Here we go again!:でた、まただよ!
Here goes (comes) his hobbyhorse!:でた、十八番のやつ出してきたよ!
ここでは“十八番=hobbyhorse”と訳してみました。他のニュアンスはHere we go again!とあまり変わらないので、さらにうんざりした感じで言ってみましょう。
Hope you dig 'em!
In the U.S., if it is someone's go-to song. It is the song that they always like to sing because it is comfortable and familiar to them. If you say, "Here we go again", it shows that it irritates you when that person chooses that song again.
"Here we go again"(まただわ)と言うと、これは誰かがまた同じ歌を歌うことへの苛立ちを表します。
Qさんが書いたように、うんざりしてる時などに、「でた」や「またかよ」などの意味として"here we go again"はよく言います。
私は十八番と同じような表現を知らないので、自分だったらその後もっと言うのなら、「いつもこの歌歌うんだよねー」という意味で"he always sings this song"を付けます。
Same old same old = used to convey that something is drearily predictable or familiar.
"The game's fantasy setting is the same old, same old."
Oh my god! = this is an expression of surprise sometimes abbreviated in text form to: OMG.
Change the record = used for telling someone or talking about someone who you want ,to stop talking about, or singing the same thing because they are annoying you
"He keeps talking about sex. I wish he would change the record!"
same old same oldとは、何度も見慣れて、あからさまに予想がつくことを表すことを言います。
"The game's fantasy setting is the same old, same old." このゲームのファンタジーの設定はいつも通りだ。
Oh my god! =これは、よくOMGで短くいわれる驚きを表す表現です。
Change the record とは、いらいらするのでやめて欲しいことを相手に伝えるときに言います。
"He keeps talking about sex. I wish he would change the record!":エッチな話しかしないけど、他に言うことはないのかな。
If someone starts singing the same old song that he/she always sings at a Karaoke shop, you may be extremely bored by this person. You would rather listen to something new or something different. However, it is difficult for some people to change, old habits die hard.
So, you may say:
This song bores me stiff.
There he/she goes again, singing the same old song.
This person always sings this song, old habits die hard.
This song bores me stiff.
There he/she goes again, singing the same old song.
This person always sings this song, old habits die hard.
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)
“He/she can’t get enough of this song”
Can’t get enough
– wants more, needs more.
“Oh no, not again”
– indicating that you have heard the same song over and over again.
“He/she sounds like a broken record”
An expression coming from a vinyl record being broken when played on a vinyl record player.
If the record or needle of the player is broken, the same part of the song will play repeatedly until removed/stopped.
When we hear the same thing over and over again, we use the expression “sounds like a broken record”, also meaning, we are tired/bored of hearing it.
“He/she can’t get enough of this song”
Can’t get enough
“Oh no, not again”
- 同じ曲を何度も繰り返し聞いたことを示しています。
“He/she sounds like a broken record”
ビニールレコードプレーヤー(レコード盤プレーヤー)で演奏されたレコードが壊れているという表現。 プレーヤーのレコード盤または針が壊れている場合、停止するまで曲の同じ部分がずっと繰り返し再生されます。
DMM英会話講師 Alex CB(アレックス)