

  • What have you been watching lately?

Both of these answers are fairly common. "What is your favorite tv show right now?"- This question asks what your favorite show is at this time. Favorite meaning that you watch it the most or before choosing another show to watch. "What have you been watching lately?" - Watching lately, meaning recently, in the past few months, etc. This can be applied to tv shows, Youtube, movies, etc.
上記例文は、割に使われる表現です。 ●"What is your favorite TV show right now?" (今、貴方が好きなテレビ番組は何ですか?) 相手の今好きなテレビ番組について尋ねるときの例文です。”Favorite"は「お気に入り」という意味で、この場合は、一番よく見る番組のことです。 ●"What have you been watching lately?" (最近、何観てるの?) "Lately"(最近)は、"recently"(最近)や"in the past few months"(ここ数か月間)の同義語です。テレビ番組以外に、YouTubeや映画などについても同じ質問形式で相手に尋ねることが出来ます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • What are the TV shows that are keeping you glued to the screen currently?

  • Which TV shows are you watching regularly these days?

  • Could you tell me which TV shows you are watching nowadays please?

The expression 'glued to the screen', used in the first inquiry means watching with keen interest, in this case, watching TV shows with a lot of interest. The adverb 'regularly' used in the second question actually means on a regular basis or frequently. If you are watching a particular TV show frequently or regularly, then that is the TV show that keeps you glued to the TV screen these days as opposed to the past. So, you may ask in any of the following ways: What are the TV shows that are keeping you glued to the screen currently? or Which TV shows are you watching regularly these days? or Could you tell me which TV shows you are watching nowadays please?
一つ目の例で使われている 'glued to the screen' は、「熱心に見る」という意味です。この場合は、テレビ番組を熱心に見るということ。 二つ目の例で使われている副詞の 'regularly' は「定期的に」や「頻繁に」という意味です。 "Which TV shows are you 'watching' regularly these days?" は、(過去ではなく)今現在よく見ているテレビ番組を尋ねます。 次のように質問できます。 What are the TV shows that are keeping you glued to the screen currently? (今気に入っているテレビ番組は何ですか) Which TV shows are you watching regularly these days? (最近よく見ているテレビ番組は何ですか) Could you tell me which TV shows you are watching nowadays please? (最近見ているテレビ番組を教えてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What are you watching at the moment?

  • Have you been watching any good series recently?

  • What TV shows are you into right now?

All of these answers are good for asking someone what they have been watching on TV recently. The top answer "What are you watching at the moment?" is probably most commonly used in the UK as a chat between friends or as a conversation starter. With services like Netflix and other only streaming companies there is a lot of different shows produced. The second answer can be changed a little bit to ask about films too. For example - "Have you watched any good films recently?"
上記例文は、最近テレビで何を観ているかについて尋ねるときの表現です。 一つ目の例文、"What are you watching at the moment?"(今何を観てるの?)は、イギリスで友達同士が会話を始めるときによく使う表現です。ネットフリックスやその他ストリーミング配信のようなサービス業では、たくさんの番組が制作されています。 二つ目の例文の"series"(シリーズ)を映画と置き換えると、"Have you watched any good films recently?"(最近何か良い映画観た?)と映画について尋ねることも出来ます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything your into on the telly at the moment?

  • Have you been watching anything good on TV lately?

Is there anything your into on the telly at the moment? - 'Into' being interested in & 'telly' is British English for TV. You can ask someone, not necessarily for recommendations but for small talk, if there is something that they have been interested in watching. As in; "Is there anything your into on the telly recently?" reply, "Yea, I'm really into this new cooking comedy competition show called JakitSpud!". Have you been watching anything good on TV lately? - Standardized small talk which should spark a conversation. As in; "Have you been watching anything good on TV lately?" reply "Nea, not really. There has been nothing on the box that has caught my eye. What about you?". 'Box' being TV & 'caught my eye' found interesting.
"Is there anything you're into on the telly at the moment?" (今はまっているテレビ番組はある?)ここでの"into"は「はまっている」という意味です。 "Telly"はイギリス英語でテレビという意味です。 おすすめの番組について聞く以外に、世間話として聞いてみるのも良いでしょう。例えば、 ●"Is there anything you're into on the telly recently?" (最近はまってるテレビ番組ある?) ●"Yea, I'm really into this new cooking comedy competition show called 'JakitSpud!'" (うん、JakitSpud!というコメディ系料理対決番組にはまってるんだ。) "Have you been watching anything good on TV lately?" (最近何か面白いテレビ番組観てる?)は、世間話にうってつけです。例えば― ●"Have you been watching anything good on TV lately?" (最近何か面白いテレビ番組観てる?) ●"Nea, not really. There has been nothing on the box that has caught my eye. What about you?" (いいや、特にないね。注意を引くような番組は何もやってないよ。君は?) ”Box"はテレビのことです。”Caught my eye"は「注意を引く・目に留まる」という意味のイディオムです。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • What tv series are you into right now?

If you are into something, it means that you like it and are interested in it. We call tv shows series because they have many episodes. I hope that this helps. :)
I'm into something' は、好きで興味のある事を表します。 テレビ番組のことは series といいます。たくさんのエピソードがあるからです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What shows are you watching right now?

  • What shows are you into at the moment?

These questions are asking someone what 'shows' such as TV program / TV series they are currently watching or are currently enjoying at the moment. it does not have to be their favorite of all time but at this moment in time. To be 'Into' something is a causal expression used to express that you like something, ex. "I am really into football at the moment" and "I am really into the new TV program on channel 7 these days!".
どちらの質問も、今よく見ているテレビ番組を尋ねます。「今までで一番好きなテレビ番組」ではなく「今よく見ているテレビ番組」です。 'Into' は、好きなものを言うときのカジュアルな表現です。 例えば: "I am really into football at the moment"(今すごくサッカーにハマっています) "I am really into the new TV program on channel 7 these days!"(最近チャンネル7の新番組にハマっています)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What TV shows are you currently watching?

  • What TV shows are you following right now?

  • What shows have you been watching lately?

What TV shows are you currently watching? - You can use the word "currently" as it means 'right now'. What TV shows are you following right now? - "Following" is a common expression used to say that you are watching someone or something, for example "I follow the Game of Thrones series". What shows have you been watching lately? - You don't technically even need to say TV, as some people might say they don't watch TV (it is sometimes connected to having cable, where a lot of people stream online nowadays, eg. Netflix, Hulu, etc.). "Lately" is another way of saying "recently"or "...up to today".
What TV shows are you currently watching?(今どんなテレビ番組を見ていますか) → "currently" という単語が使えます。"currently" は 'right now'(今現在)という意味です。 What TV shows are you following right now?(今どんなテレビ番組を見ていますか) → "following" は、「〔人・ものを〕見ている」と言うときに使われる一般的な表現です。 例えば: "I follow the Game of Thrones series".(『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』シリーズを見ています) What shows have you been watching lately?(最近どんな番組を見ていますか) → 厳密には、'TV' は言う必要ありません、「テレビは見ない」という人もいるかもしれません。最近は、テレビにケーブルをつないでNetflixやHuluなどのストリーミングサービスを利用する人が少なくありません。 "lately" は "recently"(最近)または "...up to today"(今日まで)の別の言い方です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • What show are you into these days?

  • Which TV series are you watching currently?

  • What have you been watching lately?

Television is a central part of American culture. In the US the word 'show' may refer to a TV show without even mentioning TV. Now with the internet streaming, 'TV series' is being used more, especially with those streaming TV shows online. Also 'watching' usually would indicate 'watching TV' without even mentioning TV. 'Currently', 'lately', and 'these days' are common ways to talk about the recent past and present.
テレビはアメリカ文化の中心です。 アメリカでは 'TV' なしの 'show' だけで「テレビ番組」の意味になることがあります。 近年はインターネットのストリーミングサービスによって 'TV series'(テレビの連続番組)はより広い意味で使われるようになっています。 'watching' は 'TV' がなくても 'watching TV'(テレビを見る)を指すことが多いです。 'currently' 'lately' そして 'these days' は「最近」の一般的な言い方です。
Aaron CC DMM英会話講師
  • At present, what is your favourite tv show?

  • Right now, what is your favourite tv show?

  • At the moment, what is your favourite tv show?

To make it clear that you are asking what is your favourite tv show right now as opposed to an all time favourite tv show, you can start the sentence in different ways eg using the words, "At present.........." or "Right now......" or "At the moment........". These sentences can also all begin with "What is your favourite tv show" and you can add on to the end of the sentence either, "at present?", "right now?" or "at the moment?"
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • What TV show are you into at the minute?

  • What are you watching at the moment?

  • Watching anything good at the minute?

What TV show are you into at the minute? What are you watching at the moment? Watching anything good at the minute? When you want to ask someone what they are watching at the moment, you can ask one of these three questions. They are all more or less the same, as you can see, so you can pick one, give it a go, and if you don't like it, pick another one. Have fun. I hope that helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What's your favourite TV series/show right now?

  • What are some of your favourite shows on right now?

If you would like to ask someone what their favourite show is currently, you can say something like "What's your favourite TV series/show right now?' or "what shows are you currently into?". The word favourite is often shortened to "fav" when you are speaking informally to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What TV shows are you currently watching?

  • What TV shows are you watching right now?

We can use these two questions interchangeably to ask about what TV shows people are watching. Notice that in these two examples that we use the adverbs, "currently," or, "right now," to ask what is going on presently.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What TV shows are you watching at the moment?

  • Are there any good TV shows that you're watching at the moment?

Generally if you ask questions like this, you are interested to find out what kind of TV shows that person likes. People also ask these types of questions to find out what some good TV shows are, so they can watch it for themselves.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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